Hello readers! I hope September has treated you well and I wish that October treats you even better. With Thanksgiving and Halloween in the same month, it sure ought to!

Finding time to volunteer can be hard. Especially when you’re a university student who’s trying to have a social life on the weekends while also trying to complete the assignments that are bombarded your way during the week.

I wasn’t volunteering much during my first year and half as a university student but then once I started, I never looked back. I’ve volunteered for quite a few different organizations now and the knowledge and the experience that I’ve gained along with the people that I’ve met has really made it a lot of fun. I’ve not only improved my writing and public-speaking skills, but have also improved my organizational and time-management skills.

As cliché as it may sound, helping others really does make me feel good. It’s satisfying in a way that’s hard to explain. Knowing that you made a difference or that you helped someone can boost your mood as well as your overall health.

If you would like to volunteer in the community or on-campus I highly suggest you attend these events:

  • Project Serve Day on October 1st
  • Volunteer Victoria & On-Campus Volunteer Fair on October 6th.

    More details at the end of this post.

Volunteering has many benefits, and I shall now list some of them below:

Helps You Make New Connections:
You are guaranteed to meet new people through the world of volunteerism. From new students to coworkers to customers/clients; you’ll find yourself interacting with a diverse group of people. This will not only help improve your interpersonal skills but will also provide you with a great networking opportunity.
You’ll also have the opportunity to learn about others and their experiences and you never know when someone might come in handy. And, there’s no such thing as too many contacts 😉

Looks Great On Your Résumé:
From graduate school applications to job applications, having some volunteer experience takes your application from an ‘eh, maybe’ to a ‘hell-yeah!’, provided you meet all other requirements!
It’s a way to show your employer/admissions officer what you’re passionate about and what interests you. It’s also a great way to show them that you can balance and manage your time.
Now go ace that interview!

Is Linked with Your Academic Success:
Wondering why almost all schools give so much importance to volunteer experience?
Well, research shows that there is a positive link between community service and academic performance. Students who volunteer or are part of a mandatory community service project tend to have a higher GPA and also tend to have a lower drop-out rate.
So go ahead, sign up for a volunteer position and give your studies a boost!

Improves Your Health:
Community service not only helps reduce stress and anxiety but research suggests that helping others can make you happy, and volunteering can provide you with a strong social-support network which may even help combat depression.
If your role as a volunteer involves some physical activity, then this may help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, chronic pain, and heart disease!
Helping others and making a difference in your community gives you a sense of purpose and pride which in turn improves your overall health.

Wondering How You Can Start Volunteering?

If you want to volunteer like Katniss from Hunger Games, then check out these two events:

  • Participate in Project Serve Day and make a difference in your community. On October 1st, join a team of UVic students and alumni who will volunteer with nonprofit organizations throughout Victoria and Vancouver Island.
    For more info and to apply, visit this website.
  • Head over to the Student Union Building (SUB) on October 6th anytime between 9:30am and 3:00pm to learn more about how you can get involved on-campus or in the community. The fair will be featuring more than 50 non-profit agencies as well as on-campus opportunities, so that you can find an organization that fits your needs.
    And come say hi if you see me at the Student Mental Health Leaders’ table! 🙂


See you next time 😀
– Akshay
I LIVE for comments! Ask your burning questions, let me know you stopped by, and share your volunteer experiences with me!

1 Comment

  1. Love the gifs 🙂 It’s really cool that a lot of volunteer things are starting to put in on your transcript.

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