Annie M.
Past UVic Student Mental Health Blogger

Hi readers! I’m Annie. I’m a third year psychology student from Bowen Island, B.C.
I’ve island-hopped between Bowen and Vancouver Island for the past three years, and I love it. I’m passionate about the outdoors, music, anything to do with the ocean, and working with my community. I love to spend my free time drawing (badly), playing piano and guitar, and adventuring around our beautiful coastline on foot or under sail. I hope to continue working in the psychology field when I finish my BSc, and have grad school as my next goal.
As a psych student and someone who has volunteered with UVic mental health initiatives in the past, I’ve come to realize that mental health and wellbeing are integral aspects of everyone’s lives. Everyone struggles with these issues or has been touched by them in some way, so why not take positive action together and talk about it? I hope that we can come together to work against some of the stigmas that tend to go hand in hand with these topics. I really think that UVic has a unique sense of community and togetherness that will help us to do this. I look forward to hopefully meeting and working with some of you in the future!

Flowing through Finals
Hi Folks! It’s a beautiful time of year right now. The cherry trees are blooming, the sun is shining on the students lounging on the quad, and our rain-jacket/Blundstones uniform is slowly being traded out for lighter wear. As amazing as it is to finally have some...

What Is Rumination, and How Do We Stop It?
Have you ever heard of rumination? Its a term that describes continuously going over a thought, worry, or problem in your mind without being able to come to a resolution or find closure. Rumination is akin to dwelling; even though you might know that the thoughts...

Why Self-Care Isn’t Always Pretty
Hey folks! What comes to mind when you think when you think of self- care? Most students are no strangers to reading about the concept, but I’ve been seeing a lot of #selfcare articles featuring 8-dollar bath bombs, manicures, and exotic herbal teas....

First Years: Do You Know the Mental Health Resources Available to You at UVic?
First year is a hectic time: There are so many transitions to navigate. Many people in their first year are experiencing many other firsts, too: First time living away from home, first time having to make your own schedule and be autonomously responsible for yourself,...

4 Reasons Why Anger Can Be a Positive Emotion
The emotion of anger is stigmatized: It's associated with violence, recklessness, and poor self-regulation. What few people realize is that anger is OK! Everyone experiences anger. From an evolutionary perspective, we experience anger to better navigate interpersonal...

5 Great Mindfulness Practices That Take Less Than One Minute
Mindfulness practices have been getting a lot of attention in the media lately, and in our hustling, bustling world, it's easy to see why: There is such value in taking a moment to ground yourself. Mindfulness is a form of meditation- it serves to calm our minds and...

UVic Has a Weekly Pet Café and it’s Amazing
Hey, everyone! It’s been over a month since the semester started, and school is starting to get pretty hectic. Exams, papers, and the cold weather are in full force. You might be starting to feel a bit little like this: Source:...