Neraj Manhas
Past UVic Student Mental Health Blogger

My name is Neraj M. and I studied microbiology and psychology at UVic. I am excited to be a mental health blogger because I truly understand how important mental health is for maximizing your university experience. I’m here to hopefully pass on some tips and tricks that could have made the beginning of my university life easier.
Besides this blog, I enjoy serving my local community by working with marginalized populations. Currently I enjoy volunteering with individuals with vision impairment and brain injuries. I am also a huge sports fan, I think TSN is the only channel I have watched in the last 10 years! Living in Victoria, it is probably no surprise that I try to stay as active as possible. I enjoy boxing, basketball, soccer, weightlifting, hiking and running. Recently I have been trying to learn how to play the guitar and I also hope to learn French sometime in the future! I hope everyone can take something away from here to experience more positive mental health during their university experience.

Promote Wellbeing on Campus!
Hey everyone! Are you interested in promoting positive mental health and wellbeing on campus here at UVic? Are you a compassionate and caring individual looking to make a widespread impact on campus? If so, the Student Life Leadership program (formerly Peer Helping)...

Problematic Internet Use
Hey everyone! I watched a great TEDx talk by Dr Kimberly Young and it inspired me to share what I learned from the video. In the past I have personally been frustrated with myself for spending too much time browsing Internet forums and places like Reddit when I...

How to Maintain your Mental Health Post-Breakup
Hey Everyone! I recently read that the most common time for couples to break up is right before Christmas. Considering that we just finished our holiday break, some of you may be struggling with a difficult break up right now. I know personally that it can be very...

Lets Change the Conversation: Positive Self Talk
Hey Everyone! I wanted to discuss the power of positive self- talk because it has made such a big difference in my personal and academic life. After I changed how I talked to myself, I started noticing great increases in well-being, productivity and relations with...

World Kindness Day!
Hi again friends, I hope everyone had some time to de-stress and relax during reading break! There are only about 3 weeks left till exams start so keep your head up and keep pushing forward! Did you know that World Kindness Day is on...

Gain Happiness by Giving Gratitude
Hey Friends, I know a lot of you are probably stressed with schoolwork and midterm exams. However, I hope the demands of school aren't getting you too down. If you are feeling a bit low or unhappy these days that is OK, we all go...

Workshops to Improve Your Mental Health
Hey friends! Midterms got you down? Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed or anxious? That is OK because most, if not all students have either been in, or are in your shoes. Many of us are always looking outwards, rarely focusing on our own...

Mental Health First Aid Workshop
Hey readers, I hope the first two weeks of school are going well! I know most of you are probably busy settling into the semester and starting to study for upcoming midterms. Yeah that’s right, don’t sleep on your studying because midterms...

A Toolkit for Positive Mental Health
Lets be honest, most of us will feel stressed or overwhelmed at some point in our undergrad (probably more often than not). We might look around campus and see hundreds of smiling students and think that everyone is super happy and free of...

How can you stress less for school success?
Hi Everyone! With classes beginning, I am sure many of you have set both long-term and short-term goals for yourself. Goals are great especially if they are specific, measurable, attainable, and time-bound. There is a lot to be said about...