Hey Everyone,

My last few blogs have really emphasized the importance of relationships, social connection and emotional support and this event is a great way to help you learn more about this area. On March 15th, the Peer Support Workshop, put on by the Student Mental Health Leaders will explore topics such as recognizing distress, active listening, self-care, and boundaries. The topics that are covered will help you establish skills for yourself and to help others. I’ve noticed over the years that being a part of a support system for a friend or a family member is such an important part of life, it helps enrich your relationships into deeper and more meaningful ones, and allows you to help make a small or even a big change in someone else’s life. Also, it can help you understand yourself better when helping someone with similar challenges in life.
Like everyone, I’ve gone through stressful and challenging times in my years during my undergrad, and every time anything happened, I had peer support to get me through it. My best friend lives in another city, but is there to talk to me at ANY time. She knows just what to say when I’m in a crisis and somehow helps me get through whatever it is I’m dealing with by being a great listener, and being genuinely caring. My sister is also that person for me – I know that I can talk to her about anything without any judgment – a quality that is hard to possess. People like these helped me through my university years and through life in general. They possess skills that you can learn or improve in this workshop.

This workshop is also great if you are thinking of going into a counselling career or you just want to better your communication and relationship skills. At the end of the workshop you can also receive a certificate for completing the workshop, a great added bonus for participating.

The event is on March 15th from 4-6 pm in the UVic ARC Classroom (Hodges 104).
To sign up for the workshop reserve your spot by e-mailing PSWuvic@gmail.com
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to learn new skills that can help you become part of a support system for another person, a necessity for everyone.

– A

The views expressed in this blog are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of the University of Victoria. I monitor posts and comments to ensure all content complies with the University of Victoria Guidelines on Blogging.