Hey everyone, I’m happy to announce that reading break is almost here. After a busy few weeks of classes, reading break is a great time to see family and reconnect with friends. Unfortunately, between endless amounts of home-cooked meals and the comfort of our own bed, it often presents the perfect opportunity for our physical health to go out the window. As we’ve discussed before, mental and physical health go hand in hand. Things that are detrimental to our mental health will usually have a poor impact on our physical health. Similarly, poor physical conditions will have a negative effect on our mental health. The same statement can be reversed for positive conditions. With that in mind, here are 5 tips for staying healthy over reading break:


1. Exercise: Here’s the obvious one. I know this might be hard to find time for but even simply stretching throughout the week will make it easier to stay fit when school hits again.


2. Sleep Well: It may seem tempting to stay up all night and sleep in all day but a messed up sleep routine is not going to help you come class time. While I wholeheartedly encourage you to have fun and go out, try to keep your sleep schedule somewhat in check.


3. Eat Well: Going home means free groceries and junk food you don’t have to buy. While I will never be the one to tell you not to enjoy them, make sure you’re getting enough fruits and vegetables, balance is key.



A photo of fruit at a grocery store

4. Get Fresh Air: Don’t spend the whole time in your bedroom. It’s nice to have some down time but make sure you don’t forget to be active. Reading break is the perfect time for hiking or exploring your hometown; go on an adventure and give your lungs a treat.


5. Relax: Don’t stress out. Your grandmother will forgive you for not having a girlfriend and your parents won’t hate you if you’re failing a class. No amount of homemade lasagna will ruin your figure forever and make sure to let go of the stress of exams so they don’t consume your week off.  Take time to enjoy your family and do the things you love.


Spending time at home can be tough sometimes. Between good food, no classes and all our friends and family, we may forget to take care of ourselves. Try to keep in mind these tips while enjoying your week off. See you back soon!


Keep smiling




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