Hey friends!


Midterms got you down? Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed or anxious? That is OK because most, if not all students have either been in, or are in your shoes. Many of us are always looking outwards, rarely focusing on our own mental health. However, it is important to take care of our mental health as well. I want to point out some resources through Counselling Services that can help. Remember that reaching out for help is not a weakness, it is a strength!


  • Changeways for Mood and Stress Management – This is a 7-session CBT group that can help you live your life more fully. If you are depressed, acutely stressed, or dealing with anxiety, consider this group to help improve your mood and stress management skills. Thu Oct 15-Nov 26, 2:30-400 pm


  • Managing Anxiety & Panic Attacks – Panic attacks are often accompanied by anxiety about the possibility of having another attack. This 6 week cognitive behavioral therapy workshop will teach grounding and calming strategies, realistic thinking and planning. Wed Oct 21- Dec 2, 2:30 -4pm


  • Mindful Way Through Stress- Are you constantly anxious or stressed? Do you have difficulty staying in the present moment, instead always worrying about the past or future? Then consider the 5 session introduction to Mindfulness that will introduce a range of experiential exercises with opportunities for practice, reflection and discussion. Wed Nov 4- Dec 9, 1:00-2:20 pm


  • Career Exploration Workshop- Are you confused about what to major in? Are you searching for a career that may be a good fit for you? Then check out this 7-session workshop to help increase self-awareness and build confidence with career interest. You will also learn how to research your options and prepare for your career journey! Note: there is a $20 testing fee for this workshop. Jan-Apr 2016 term


If you are considering any of these groups or workshops, drop by the UVic Counselling Services office or call them at 250-721-8341 for more information and registration. Many of these workshops will be running next semester too so be sure to sign up in advance!!


Counselling services does amazing things for helping students improve their overall health, including mental health. One way to destigmatize mental health issues is by first changing our own attitudes towards taking care of ourselves. Seeking help for depression, anxiety, or panic attacks, etc. should be no different than seeking help for the flu.

The views expressed in this blog are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of the University of Victoria. I monitor posts and comments to ensure all content complies with the University of Victoria Guidelines on Blogging.