About Patience

About Patience

Hey readers, Today, I wanted to discuss something a little more personal to me. Over the last few months, I’ve been through a lot of ups and downs with my mental health, and I’m finally feeling like I’ve got both feet back on the ground. This time helped to highlight...
How to Deal with a Bad Grade

How to Deal with a Bad Grade

Hey everyone, It happens to all of us – getting a bad grade – whether it’s in an exam or a class. It happens, and it sucks. As university students, there is a lot of pressure for us to get good grades, whether it is to get into other programs after our...
Brain Food for Exam Time

Brain Food for Exam Time

Hey readers, I know we’re all drowning in a swamp of midterms and assignments right now but this is important. As appealing as it may seem to live off Cap’s mozzarella sticks and Oreos while we cram for our exams, eating junk food 3 times a day isn’t exactly a...