Research Opportunity Available

Job scams are on the rise and UVic keeps getting newer and newer campaigns of such scams. There has already been a lot of posts in the past about spotting job scams. Here are a few that can be checked out:

Job scam impersonating UVic professor with subject "Research Opportunity Available".


Subject: Research Opportunity Available
Sender: Prof. Cl**** Ca**** <****>

Notice: This message was sent from outside the University of Victoria email system. Please be cautious with links and sensitive information.

University of Victoria, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science is currently seeking the services of Research Assistants to join the Department of Computer Science under the supervision of Professor **** at the Software Engineering Global Interaction Laboratory for 6 hours weekly.
The primary Research is in the area of Natural Language processing (NLP) where our goal is to develop algorithms and systems that will vastly improve a users ability to find, absorb and extract information from online- text .
The group’s research generally proceeds at two levels; We focus both on building real systems for large-scale natural language processing tasks and on developing techniques to address underlying theoretical problems in the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic analysis of natural language
Assist with the design and implementation of research projects on campus
Conduct literature reviews and summarize key findings
Collect and analyze data using appropriate statistical methods
Graduate and Undergraduate students interested in working with Professor **** should submit a copy of their current course schedule and resume for review.


Best regards,

[redacted professor name]
Computer Science
Office: ****