Access The Specialized Tutor Program
You will be paired with a grad student in your subject of study, providing you with a well versed tutor and them with the chance to teach!

Want some extra help in that super-tough course? Set yourself up for success with regular, one-on-one sessions with a Learning Assistance Program Tutor!
The Specialized Tutor Program connects you with trained tutors from departments across campus. Investigate new strategies designed to help you:
- Understand and learn course content
- Draw on your individual learning strengths
- Learn about your department standards and expectations for exams and assignments
How it works:
- Accessing a LAP Tutor is the most convenient way to find qualified, course-specific tutoring.
- Our Tutors are typically graduate students, hired and trained by the Learning Assistance Program.
- You and your LAP Tutor will meet for regularly scheduled appointments throughout the term. Additional support is available through Learning Assistance Program Coordinators as needed.
- Email for more information.
Student Testimonials
My tutor in this course was completing her Masters degree in the same field. As such, she was clear, concise, and she reviewed the material in an intuitive manner.
[My tutor] was very knowledgeable and really helped me stay focused and work hard on my goals. They helped me immensely in understanding the material with ease and building confidence with positive feedback.
A total lifesaver!
[My tutor] helped make material meaningful to me and break it down in a way that I was able to learn it effectively.
This program is awesome. It’s well before it’s time and is absolutely the reason I’ve been able to make it through school. I would be willing to tell anyone about how great it is.