Discover Our Many Services
We have options for ALL Uvic students, and look forward to meeting and providing you with the best learning tools for your needs!

Learning Strategist and/or Specialized Tutor Program
The Learning Strategist and Tutor Programs are open to all UVic students! Our program curriculum, resources, and employee training are based on the principles of Universal Design. This means we build our services to support the success of all students looking for personalized learning tools.
If you want to know more about working with a Learning Strategist or Specialized Tutor, the first step is to attend an orientation meeting. Our orientation will give you a chance to talk one-on-one with a LAP Coordinator about your goals, our services, and any questions you might have. We will work with you to draw on your strengths and build on your successes.
Fill out the form below to access LAP Programs!
Full-Serve Notetaking Program
If you are registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning and have a Notetaking accommodation, you will be emailed a program invitation prior to the beginning of each academic semester. Follow the instructions and submit your course requests to access notes!
If you have any questions about the Notetaking Program, email

Study Solutions Program
McPherson Library Learning Commons
Study Solutions provides free, individualized, drop-in academic support based on your unique learning needs and situation. By suggesting research-based learning strategies, we can help you set and achieve your academic goals.
We can help you with:
- time management and self-control
- stress management and exam anxiety
- memory and fluency
- concept mapping
- effective problem-solving techniques
- essay, paper and report writing
If you have any questions about Study Solutions, email