Working for the Full-Serve Notetaking Program
Notetakers provide anonymous access to their lecture notes to a student registered at the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL).

Job Description
- Attend class regularly & take legible notes
- Provide notes for every class, even if Notetaker has missed a class it is still their responsibility to find replacement notes
- Email those notes to within 24-48 hours of the class
- Notetakers are required to participate in mandatory training provided by the Learning Assistance Program.
- After successful participation in this program, Notetakers receive an honorarium and can request a letter of reference.
- If the student requiring notes cancels their participation in the Full-Serve Notetaking Program, you will be contacted to cancel notetaking and will receive a reduced honorarium relative to the number of class dates you have provided notes for.
How to Apply:
If you are interested in becoming a Notetaker, reply back to the ‘CALL FOR NOTETAKERS’* emails that are sent out to classes at the beginning of the semester. When applying, please provide a sample of your notes in either a PDF or Word Document, your full name, and a little bit about yourself.
*These emails are only sent to classes where a registered CAL student is requesting access to Notetaker based on their accommodations