Paying for your LAP services
The LAP emails each student their invoice after the term has ended. The invoice includes all LAP tutor and learning strategist sessions, as well as the CAL’s full-serve notetaking service. There are a few options for making payment:

Online via Visa or Mastercard:
- You will need the GR# (e.g. GR012345) and the invoice total from your invoice.
In Person: Visit us at the Centre for Accessible Learning. We accept:
- Debit or credit
- Exact Cash
- Cheque, made out to University of Victoria
By Mail:
- Cheque, made out to University of Victoria
- Bank draft
- Money order
Mail should be addressed to:
Centre for Accessible Learning
University of Victoria
PO Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria BC V8W 2Y2
Unfortunately, we are not permitted to accept e-transfers or as a “Payee” in the way that students pay UVic tuition or residence services.
How to pay for your services with Canada Student Grant (CSG-DSE) funding from BC
For an overview of how CSG funding works, see our CSG Funding Explained page
1) Deposit your CSG cheque
2) Pay for your services
- LAP services: if you worked with an LAP tutor, learning strategist, or the CAL full-serve notetaking service, then we will send you one invoice for all services at the end of the term, along with payment options (see above).
- Private services: if you worked with private service providers (i.e. private tutor, notetaker etc.), determine payment method with them directly.
3) Request your Service Provider Receipt form from the LAP and/or your private service provider(s).
4) Return the following 2 items to StudentAid BC (SABC) at the address below:
- a) unused funds
- To calculate your unused funds, take your total funding and subtract eligible services from the total. SABC requires unused CSG funds be returned in the form of a cheque, bank draft, or money order made out to the Minister of Finance and mailed to the address below.
- b) service provider receipt form(s)
- Please request this from the LAP after you make payment. The LAP completes the Service Provider Receipt Form on behalf of all of our tutors and learning strategists. (After paying online, you will receive an email confirmation from “UVIC ACCT SERVICES ECOMM” <>. If you forward this confirmation email to we can provide your Service Provider Receipt Form right away). Service Provider Receipt Forms may be emailed to, or else paper copies mailed with unused funds.
StudentAid BC – Directed Programs Unit
PO Box 9173 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9H7
- Please request this from the LAP after you make payment. The LAP completes the Service Provider Receipt Form on behalf of all of our tutors and learning strategists. (After paying online, you will receive an email confirmation from “UVIC ACCT SERVICES ECOMM” <>. If you forward this confirmation email to we can provide your Service Provider Receipt Form right away). Service Provider Receipt Forms may be emailed to, or else paper copies mailed with unused funds.
As indicated in the SABC Accessibility Program User Guide, SABC will not approve services and equipment for subsequent terms until they receive receipts and unused funds from previous terms.

CSG Funding from Other Provinces
If you received CSG funding from a province other than BC, please review the instructions for submitting receipts and unused funds from the student aid office of that province. A directory to the different provincial and territorial student aid websites can be found here:
If you require a completed service provider receipt form from a province other than BC, please forward the form to us at and we’ll be happy to fill that out on behalf of your LAP tutor/strategist and the CAL full-serve notetaking service.