What Stoicism Can Teach Us About Self Love

What Stoicism Can Teach Us About Self Love

When you think about the word, “stoic”, you probably think cold or emotionless. However, this notion is far from the reality. Stoicism is a philosophy dating all the way back to ancient Greece and Rome. The school of thought includes living in agreement with nature,...
Post Panic Attack Recovery/Self-Care

Post Panic Attack Recovery/Self-Care

Hey again! This month, I wanted to talk about panic attacks. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like the only part of panic attacks/Panic Disorder (PD) people talk about is the attack part. They talk about mindfulness, and breathing, and calming down,...
You Can Do It!

You Can Do It!

Hi everyone! I hope you’re reading this on a beautiful sunny day. Victoria has relatively mild winters but somedays, when I haven’t seen the sun in what feels like weeks and my feet are wet from the rain it can be hard to find to motivation to do anything,...