Emma S.

Past UVic Student Mental Health Blogger

Hi, my name is Emma and I am a third-year Political Science student and C.A.R.E. Leader at UVIC!

I am originally from Bozeman, Montana but grew up in eastern Canada. I started using running as a way to combat stress in high school and eventually began doing triathlons after recovering from a traumatic brain injury that left me in a prolonged state of depression. I have always found that music festivals, hiking, and remembering that you have to be your own greatest support are great ways to practice self-care!

After moving to Vancouver Island I became increasingly aware of how many people are affected by mental illness in varying forms. I believe that by sparking conversations and creating a safe environment on campus we can begin to remove the stereotypes and shame surrounding mental illness. If I am able to help even one student feel less alone and encourage them to seek help, this will be a successful project for me.

Learning to Thrive with Depression

Learning to Thrive with Depression

A few months ago I dipped lower for a lot longer than I usually do. “Dipping low” is what I refer to the periods of depression I feel, it feels like a safe and easy way to explain to my family and friends what I am experiencing. In a world that can seem...

You Can Do It!

You Can Do It!

Hi everyone! I hope you're reading this on a beautiful sunny day. Victoria has relatively mild winters but somedays, when I haven't seen the sun in what feels like weeks and my feet are wet from the rain it can be hard to find to motivation to do anything,...

5 Podcasts for a Happier You

5 Podcasts for a Happier You

Hi everyone, I wish I could say I was unique in the dread I feel when I have to do certain things like sit in traffic or clean my apartment. I wish I was unique in waking up some days and feeling just a little more burnt out than the day before, a...

Good Vibes Only

Good Vibes Only

Hi readers! As the school year winds down and the weather becomes a little chillier I hope you have all been able to enjoy some rest and relaxation. The sense of community I feel is always strongest around the holidays and allows me to reflect on the past...

10 Questions with a Veteran

10 Questions with a Veteran

In honor of Memorial Day this month I wanted to talk to a veteran about mental health. Daniel* is in his 60s now but the impact of war can be heard in his voice. In many ways what he doesn't say tells us more than what he does. Speaking with him reminded...

Want to hear a secret?

Want to hear a secret?

Hey readers, I’m going to let you in on a little secret, but don't tell anyone, sometimes I skip class. I’m sure you're thinking, yeah you and everybody else I know. The secret part is why I skip class: to become a better and more focused student. Seems a little...