Thank you to our past UVic Student Mental Health Bloggers!

Click on the blogger to read all of their blog posts. We thank our previous bloggers for their contribution to this community!

Akshay B.

Annie M.

Teresa S.

Sane D.

Lauren F.

Noah A.

Neraj M.

Cassidy S.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting Healthy Boundaries

“Everyone is in the middle of a life story and your story is being shaped by what you say yes to and what you say no to”, says Sarri Gilman, a pronounced family therapist.Meeting new people is a fun and exciting time. I remember when I first came to UVic I was...

I’m Graduating, Now What?

I’m Graduating, Now What?

As someone who is in their last semester, the thought of what I am going to do after graduation has been at the forefront of my brain for the past couple of months. The reality is that after June of this year I will be leaving the safe academic bubble and that is...

Community Wellness in 2021

Community Wellness in 2021

Community wellness is more relevant than ever due to the increased social isolation caused by quarantine restrictions. In person interactions are limited and when allowed they are different than before with smaller capacities and social distancing requirements. This...

Facing Stigma and Moving Forward 

Facing Stigma and Moving Forward 

Stigma is a powerful force that can impact a person throughout their life despite having support systems in place or moving away from unhealthy situations. It is not the fault of the stigmatized person, but society has many preconceived, often misguided, notions or...

How to Create a Self-Care Toolkit

How to Create a Self-Care Toolkit

Dear Readers, Lately, I have been having the need to regroup and collect my emotions throughout the day in the form of self-care. I recently created a toolkit for myself filled with items that have been helping me with my mental health journey this semester. This time...