Don’t sleep on this!

In these days when the cost of living is so high, the prospect of getting generous pay for part-time work would be appealing, but scammers are well aware of that and trying to take advantage. The following job scam claims to offer an opportunity with the UN World Food Programme, but in reality the email was sent from a compromised account at another Canadian university.

A major red flag is that the email asks you to reply to a Gmail address. A real UN job offer would not ask you to contact an email address from a free email provider like Gmail, Hotmail/Outlook or Yahoo. Also, the fact that the email contains grammatical errors is another sign that the offer is not legitimate.

Remember, if you receive a job offer out of the blue and it offers a generous salary for a minimal amount of casual part-time work, in all likelihood it is a scam. In general, if an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If you replied to this email, contact the Computer Help Desk or your department’s IT support staff immediately for assistance.

Job scam email pretending to be from the UN World Food Programme

From: [redacted]
Subject: Don’t sleep on this!

Notice: This message was sent from outside the University of Victoria email system. Please be cautious with links and sensitive information.

I am sharing job opportunity information to anyone who might be interested in a World food programme Part-Time job with a weekly pay of $600.00. If interested, kindly contact Dr. Mattias on his email address.

(k***** for details of employment.

N.B, this is strictly a work from home position.