Check attached invoice as requested

There is no reason for anyone to open the attachment in this email as it is clearly a phish. It is not clearly stated what this invoice is for, or which organization is sending this invoice. Everything in this email is generic, be it the sender name, salutation, signature, subject and file name.

Never be curious about email attachments as opening those can lead to malware on your device. Hence, only open attachments which are coming from your known sources and you were expecting it.

Phish email with subject "Check attached invoice as requested" which has a malicious attachment.

Subject: Check attached invoice as requested
Sender: Administrator <****>
Attached file: INVOICE0001.html


I hope you’re well. Please see attached invoice number [40433] for Order MT476/2023, due on 12/16/2023. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Yours truly