Re: Watermark

This is a financial scam phish which gives you a too good to be true offer of low rate in times when prime and inflation rates are rising.

Although it is not an easy scam to spot but some phishing signs can be observed: sender’s email address is similar but different from their website domain, the attempt here is to make the address look similar so that sender appears legit. If you google the name of this company, the address and phone number mentioned on google is different from the one mentioned in the email. This is not to say that the company itself is legit. Upon investigation on the company website mentioned in the email, it is a scam website to lure in customers. The website mentions they have decades of experience but this website is only 1.5 yrs old. The physical address given in this website is yet again a different address from google and the email one.

It appears that this scam is related to the scam mentioned in this customer review:

Disclaimer: We have investigated this website in locked environment. Please never be curious to visit suspicious websites for curiosity or investigating yourself, such websites could be malicious.

Note: One could have received this scam email from a different sender than the one mentioned in the screenshot.