This phish uses a lot of vague language to describe the purpose, like “partnership in a business project”, no information about what the proposal is and what kind of business project. Nevertheless, if you are not expecting an email, it is probably a phish. The subject of the email uses “RE:” to appear as ongoing email thread, and the subject doesn’t match the context in the email body. Signature does not give any information about the sender except for the name. All these signs indicate that this email is a phish along with formatting mistakes.

Hence, always look for warning signs in an email before taking any action and, think whether you were expecting such email. Never reply back to the scammers asking for more information as they intentionally give vague or no information. Whenever in doubt, contact helpdesk or your departmental IT contact.

Phish with subject "RE: Your OFFICIAL CONSENT LETTER! PLEASE READ!!" that mentions about a vague proposal to attract curious people to reply for more information.

Sender: Tulub Serhiy <****>

Notice: This message was sent from outside the University of Victoria email system. Please be cautious with links and sensitive information.

Date: Friday 27, October 2023

Compliment of the day, and I hope my Email finds you in good health.

I got your reference in my search for someone who suits my proposed
business relationship.

I am contacting you to seek your partnership in a business project,
I have all the modalities fashioned out to give this business an
excellent outcome.

I am confident that you will give your consideration to this proposal
and respond positively within a short period of time.

As soon as you give your positive response to this proposal, I will not
hesitate in sending you the details information of this great investment
partnership opportunity.


I wait for your quick reply for more details.

Yours Truly
Dr. Serhiy Tulub