Re: IT Servicedesk

Outlook upgrades and migrations are a popular theme for phishes. Here are some red flags that you can use to conclude that this email is a phish:

  • The sender is not from UVic
  • The message instills a false sense of urgency and threatens you with an adverse impact
  • There are some (relatively subtle) issues with capitalization, punctuation and grammar
  • The signature is very generic and does not mention UVic
  • Hovering over the link will show that the URL does not go to UVic or Microsoft


This otherwise simple phish was massively sent to UVic users yesterday, Sep 5th and there could be more coming today. The usual tactics is used – to create a sense of urgency as if your account is going to be terminated. The sender could be external or could be a spoofed internal one but the link is pointing to an external web provider.
Note that sometimes malicious actors register domains or use subdomains of existing providers by introducing the string “uvic” in order to imply legitimacy.
Our top domain is, whereas in cases like the top domain is which has nothing to do with UVic.
Please don’t be curious and do not click on these links. Usually their goal is to steal your credentials, but sometimes they may contain malware to infect your computer instantly. Our experts open them in dedicated isolated environments.

Important Notice

Many of you might have received this phish today morning. Some might have received from a different sender than the one in the image. This is a high volume phish.

The content of the email is usual phishing tactic, creating a sense of urgency that your incoming emails are pending and recover by clicking on the link. The link given is external link (check by hovering over it), which will never be the case if it were to be a true scenario. The sender address is external, generic salutation, fake signature.

Never click on the links just because the email says so. Always think if it were to be a true situation what would it look like, it will make it easy to spot the phishing signs. Whenever in doubt, confirm with the helpdesk or your DSS.