My Journey with Resilience

My Journey with Resilience

Hi readers! I wanted to share a piece of writing I wrote for UVIC’s on the Verge writing contest last year on resilience. My hope is that by sharing my mental health experiences, you – the reader, will feel a little less alone. Thanks for reading! I was 13...
Project Spotlight: B.A.C.K.

Project Spotlight: B.A.C.K.

Mental illness does not discriminate the people it effects, so why do we see racial disparities in the mental health system? Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) individuals are less likely to have access to mental health services, less likely to receive the...
Addiction: Talking about the taboo

Addiction: Talking about the taboo

*Content warning: Post contains discussion of addiction and substance abuse*Addiction is a simple term for a complicated set of behaviors. It can be defined as a lack of control over an action, to the point where it can be harmful to you. As well as effecting the...


Hello again! Last month, I mentioned self-compassion near the end of my blog post. I encouraged us all to treat ourselves with compassion right now, as we are in a time of such uncertainty and societal change. However, when mentioning self-compassion, I did not...