Rowen H.
UVic Student Mental Health Guest Blogger

Hi! I’m Rowen.
I am a fourth year BScN student at UVic. Nursing school has taught me so much and I feel so privileged to have encountered so many amazing people along the way. Mental health is an important factor in my life and hopefully being open about my struggles can impact others and bring awareness to this important subject matter.
Here’s 10 things about me!
- Nursing is my passion.
- I moved to Victoria to attend University in 2013 from Kamloops.
- I still listen to Hilary Duff’s Metamorphosis on the daily.
- I am hoping to work as an oncology nurse once I graduate.
- I love to travel and cannot wait to explore more places.
- I love Diet Coke and am a frequent customer at Bon Sushi.
- My family and friends mean everything to me and bring so much light to my life!
- I am a nap queen.
- I love being out in the sun!
- I am a mental health advocate and am not ashamed of the struggles I have faced.
Thanks for reading!

A letter to my daughter
This letter was written by a grieving father in memory of his daughter, a UVic student who passed away by suicide …You I love you. Always have and always will. Ever since you appeared as that little smiling baby with a perfectly round head. And your name, translated...