You are not alone, together we thrive.

The UVic Student Mental Health Blog is dedicated to promoting positive mental health and reducing stigma. Hear directly from UVic students sharing their personal stories and tips for maintaining wellness, and learn ways to increase your happiness and wellbeing and decrease your stress as you navigate life as a student!

Confessions from the Stages of ‘Burnout’

Confessions from the Stages of ‘Burnout’

The hiss of falling leaves seemed to mock her as she sat on a shaded bench next to the Quad. She watched their slow descent onto an increasing decaying mount. Her breath catches the air; a gelid space filled with desperation. The evidence of a fast struggle. As she...

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Lessons from a long-distance relationship

Lessons from a long-distance relationship

Long-distance relationships aren’t easy. Ever since I moved to Victoria, I’ve felt the miles between us. Summer and holidays are the only times I can see him. That time is precious, but it isn’t enough. We don’t talk as much as we used to, and when we do it’s not the...

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Flowing through Finals

Flowing through Finals

Hi Folks! It’s a beautiful time of year right now. The cherry trees are blooming, the sun is shining on the students lounging on the quad, and our rain-jacket/Blundstones uniform is slowly being traded out for lighter wear. As amazing as it is to finally have some...

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Death Before Life: A Conversation with Poet, Tallas Munro

Death Before Life: A Conversation with Poet, Tallas Munro

(Photo Copyright: Chris Hawkins)Interview by TeresaFrom the stage to the page, Tallas Munro is a polymath of artistic endeavours. From the Fringe Festival to Phoenix theatre productions, he has become a rising star of the theatre community. The third year Fine Arts...

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The Folly of the End of Semester Blues

The Folly of the End of Semester Blues

Dear Readers, I’m certain right about now you’re winding down from fervently studying for midterms, and wondering about the approaching end of this Spring semester. You’ve probably overheard some classmates discussing summer plans filled with travel,...

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Healthy Strategies for Giving Support: Part II

Healthy Strategies for Giving Support: Part II

Hello, readers!        This entry is the second post a two-part series on giving support to someone who struggles with their mental health. Part I covered fundamental concepts behind healthy support and can he found here. This post is a concrete list of dos and don’ts...

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Learning to Thrive with Depression

Learning to Thrive with Depression

A few months ago I dipped lower for a lot longer than I usually do. “Dipping low” is what I refer to the periods of depression I feel, it feels like a safe and easy way to explain to my family and friends what I am experiencing. In a world that can seem...

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Feeling Unreal? This Might Be Why.

Feeling Unreal? This Might Be Why.

I really, really don’t like naps. This might be an uncommon thing for a university student to say. I mean, sleep is great! It recharges you, is a great way to avoid studying under the guise of meeting your basic needs, and just feels so good. Studies have shown that...

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Snow days got you down? You’re not alone.

Snow days got you down? You’re not alone.

This week, as I scrolled through the endless Instagram photos of friends and fellow UVic students having a blast during their impromptu snow holiday, I couldn’t help feel that I was the only person who saw the weather forecast and was filled with a deep sense of dread. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of things I love about the snow. I love how it makes the world a little bit brighter – how the children stay out a little later in the moonlight and the child within each adult seizes the opportunity to spring to life. But even as I looked around at the snowmen lining the residential streets and admired the massive snowball that some exuberant students made on the quad, all I could think about was how deeply I hoped for it to be melted away as soon as possible.

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My experience at UVic’s Pet Café and Laughter Meditation

My experience at UVic’s Pet Café and Laughter Meditation

Hey readers! If you haven’t heard about the pet café yet, then let me be the first to tell you about the weekly free drop-in pet café that happens every Wednesday from 2:30-4pm at the Interfaith Chapel. I repeat, WEEKLY pet café. That is completely FREE! Not only...

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Healthy Strategies for Offering Support: Part I

Healthy Strategies for Offering Support: Part I

Hello, readers! November can be a difficult month for many reasons; the daylight seems scarce and the stresses from school and other obligations may be bubbling to the surface as the year comes to a close. This rainy season can be especially hard for those who already...

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What Is Rumination, and How Do We Stop It?

What Is Rumination, and How Do We Stop It?

Have you ever heard of rumination? Its a term that describes continuously going over a thought, worry, or problem in your mind without being able to come to a resolution or find closure. Rumination is akin to dwelling; even though you might know that the thoughts...

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