Malaika L.

Past UVic Student Mental Health Blogger

Hey readers!

My name is Malaika and I’m a biology student at UVic. My experience at UVic so far has been a wonderful and terrifying mix of learning about the world and about myself. As a Congolese-Canadian woman who grew up in the Czech Republic, I’ve gotten to meet and work with a beautiful and diverse range of people. In my free time I enjoy photography, outdoor activities and reading. Apart from these, one of the most important factors to my positive mental health has always been music. Between the UVic Music Production Club, my guitars, and the headphones that are always by my side, music is what keeps me going. Through my previous work with the UVic Mental Health Blog, I’ve learned just how much mental health affects us all. I believe that it’s really up to us to offer our support to our peers and fellow students in the spirit of fostering an environment of positive mental health on campus.

About Patience

About Patience

Hey readers, Today, I wanted to discuss something a little more personal to me. Over the last few months, I’ve been through a lot of ups and downs with my mental health, and I’m finally feeling like I’ve got both feet back on the ground. This time helped to highlight...

Exploring Mystic Vale

Exploring Mystic Vale

Hey readers, I hope second semester is going well! By now you’re (hopefully) back into the swing of things and straightened out your sleeping routine. Thinking back to first year, being in cluster was challenging. Although I made some great friends, it was hard to get...