
Past UVic Student Mental Health Blogger

Hi there! My name is Lauren and I’m a fourth year student at UVic double majoring in Theatre and Gender Studies. I am originally from Lake Cowichan, BC, but I now consider Victoria to be home. Some of the things that elevate my mental health the most are creating, helping, and teaching. I am a CARE Leader at UVic and I also facilitate the Bringing in the Bystander workshop on campus. In the theatre department, I teach a workshop on consent culture with a focus on theatre practitioners.

I have struggled with my own mental health for as long as I can remember and only recently was I able to find it in myself to seek help. Having the opportunity to blog about mental health challenges and opportunities is such an honour, and it reminds me how grateful I am to have worked on myself long enough to be able to offer help and guidance to others.

Snow days got you down? You’re not alone.

Snow days got you down? You’re not alone.

This week, as I scrolled through the endless Instagram photos of friends and fellow UVic students having a blast during their impromptu snow holiday, I couldn’t help feel that I was the only person who saw the weather forecast and was filled with a deep sense of dread. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of things I love about the snow. I love how it makes the world a little bit brighter – how the children stay out a little later in the moonlight and the child within each adult seizes the opportunity to spring to life. But even as I looked around at the snowmen lining the residential streets and admired the massive snowball that some exuberant students made on the quad, all I could think about was how deeply I hoped for it to be melted away as soon as possible.