Treating Our Inner Critic with Compassion

Treating Our Inner Critic with Compassion

(Disclaimer: This post heavily draws upon Dr. Kristin Neff’s work, which can be accessed via her website. Also, throughout the following post, I will hyperlink any/all information I found on Dr. Neff’s website, so the wonderful resources provided there can be accessed...


Hello again! Last month, I mentioned self-compassion near the end of my blog post. I encouraged us all to treat ourselves with compassion right now, as we are in a time of such uncertainty and societal change. However, when mentioning self-compassion, I did not...
Academic Wellness: Finding Balance

Academic Wellness: Finding Balance

Hi everyone! Happy Wellness Week, and happy Academic Wellness Day 🙂 In post-secondary academics, student wellness appears infinitely less important than the outcomes they are able to achieve in their courses. The implications of this for us students are immense. This...