Geocaching 101: The Hunt for Tupperware


My Bike Near a Cache in Uplands

Geocaching:  “An outdoor recreational activity, in which participants use a GPS receiver or mobile device and other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers, called ‘geocaches’ or ‘caches’, at specific locations marked by coordinates all over the world.”

— or as some like to call it, “using multi-million dollar satellites to find Tupperware in the woods.”


An example Geocache

Geo what?

Geocaching is basically a world wide treasure hunt where you can search for hidden containers ranging in size from a pill to a large box or even a location itself. I was first introduced to the world of geocaching by a friend who used the app “Geocaching.”

unnamedHow to play

Create a free account with the Geocaching app, then you can immediately start hunting caches! Go solo or in a group, it’s up to you.

(There is a premium option which unlocks more advanced geocaches but you can have just as much fun playing for free!).

Selecting a geocache

An example of what you will see in the app:


Downtown Victoria

Here is Downtown Victoria, which has plenty of caches to choose from. A dark green dot means it is a a cache with a difficulty of 1.5 or lower (out of 5). With a free account you can access all 1.5 or easier caches. (Smiley faces are caches you have already logged; see description below)

Reading your cache

Once you select a cache you will be able to see the details of the cache including: name, difficulty, size, a short description and its distance from you. (Sometimes a hint is included in case you need extra help!).

This geocache is a “micro” which means it is very small and perhaps attached to a bench or building via a magnet. These usually contain a strip of paper for you to sign and return to the cache.


Geocache near UVic

Finding the cache

Once you have read the info of your selected cache you can follow the GPS and compass within the app to get within 30 or so feet and it will say “You are getting close”, from there you must use your treasure hunting skills to find the cache. It may be very well camouflaged.


Geocache near UVic

Logging your cache

When you find the cache you can “log” it or if you did not, you can mark the cache DNF (did not find) to let the creator know that it may be missing. Once it is logged that green dot will turn into a smiley face as seen in the example of Downtown.

Note: Most caches are small containers with toys and objects inside for trading, plus a book to sign your name in. So bring along some stickers or small toys to trade if you want to.

Get out there and start caching! Who knows where it will take you 😀

For more information visit:


Cattle Point Cache


One Happy Cacher!

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