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Meet our student bloggers


Name: Aideen

Program: English

Year of study: 4th year

Hometown: Victoria, BC

Get to know Aideen

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I wanted to stay on the island because I love it so much, and save money by living at home.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: You will be surrounded by nature every day which is amazing. The beach is just a walk away and the island lifestyle is unbeatable.

Why UVic is so special to me: It’s my hometown and a place I remember visiting when I was younger. I knew I’d go to university and it feels like a full circle moment when I think about it. I love the campus so much.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I love people-watching on the quad, it’s so nice in the summer and the leaves are gorgeous in the fall.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The MacLaurin building and the silent floor of the library; they’re cozy but not super distracting!

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The hikes and wildlife that are in your backyard.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Learning! I feel so lucky to be able to sit in classrooms with like-minded people and study things I’m passionate about.

Post-graduation plans: I would like to get my PDP to become a high school teacher (teaching English and Spanish) and live in BC hopefully!


Name: Ankit

Program: Computer Science with Psychology minor

Year of study: 4th year

Hometown: Haryana, India

Get to know Ankit

Why I chose UVic for my degree: I chose UVic because it has a great computer science programme and an amazing community of people from all across the world. I enjoy studying among a diverse community of people. Moreover, the ratio of community works perfectly for me as it is easy for me to not get lost and make good friends and make interactions with new people. I also wanted to study outside my home country and challenge myself a little bit more.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: I would tell them “Be you and keep challenging yourself.” Moreover, my best advice for them is to seek out help whenever needed and never be afraid of asking for help. Always be passionate and motivated about your goals and never let your downs put a break in your paddle of success.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me because I was first exposed to computer science here. Initially before coming to UVic, I had little knowledge about the computer science field. But UVic’s computer science program has definitely allowed to push myself more and be better prepared for the industry. Moreover, it also allowed me to network with different people from all over the world.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Mystic Market, Finnerty Gardens, Maclaurin building, Student Union Building, Mystic Vale, the views outside the law library and library. Mystic Market allowed me to enjoy the best food on campus and the other places provide a nice place to do fun activities in different places and walk around nature whenever you are feeling tired from studying or having an overwhelming day.

Favourite spot to study on campus: ECS building. As a computer science student, I love studying in ECS because the building is beautiful, meeting lots of amazing people from my field, most of the computer science instructors and assistants are in that building. I also love how you can go to private drop-in study rooms and can study in peace.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The welcoming and friendly community and the views. I have never seen such beautiful ocean lookouts and amazing sky/sunset/sunrise views, and many beautiful hiking trails. Visiting the inner harbour aero planes and walking on Dallas Road and Ogden Point during summer is so beautiful.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I would miss my instructors, classmates, the UVic global community that I was a part of during my UVic journey, and the surroundings of campus during midterm season.

Post-graduation plans: My post-graduation plans would involve working in software industry for a few years and later come for a master’s and PhD. I would love to be researching on the human computer interaction, mind and brain psychology.


Name: Annika

Program: Writing

Year of study: 2nd year

Hometown: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan

All posts by Annika

Get to know Annika

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I wanted to live away from home and stay in Canada. The idea of living on an island is very Moana of me and felt like a dream come true (full of oceans AND mountains) The writing program was a perfect fit for me and had many opportunities. Very multicultural.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: The professors in the arts department are awesome! The campus is beautiful The study spaces are great.

Why UVic is so special to me: The location, student focused community, and professors make the university very accepting, diverse, and community based. The opportunities for co-op and exchange give the students amazing opportunities in their learning.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The quad because it’s beautiful in every season.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The SUB. There are many spaces and plug-ins.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Living by the ocean, good food, and being able to take the ferry to a different province or country!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The campus and the professors.

Post-graduation plans: Travelling to Asia, more specifically my birth place, to write a non-fiction book.


Name: Chiara

Program: Mathematics and Computer Science

Year of study: 2nd year

Hometown: Hefei, Anhui, China


Get to know Chiara

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:  Best weather in Canada — not cold. Tuition fee is not very expensive compared to other universities.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Nice people here and great opportunities.

Why UVic is so special to me: My first university and my first time being in another country so long.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Library 2nd floor. We can talk and discuss there.

Favourite study spot: ECS building. It’s open 24/7!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Weather. Simple life.

Post-graduation plans: Maybe apply for graduate study.


Name: Cindy

Program: Music

Year of study: 3rd year

Hometown: Richmond, BC

All posts by Cindy

Get to know Cindy

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic because this is a very welcoming and friendly university. The University of Victoria embraces diversity and different cultures, and you may see wild animals on campus ;). Beautiful forestry and nature for you to enjoy with ferries and whales on sight. 

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is a beautiful campus with many different career choices and majors to choose from. When you are lost, come to The Welcome Centre (Jamie Cassels Building) when you need help and do not hesitate to reach out to the McPherson Library for study help. 

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is so special to me because this is the right school for diversity and cultural clubs! You can find what you need as a successful navigator, preferably online. 

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: My favourite spots to hang out on campus are the McPherson Library and Finnerty Gardens, because the library is a great place to study and Finnerty has 500+ beautiful plants for you to enjoy. 

Favourite study spot: My favourite spot to study on campus is the library, but there are other hidden cafés ;). When you are lost, find a Student Club via the UVIC official websites or try meeting in-person. We have lots of great choices, so you are sure to find what you need. 

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: (1) The nature, Island, and coffee; (2) Academic, research, and creative writing; (3) Attending international student clubs and enjoying cultural exchange, delicious food.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Almost everything! UVic has some of the best professors and colleagues I have met. The natural beauty of Vancouver Island is indescribably beautiful, so get ready to explore :). 

Post-graduation plans: My post-graduation plans would involve the “Golden Rule” of planet earth: to keep exploring different career paths after I graduate. To travel with friends and family. But I will continue to use electronic devices with a balance of nature interactions. 


Name: Eliada

Program: Civil Engineering

Year of study: 3rd year

Hometown: Calgary, Alberta

All posts by Eliada

Get to know Eliada

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic because it is a great school in a beautiful city! 

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: I would tell them that there is a lot to enjoy about UVic, just as there is so much to learn! 

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me because of the best friends I’ve made here with little effort. 

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: My favourite spot to hang out is Mystic Market because it is a bit of everything. You’ll find people studying, hanging out, eating. It’s very lively. 

Favourite study spot: My favourite spot to study on campus is the basement floor of McPherson library. I used to think it was the silence, but something about the space forces me to study. 

Favourite things about living in Victoria: My favourite thing about living in Victoria is the nice environment!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: When I graduate, the thing I will miss the most about UVic is the people. I also will miss the campus considering the fact that I will have spent a large portion of my life here.

Post-graduation plans: My post-graduation plans involve continuing my studies abroad, and as much travelling as I can afford. 



Name: Ella

Program: English (Honours)

Year of study: 3rd year

Hometown: Chilliwack, BC

All posts by Ella

Get to know Ella

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I wanted to be on the Island. The English program.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic:Professors are very progressive. Lots of opportunities to meet like-minded students (friends!) The city is great for young people.

Why UVic is so special to me: The humanities cohort are some of my best friends. Coming to UVic allowed me to start over. My family’s roots are on the island and UVic allowed me to return!

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The best spot to hang out is Bibliocafe! In my first year at UVic, I met some girls from my class every Thursday for coffee at Biblio. These girls became great friends of mine and it has become my go-to spot to grab a coffee and chat with friends.

Favourite study spots on campus: The comfy chairs in the library! They are quiet, comfortable, and have enough space to study with friends. Also, this spot has tons of natural lighting, which is important for my productivity. 

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Being close to the ocean! Being able to walk to nearly anywhere I need to go! The amount of young people contributing to the city’s culture!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’ll miss my English program. It has small class sizes and amazing people, and I will be so sad when it’s over.

Post-graduation plans: I will be applying and hopefully attending law school. 


Name: Justin

Program: French and Francophone Studies

Year of study: 3rd year

Hometown: Richmond,BC

All posts by Justin

Get to know Justin

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: Everyone in the Lower Mainland romanticizes Victoria, and I agreed with them, so I committed thousands of dollars and years of my life here to experience it for myself! There’s also a big francophone community here, perfect for practicing my French!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Our community is smaller than you think, for all the right reasons! I remember coming here in high school for a campus tour and thinking that I’d be like a fish in the ocean, but when I had finally arrived, I realized that it’s like an aquarium – once you figure out where everything is and meet the right people, campus feels a lot smaller, just like home!

Why UVic is so special to me: Location, location, location! I’m lucky to be in a city where it’s beautiful all year round and is tempting to stay in for a long time, but also somewhere very convenient that I can go back home at any time.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Petch Fountain! It’s so relaxing to hear the water and relax in the sun (or the overcast). Also, the wifi doesn’t reach here very well so you’re forced to have conversations with your friends. Like, face-to-face and not over Snapchat!

Favourite spot to study on campus: MacLaurin is one of my favourite buildings on campus because you can always hear music, and because of the Education Learning Commons! Beanbags and big tables with outlets, what’s not to love?

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Every neighbourhood in Greater Victoria is so different and cool, whether you’re in Cadboro Bay or James Bay. UVic is tucked in a quieter neighbourhood, but it has everything you need! (And also, deer!)

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Gosh, I don’t like this question because I just moved here and don’t want to think about leaving anytime soon! But I’m definitely going to miss being around so many people who are as excited to learn and engage in the same things I want to. Francophiles are far and few in between around here, donc si vous parlez francais et que vous me voyez sur le campus, dites-moi bonjour pendant qu’on a toujours de temps!

Post-graduation plans: I’m planning to become a high school French teacher and hopefully break the stereotype of grouchy language teachers!


Name: Kailee

Program: Nursing

Year of study: 1st year

Hometown: Vernon, BC

All posts by Kailee


Get to know Kailee

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic because I enjoyed that it was a small(er) university with a big personality. It gave me the opportunity to feel like I was part of a large community while also getting to be in more tight-knit groups.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Don’t rush your time here. Your degree can last as long as you want it to and there’s so much to see and so much to do that you won’t want it to end anyway.

Why UVic is so special to me: I did my first degree at UVic in psychology and have now started my second undergrad degree in the Camosun/UVic nursing program. UVic has given me such an opportunity to grow and learn about my strengths and passions. I also appreciate the ability to choose areas of focus in upper year classes which allowed me to diversify my interests and gain specialized knowledge.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: You’ll always catch me on the round comfy chairs on the first floor of the McPherson Library (where the silent piano is). I can’t count the amount of times I went there to initially do homework and then ended up napping.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Most of the time, I’ll book myself a study room in the library because I like being in my own little world where it’s quiet so I can focus and actually do my work (and watch Netflix during study breaks).

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Coming from the Okanagan Valley, I really enjoy how winters aren’t as cold here. Also, Victoria is sizeable and pretty much everywhere is fairly close in distance which makes it easy to get around everywhere! 

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: This was one of the questions that made me come back for another degree at UVic. I love learning and being in a community of like-minded people. When I graduate again in a few years, I’m definitely going to miss the feeling of walking to class and packing in for a long study session with my friends. The camaraderie and learning opportunities are unmatched.

Post-graduation plans: I plan to become a Registered Nurse and specialize in either pediatrics, labour and delivery, or surgical nursing. 


Name: Mackenzie

Program: Business

Year of study: 4th year

Hometown: North Vancouver, BC

All posts by Mackenzie


Get to know Mackenzie

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I love the environment of Vancouver Island and I wanted to get away from my hometown but also not be too far away so that I can visit as often as I’d like. I had never even been to UVic before accepting my program offer but I’m so glad I accepted!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: The campus is big enough to meet new people but not overwhelmingly big like UBC, there’s an abundance of nature all over the city, UVic has many clubs and resources available to gain new skills and meet people, the experience of living in dorms/residence is one I would never pass up, UVic/Victoria is a place you’ll quickly fall in love with and never want to leave!

Why UVic is so special to me: Nature is everywhere!!! I love having a campus with so much greenery. The city is my favourite of all I’ve ever been to. The campus staff are kind and welcoming, the courses are informative and offer many resources to help keep you on track, and the extra curricular opportunities are endless! You will never be bored if you use the resources provided.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The quad or the outdoor tables at Mystic Market. You always run into people or meet new people, and there’s nature around you and great food. What more could you ask for!

Favourite spot to study on campus: Law library, Engineering/Computer Science building on the third floor, and the top floors of Bob Wright centre. These areas are quiet so a great spot to focus and I’ve never struggled to find a place to sit, unlike in UVic’s main library where I never can find a spot! 

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The beautiful environment. Countless beaches, mountains, lakes, hiking trails, and view spots. Living a busy student life it’s so nice to have an abundance of nature around to clear your mind and relax.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The nature and environment of the city, as well as walking around campus. 

Post-graduation plans: Travel, move home and save money, look for my dream job! 


Name: Maddy

Program: Writing

Year of study: 3rd year

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Maddy

Get to know Maddy

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I already love living in Victoria, and there was something about the campus that felt like home visiting it years before I even graduated high school. UVic didn’t necessarily have the exact direct path program I was looking for, but it’s easy to find ways to adapt my courses to reflect what I’m interested in. I didn’t see a point in moving far away when living in a University town gave me the opportunity to attend this amazing campus.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: You’re making the right decision. I had a tough time with it too. And I know exactly how you’re feeling- I was in your position this time last year. Instantly I knew UVic was incomparable to other universities because there’s simply something for every type of interest here. What I also love is that it’s so easy to find out about what’s going on around campus, whether you’re searching for information or not.

Why UVic is so special to me: I’ve pretty much grown up with the idea of UVic. In high school, so many of my teachers and past fellow students attended the University and were able to tell me the fantastic things I’d be missing out on if I went to post-secondary somewhere else. So finally reaching this point of being a UVic student has felt like a huge milestone and accomplishment for me. It was a long time coming.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The big booths at the Bibliocafe. You have to be quick to get one, but there’s something so peaceful about being in your own little island of caffeine and laptops while also being surrounded by other people and chatter. Plus there’s really good food!

Favourite spot to study on campus: Any group study rooms in the library. My friends and I book them in between classes and for those late-night study binges. There’s something calming about working and being stressed around other people who are just as stressed out.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The VIEWS. I have never seen a better ocean lookout, or vibrant sunset than in Victoria, B.C. The beach is pretty much never more than half an hour away from where you are at any point. It’s one of the main things that keeps me around. I love that my best friends, family, and favourite people in the world are here. And of course, Downtown Victoria is the best place for thrift shops, good eats, and exploring.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: It seems so far away I’m not sure I can really imagine what leaving would be like. I’ll miss the people the most. Truly, I don’t even know many of them, but I am constantly in awe at the diversity, kindness, style, confidence, and brilliance of all these strangers and fellow students around me.

Post-graduation plans: I don’t have an exact job title in mind, but I want to have a career in the field of Communications, ideally involved in social media. I’d also like to eventually get a Master’s degree!


Name: Madison

Program: Psychology

Year of study: 3rd year

Hometown: Terrace, BC

All posts by Madison

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Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: UVic was everything I wanted in a university. Its psychology program with opportunities to specify and learn outside the classroom, large enough school to have exciting opportunities like research but small enough to have a manageable campus and tight-knit community. The close proximity to nature made it feel like home too.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: There’s always opportunities at UVic. Whether it’s opportunities to make new friends, check out a new activity or to find a club/co-op position/program/career, the options never really end. Also the people are really nice!

Why UVic is so special to me: Both the university and the people you meet are really amazing. From the recruiters who help get you started on the application process, to the orientation leaders, friends you meet during orientation, to the profs, and everyone else you meet along the way, everyone here is incredibly passionate about something and also willing to help you out.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The quad or the Pet Cafe.

Favourite spot to study on campus: MacLaurin A Wing for sure. It’s close to some of my classes. It’s not too loud or too quiet, nice big tables for study spaces, and there’s a nice amount of natural light.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The weather. It’s one of the sunniest major cities, but it’s still a great place to be when it’s cloudy or raining. I’m also looking forward to not shovelling snow constantly this winter. Besides the people it nails the balancing act; not too big, not too small, pretty old historical buildings, high tech new structures.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’m not sure what I’ll be thinking when the time comes but I’m going to take a guess and say, the people, the squirrels, and the deer.

Post-graduation plans: I really want to pursue graduate studies and one day get my PhD in psychology. There will probably be a full-time job and maybe a gap year in there but I have time to figure out the details.


Name: Natasha

Program: English

Year of study: 1st year

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Natasha

Get to know Natasha

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: The reason I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree is mainly for its Indigenous support and vast community connections. I also chose UVic for the excellent Faculty of Humanities and renowned English department. Another reason I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree is because of the familiarity of attending UVic. 

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: I would tell prospective students about the great community and impressive outreach they have with other academics. UVic is such a great place to be yourself and not to be afraid to express your individuality.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is so special to me because it allows me to make diverse friends! I really enjoy UVic because it has so many incredible programs to attend!

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: My favourite spot to hang out is the First Peoples’ House because it is a culturally safe space for me to embrace my Indigeneity.

Favourite spot to study on campus: My favourite place to study is the First Peoples’ House as it is also a really quiet space where I can concentrate on my work. 

Favourite things about living in Victoria: My favourite thing about living in Victoria is the incredible weather, nature and wildlife that you can experience every day. 

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I think the thing I will miss the most about UVic is the energy this whole school creates. I know I will also miss the breakfast foods as they are very delicious!

Post-graduation plans: My post-graduation plans involve really focusing on my writing career as a novelist. I also want to find either a fulfilling career or travel across the world.


Name: Navinder

Program: Chemistry & Microbiology

Year of study: 3rd year

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Navinder

Get to know Navinder

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:  I chose UVic because I couldn’t see myself anywhere else. Besides that, my high school was very close, so I had the opportunity to check out a few things at UVic. Most notably, my high school science teachers brought prospective students to check out the Department of Chemistry and a Women in Science research symposium.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic:  UVic is a medium-sized university, which means you can get lost in the crowd if you want to. But it’s also small enough that it will have a community type of vibe. The number of majors here is enough to explore and specialize, but not enough to overwhelm you. Speaking of which, don’t be set on one major; people typically change their minds after the first year (if not the first semester).

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me because, most importantly, it’s home. I’ve had the opportunity to perform, play sports, and volunteer on this campus throughout my childhood. As I grew up, I spent time volunteering on campus as a Junior Counsellor with Science Venture. In my eyes, most of the buildings on campus have a memory associated with it.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus:  Pre-COVID, I liked to hang out with others at Mystic Market because it was pretty easy to run into people. During COVID, I don’t mind walking through Mystic Vale for the scenery.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The two places I like to study on campus are in the Elliot and Bob Wright buildings. Mostly because they are close to lectures and labs, but also because I like the ambient noise.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I love Victoria because of its weather, proximity to nature, and overall vibe.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate:  I’ll most likely miss the small everyday interactions, the people I’ve met, and faculty members. But since I’m still a second year, I’m not quite sure what I’ll miss the most.

Post-graduation plans:  I’m not sure yet, but I hope there are dogs in my future 🙂


Name: Renee

Program: Anthropology

Year of study: 1st year

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Renee

Get to know Renee

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: Growing up in Victoria and visiting the campus from time to time when I was young and seeing the beautiful environment that surrounds UVic was what stood out to me then and now.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: No need to be nervous! As a first year student, I felt the transition from high school to UVic had been smoother than I thought it would be, as the UVic community is super welcoming and there are plenty of resources around! Also, even though it is a smaller or mid-sized university, there is still so much to explore and experience what UVic offers.

Why UVic is so special to me: Even though it has been only a few weeks into my experience at UVic, I will always remember these first weeks as they have been filled with lasting memories and unforgettable firsts.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The SUB is my favourite place to sit and eat with friends currently as they have lots of tables and really nice seats outside!

Favourite spot to study on campus: I usually study in the Maclaurin A wing building with the nice long desks and quiet atmosphere. If there all the spots are taken there and the sun’s out, there is a courtyard-type space behind the building with benches to study on while also enjoying the view of the cool trees planted 🙂 

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The abundance of nature that always surrounds you wherever you go and the good balance of everything. 

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I still have a lot to explore at UVic but I will most likely miss the people, events, plus the UVic vibes.

Post-graduation plans: Not entirely sure at the moment but I hope to be able to work either in the field of marketing, design or education. Still a lot to think about! 


Name: Sam

Program: Geography & Political Science

Year of study: 4th year

Hometown: Comox, BC

All posts by Sam

Get to know Sam

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:  Growing up on northern Vancouver Island, UVic was close to home but not too close — I could get my freedom, still enjoy all the awesome stuff Vancouver Island has to offer, all while not moving too far away from home.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic:There are so many opportunities here to explore what you’re really interested in, meet great people, learn, and grow. Take advantage of your time here and all UVic has to offer, and make sure to have fun along the way.

Why UVic is so special to me: I’ve made so many amazing friends and connections with people here, and it’s given me the opportunity to grow and learn not just academically but in so many personal ways too.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The quad in the heart of the campus, especially when the sun is shining… it’s just always got a great atmosphere.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The MacLaurin education study lounge is my go-to spot because of all the comfy seating, bright lighting, and the great group study tables. Oh and Mac’s is right around the corner if you need a snack or some coffee.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: All the opportunities there are to explore the outdoors so close to the city.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The amazing friends I’ve made and the beautiful campus.

My post-graduation plans: Some travelling first and then maybe grad school!


Name: Sebastian

Program: Psychology

Year of study: 2nd year

Hometown: Nelson, BC

All posts by Sebastian

Get to know Sebastian

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I love the campus and living on an island.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: The environment is so friendly and welcoming, and the professors and staff are accepting and accommodating. 

Why UVic is so special to me: It is the place where I found my independence and confidence to embrace who I am, knowing that others are there to support me. 

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Biblio cafe (everyone’s answer I’m sure, but there’s a reason why it’s so popular!) 

Favourite spot to study on campus: Curriculum library in the Maclaurin Building. It’s always nice and quiet and it has bean-bag-chairs! 

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Being so close to the ocean. Whenever I wanna go for a quick dip after class or have a picnic, all I have to do is walk down to Cadboro Bay. 

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Biblio cafe’s raspberry vanilla whoopie pie cookies. 

My post-graduation plans: Attending grad school for psychology and then becoming a mental health councillor. 


Name: Talen

Program: Biology (graduate program)

Year of study: 1st year

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Talen

Get to know Talen

Why I chose UVic for my degrees: For undergrad: I chose it because it was (a) close to home, (b) great campus size, and (c) I’d heard good things about marine science at UVic. For my Graduate degree: many reasons, but it had a supervisor, laboratory, and program that I knew I would enjoy. 

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Everyone has a different undergrad experience. From my (considerably lengthy) 6 years, I’ve found the following:

  • Whether you choose to move away or stay at home for your degree, you’re likely making a choice that will make you happy.
  • I’ve never regretted adding more ‘things’ (e.g. a second major, electives, etc) into my degree, even at the expense of time.
  • My undergraduate degree made me question what I wanted to do in the world. My brother changed his program four times before he found the passion he loves. If you’re wondering whether it’s ok to not know what you want when you begin your undergrad degree, I’d say that it’s not only accepted, but encouraged.

Why UVic is so special to me: I wasn’t sure what I wanted when I began my undergrad; I didn’t know what career to pursue, or even what I should be studying. But I did know that I wanted to try everything that an undergraduate degree could offer – clubs, programs, exchange, and work-study, among others – and that UVic could make that happen. I’m now in a graduate program at UVic. While I’m still not certain what my vocational path will be, this university has taught me a thing or two about what kind of person I want to be, and I think that’s pretty special.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Aside from my lab, Mystic Vale is always a welcome retreat from the bustle of campus life. 

Favourite spot to study on campus: My lab (grad school perks).

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Hard to say. Likely the amount of accessible rocky shorelines.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: When I finished my undergrad, I missed the ‘university bubble’ the most. The idea that so many skills, clubs, sports, and topics are all accessible in one area is something I really appreciate.

My post-graduation plans: This is a fun question I ask myself. Will I do more work on my research topic? Perhaps a job in ocean policy? Or will I stay as a permanent fixture in the biology department? Who knows! 


Name: Vanessa

Program: History

Year of study: 1st year

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Vanessa

Get to know Vanessa

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose to come to UVic because of the location and practicality. It is a top university in Canada, and it’s close to home. What’s not to love!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Get involved! Do things that intimidate you! Talk to the person you sit next to in class! Meet new people! Most importantly, have fun! This is your experience and you get to make the most of it!

Why UVic is so special to me: I have dreamt about coming here for the longest time, which makes it somewhat special to me. That being said I am only in my first year here and I have so much more I can learn to love about this campus! I think that’s another special thing, the curiosity it instilled about all the different clubs and opportunities to get involved!

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: That’s a difficult choice, but I think I’d have to say in the courtyard of the Clearihue building. It’s a really nice spot to sit in the sun and warm up, and it’s got some nice tables and benches to sit at if you’re having lunch with a friend!

Favourite spot to study on campus: Definitely the David Strong Building, by the windows on the couches. It is always so quiet in there and with the sun shining in, it makes it so cozy and warm. It’s also a great place to focus and it’s not super busy!

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I am a local, so I’d have to say the fact that my family and friends live here too! I also love the lakes we have and the great beaches! And not to mention how nice it is to walk downtown on a nice day! 

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Probably the clubs and friends I’ve made along the way, but also the way it has challenged me to grow as a person and discover myself and what I enjoy.

My post-graduation plans: After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts, I really want to travel as much as I am able. Once I am satisfied with my travelling and seeing the world I am hoping to apply to UVic Law.