The top 6 reasons you need to come to UVic and Victoria

I will openly admit that the weather recently has influenced this post and I have the need to sell you on UVic and Victoria, or perhaps remind you of how lucky we are to be living in such a gorgeous place on Earth.

1) Weather

The weather on the West (Wet) Coast is unbeatable! Yes, you may complain about the rain sometimes, but I’ll take rain any day over cold temperatures and piles of snow. I value my extremities. This week has been gorgeous. I ate lunch outside on both days I had classes – I can’t complain. Plus, I did all my workouts in shorts and a sweater; try doing that across the country.

If my incredibly descriptive writing (sarcasm alert – I’m no meteorologist) hasn’t sold you on the weather, just look at this post from Buzzfeed on the snow in Eastern Canada and compare that to the sunset and cherry blossoms we are getting here.

Victoria BC sunset

The sunset I saw after finishing a conditioning session Monday evening.

cherry blossoms

I couldn’t resist this picture on my way to coaching Wednesday.


2) Views

I’m not even going to try to do this reason justice because I can’t. There are places you can find that completely take your breath away. Among my favourites are: Saxe Point Park, Gonzales Hill, Dallas Road, China Beach, and Cadboro Bay.

Victoria BC Beach

Victoria BC Sunset

3) Outdoor activities

Going hand-in-hand with the views, there is no shortage of excellent hikes and walks. Check out fellow blogger Heather’s recent post on her top 5 best hikes and walks . A few more good hikes can be found at: Goldstream Provincial Park to the Kinsol Trestle Bridge and up around Shawnigan if you can find your way to the quarry

BC Small Waterfall

Sooke Potholes

4) Downtown Victoria

It might not be a gigantic metropolis haven, but it does the trick. The best part of it all? FREE parking courtesy of the City of Victoria after 6 pm Monday-Friday and FREE parking all day Sunday!!! Sorry, WHAT! Who doesn’t love free! The best places to check out are: along the waterfront, Johnson Street, Chinatown and Government Street if you’re looking to find some neat shops.

Bastion Square Victoria BC

Trounce Alley Victoria BC

5) Restaurant and cafe scene

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a major foodie, but as an athlete, I do consume large amounts of food quite happily…and often. Victoria does not fall short on its offerings in the food department. There are tons of cool, hipster (if I may say) and cozy places that serve amazing meals. As a confessed London-Fog-A-Holic, there are some great cafes for studying.

Victoria BC Dining

Breakfast special at Nourish

Victoria BC Outdoor Dining

6) Island time

The atmosphere in Victoria is hands-down laid-back, relaxing and unique. There’s enough city to keep you entertained, but within a few minutes in any direction you can escape to beach, mountains or green space. Plus, people are friendly and willing to lend a hand if you ask.

Hope to see you soon!


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9 Responses

  1. WAWN says:

    A refreshing insight! I am just heading down to the beach now to enjoy the sand and the view 7 minutes from downtown Victoria. Obligatory reading for any dispirited souls. To be added to UVic’s scholastic prowesses.

    • Jess Neilson says:

      Excellent! I hope you had a good afternoon, it was definitely another gorgeous one 🙂 I sat out in Caddy Bay yesterday doing reading for a few hours in the sun. Of course academics is also key! I thought that was a given 😀

  2. Lindsay says:

    Great post, love the topic choice! And I gotta ask, from one London-Fog-A-Holic to another, who do you think makes the best London Fog?

    • Jess says:

      Tough call! I’d have to say it’s between Cherries or Union Pacific! Yourself?

      • Lindsay says:

        Oooh thanks for the suggestions! I will have to check them out. Personally, I’m a big fan of Murchie’s.

  3. Dorothy Eggenberger says:

    Hi Jess,

    Thanks for the restaurant and cafe recommendations! There are so many fantastic places to eat in Victoria that it’s hard to know where to start sometimes. I will definitely try Nourish. The “winter warrior” listed on their menu looks tasty. Have you tried it? Any menu recommendations there?

    I am already a frequent Bin 4 go-er, usually after 9 😉 !

    • Jess says:

      Hi Dorothy, I’m happy you enjoyed the post! Nourish is such a great spot, especially on a gorgeous day. I had the breakfast special when I went, it was the “pancakes” which are seen above. They were soooo good! My friend really enjoys the Eggs Benny on Kale – although I believe their menu is seasonal since everything is from the Island…don’t quote me on that though 🙂 I hope you enjoy it!

  4. Kevin says:

    Awesome post!! I love the pictures!

  5. Crystal says:

    I must agree – Nourish is at the top of my list in Victoria! I also love Be Love and Cafe Bliss for super healthy choices! Yum!