Attention creative Fine Arts students! New award!

Guest post by Brianna Bock

Hey! Are you a Fine Arts student? Current or graduating? Did you do anything creative with the Greater Victoria community between Jan 1/20 & May 31/21? Then do I have a proposition for you! 

The Faculty of Fine Arts has a new $1,000 Fine Arts Student Community Impact Award

The award will be awarded in Fall 2021 to students who have demonstrated an outstanding effort in a community-engaged creative activity in Greater Victoria. Student recipients are eligible to receive funding of $1,000 or more.

This could be anything that you’ve worked on. It could be an exhibit, performance, workshop, literary, curatorial, educational, digital, production and/or administrative roles as long as it took place within the regional boundaries of Greater Victoria. I’d recommend looking at anything you’ve worked on that wasn’t a school assignment for University if you’re having trouble thinking of anything. It can be a school project that you’ve submitted elsewhere as an example.

But here’s the thing. Your submission package is at the end of this month, Monday, May 31, 2021 at 5:00pm. So if this sounds like anything you might be interested in, get on it!

Submissions and relevant support material must be uploaded here.

And a quick heads up: you will need to submit a few forms and a couple letters of endorsement for your submission package. You need these four things:

  1. A description of the community-engaged creative activity (maximum 500 words), including a title page with applicant’s contact information.
  2. A letter from an individual or organization demonstrating how the student was involved in the community-engaged creative activity (maximum 300 words).
  3. Two letters of endorsement of the project (maximum two pages and from different people than #1. The letters must be written by people who are not related to the nominee).
  4. A resume, CV or portfolio encapsulating the student’s work.

Nominations will be evaluated on the quality of experience, recognition and dedication to creative practice including contributions to, engagement with, and impact on the local arts community.

  • Nominations can be made by any individual or organization in Greater Victoria.
  • Students can nominate themselves for the award.
  • Neither the nominator nor the letters of endorsement can be from a relative of the nominee.
  • Students are only able to receive the award once, but can submit multiple nominations.
  • All nominations will be screened for basic eligibility. If a nomination is incomplete or deemed ineligible, it will not be advanced to the jury.

The winner of the award will be chosen by a jury representing the five disciplines of Fine Arts convened annually by the Dean of the UVic Faculty of Fine Arts.

Approval of the winner will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts. The Award will be presented annually, so there’s always next year!

If you have any further questions about the award itself, reach out to the Fine Arts Department here:

And good luck!

student painting mural on building

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