The Greatest Organization Tool

If you’re anything like me you need to balance your time between classes, studying, your multiple jobs, various volunteering things, social activities and sleep! I feel like a lot of people probably are using this tool but not to its maximum potential! Well not to worry, I will teach you how I mastered Google Calendars and made my life so much easier and organized!

Go online, sign into your G-Mail and open the Google Calendars Window. (You can follow these same steps on the Google Calendar phone app.)

You can also change individual events without changing each event in that repetition.


These options allow me to have such an organized schedule! I always know when I have free time, I can make sure I don’t double book myself AND it’s so satisfying to look at… but maybe that’s just me!


I hope this helps! If you use another aspect of Google Calendars that helps you stay organized, I would love to hear it in the Comments below!

Have fun organizing!!

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1 Response

  1. Hannah says:

    I just started using Google Calendars after reading your post! Very useful tool- thank you for sharing. 🙂