Get Your Glow On: Yoga Rave!

An unforgettable night is in store for you. Join me this Friday at CARSA!

Save the date, UVic. The Yoga Rave is fast approaching this Friday, January 12th. Expect an in house DJ, 150+ participants, and a brilliant teacher.

Get there early, the event will fill up. For students, it’s FREE with your OneCard.

You can also bring your friends who aren’t students at UVic. They can enter by making a donation, which is all going to the Canadian Cancer Society.

Whether it’s your first time trying yoga or you’re an experienced vet, this will be a blast. Vikes Rec will be providing all of the glow sticks and paint to deck you out for the night.


Check out previous blog posts about yoga rave!

Two Words: Yoga Rave

Anyone up for a little rave …Yoga?


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