The 30 DOs and DON’Ts of being an undergraduate at UVic

DO NOT barter your time between studying and Netflix. Netflix will always win and you will always get sucked into the depths of “one more episode then I’ll study.”

DO set aside time to study and reward yourself with a set amount of time on Netflix or even a little episode while you have a dinner break.

DO NOT tell yourself you can stay awake all night to cram for that last exam. You will hate your life, specifically around 2:30 AM when your eyeballs start to burn.

DO plan your schedule well in advance and break up studying into 2-4 hour segments at least two weeks leading up to an exam. This will give you a chance to ask your professor questions about items you don’t understand.

DO NOT eat chips for breakfast.

DO eat pizza for breakfast; it has all the food groups.

DO NOT leave the house without being prepared for all 4 seasons to hit you within the day. Victoria doesn’t know how to decide on weather so expect rain, snow, sun, wind, hail, fog and a slight chance of a volcanic eruption.

DO stash extra clothes in a locker on campus. You’ll love yourself if you end up with wet, soggy socks. Your classmates will also love you because wet socks smell and no one likes a smelly student.

DO NOT ask a prof questions in the last minute of class. Everyone will be packing up to try and leave while you will make everyone mad cause no one can leave until the prof is done talking.

DO put your question in your back pocket and go see the prof at the end of the class. He or she will explain it to and your classmates will be able to leave class right away and head to Felicita’s Campus Pub.

DO NOT warm up fish in the microwaves on campus.

DO pack a lunch whenever possible and take full advantage of the many eating spots all over UVic. There are microwaves aplenty in Vertigo and you’ll find little secret gems to eat all over the place. A great way to save money.

DO NOT put your bag on an empty seat on the bus. You will have no friends and even your backpack will hate you.

DO be kind on public transit. Offer your seat to the elderly and make room for others on the busses. The transit system gets crazy busy but if you squeeze up on your bus buddies, more people can get on and less people will be late for class.

DO NOT turn up the night before an exam. You’ll fail (both at the exam and at life).

DO find time to enjoy yourself after a tough exam. Reward with a beverage at Felicita’s or find an enjoyable activity such as a movie or walk down Dallas Road. A great motivator and light at the end of the tunnel.

DO NOT take a bath in Petch Fountain. Campus Security will “escort” you out of there faster than Donald Trump can self tan.

DO remember that hygiene is really important. Yeah, we are students and sometimes we forget to shower for a few days or even change underwear but try your best to stay fresh – it’ll help you feel good.

DO NOT be a CARSA hog. Don’t leave your weights lying around and don’t sit at machines while on your phone.

DO rerack your weights and get up if you aren’t at a machine. It’ll give others a chance to access everything evenly and fairly. The building gets busy so work together instead of against one another.

DO NOT pay with debit or credit at Mystic Market during high volume times. The lines are soooo long and processing transactions with bank cards takes forever.

DO pay with ONECard or cash. It helps the line move quickly and everyone can get their food or coffee before getting hangry and going Godzilla.

DO NOT spend all your time studying. You will go crazy and probably end up sleeping until all your deadlines pass.

DO find time to partake in campus activities through Vikes Nation or partake in classes through Vikes Recreation. Taking breaks, working out and enjoying yourself are important parts of being a balanced student. There are tons of free and very cheap activities to enjoy in Victoria so take a chill pill!

DO NOT hide in your residence room if you’re in first year.

DO take your studies into the lounge and chat with other students. The key to your first year is meeting new people and making the most of your first year experience. Enjoy it!

DO NOT leave all your hardest classes for your final year of studies. You may think you’re being clever but don’t you will actually die (from studying).

DO see an academic advisor at the end of third year or beginning of fourth year to make sure you’re on track to finish and graduate.

DO NOT take this experience for granted.

DO enjoy the ride, every ounce of every minute. Take pictures, create memories and make a name for yourself. University is what you make of it. Get up, get stoked and have fun!

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