Why we love being MyUVic Life bloggers

Bloggers at a monthly meeting.

In a place where thoughts are constant, speech is welcome and creativity is never short, the MyUVic Life blog has been a central and exciting part of my journey at the University of Victoria.

From learning about the top study spots to the top napping spots on campus, I opened up a whole new world of experiences from the perception of my fellow peers – and let me tell you, it was a super cool experience.

To see the world that you know so well (or that you thought you knew so well) through the eyes of another makes you not only appreciate what you have even more, but it lets you live through another’s experience, making all of their adventures your own.

Being on the team not only allowed me to take a break from the studying and the daily struggles of being a student, but allowed me to tap my brain into fun, fresh ideas and enjoy the company of my fellow bloggers. Here, we have a chance at our monthly meetings to learn about writing and video styles, meet academics in the field and enjoy each other’s company with loads of laughs and great (free) food!

RachelRachel Francois, a blogger for three years, recent graduate and all around beautiful person, shares on why she got involved: “I got involved with the blogging team because I wanted to connect further with my university experience. I met so many great people and got the opportunity to share my own journey through university. It’s also a great platform to showcase your writing and tell your story!”

Rachel has been super successful in blogging through her personal account and has been expressing her world on platforms that have seen national broadcast attention.

My great pal Jess Neilson is also on the blog team. She’s another three-year blogger and the other half to JK Productions (we make videos for our blogs). Jess is an avid rugby varsity athlete with a heart of gold and a mind of determination.

For Jess, “The best part of blogging for Uvic has been the ability to express myself on a platform where people all over the world can relate and share, as well as the benefits on campus at UVic that have enabled me to expand my social circle and meet other really cool people who I would have never otherwise had the opportunity to meet.”

Wait Jess, did you just say people all over the world are reading your stories? So cool! (We’ve had over a million page views!)

Finally, Kate, recent grad and current Master’s student, talks about the essentials to survive post-secondary, “University is a pretty tough time to navigate, so as a member of the blog team I love being able to share my experiences and give tips to new or prospective students; tips which may hopefully guide them in their journey or help them feel a sense of solidarity with the UVic community.” 

Read more quotes about the project from our bloggers.

If you need another reason to join the team, think about what you want to get from your experience and how you’d like to create change, create life and lead a new era of students to their successes. You may not realize it now, but every word you type will have an impact on someone, somewhere and your words may just be what they need to rule life at UVic.

Applications for the 2017-18 academic year close on Friday, September 15 at 9 a.m. Get your application in if you haven’t yet!

Kate & Kevin showing their Vikes spirit

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