Don’t lose hope! It’s just exams.

Credit: Philion, J.J./UVic Archives

Aren’t we all a little dramatic in our ways? But isn’t that all university is about? We have times when we are stressing about the assignments and the times when we make hilarious memories. In the end, it is all about being there and doing that.

We are so unprepared for everything, and so overprepared at the same time. It is funny how university is not only about learning things about this world. You learn more about yourself than anyone else.

University can be rough, hard and overwhelming, but what makes it worth all of this is the fact that we might lose everything in the end, but we will for sure find ourselves.

And, I think it’s great! There’s a magic in all of us, and there’s magic in knowing that we all can do way more than we give ourselves credit for.

We as students learn how to be practical, and how to live not based on faith or hope, but hard work and reality. However, every once in a while, we get this beaming ray of delightfulness which makes it all so much easier, makes all the despair go away.

These are the little things we live for, aren’t they?

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