Beacon Hill Park

bird on branchAs important as your readings and assignments are, you also have to remember that you live in one of the most beautiful places in BC and to take advantage of it.

During the moments that I have a break, I try to get out and see something beautiful… besides the Netflix screen that tells me the next episode starts in 15 seconds.

One of the places I like to go and hide is Beacon Hill Park downtown. The park has everything you could possibly want from a day out. In Beacon Hill you will find animals bounding from trees to bushes, flowers of every colour imaginable, and pathways lit with the soft light of morning.

On days where you need to leave the world behind and focus on the beauty of nature, I recommend going to a funky coffee shop and then walking over to Beacon Hill and savouring your fresh brew while being surrounded by the beauty of nature.turtles on log

My favorite thing about Beacon Hill is the peacocks that roam free around the gardens. They are such beautiful birds and seeing their iridescent feather gleaming in the sun makes me forget about everything else in the world. If you go at the right time of year you might also be able to spot ducklings harassing their mums or the turtles partaking in synchronized sunbathing on the logs.

Beacon Hill also has their own petting zoo run on donations. The zoo is filled with animals you can visit and pet to your heart’s content for animal therapy. My favourite place to visit in the zoo is the goat pen. Goats are one of the best things on this earth because you get to watch them bound around and fight over the tallest stump, as well as pet and brush them. My favorite goat is Bowie, who is very feisty. The petting zoo also has various birds, bunnies, lambs, donkeys, pigs, and alpacas, so no matter what kind of animals you like I am positive you will find an animal to love.

Put down the book, get out of your room, and see something beautiful.

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1 Response

  1. Susan says:

    What are the names of the alpacas?