Last Day of Classes Ever…?

IMG_6486As everyone already knows, April 4th marked the last day of class for the 2016 Spring Term, which also happened to be the last day of class ever for me as I am graduating this term. So I thought I’d pen it down as a blog post, so this memory can stay fresh for all posterity.

Ironically last day of class was on Monday, which also happens to be the longest day of my week (8:30am to 9:00pm), but not any more. Yeah!!! I am a free bird. I am not going to lie, I have been dreaming about this day for so long. Just the idea of not having an irregular schedule and not having to deal with all those late night assignments and project work. It’s a dream come true. I know I still have exams left, so I shouldn’t be getting too excited, but I just can’t help it, hence this blog post.

Surprisingly the day passed pretty quickly, and in no time, I was sitting in my last three-hour long lecture. Amidst all this excitement and hoopla I knew deep down I wasn’t ready for it. I had an instant flashback to Wednesday, September 7th 2011, the first day of classes of my first year. I remember standing in front of the library, holding a map, looking for the SSM building (now called DTB) all lost and then I recall someone saying, “Are you lost? Need any help?” I was like “Yes, saviour!!!”

3D-map-latestThey say, “What goes around comes around.” My experience is a true testament to that. Wednesday, September 5th 2012, the first day of classes of my second year. Now having spent almost a year at UVic I was obviously pretty familiar with the campus. I was walking to my first class and I saw someone standing in front of the library, staring at the map, looking very lost. It was literally déjà vu with reversed roles. I, of course, ended up helping the person.

Coming back to the present, there is just a bundle of mixed feelings. It’s hard to explain. Yes, I am certainly happy to be done but I am going to miss going to class. It still hasn’t sunk in yet. I guess it will take a hit on me this Fall, on Wednesday, September 7th 2016, the first day of classes.

I won’t be there but I can guarantee people will be witnessing the sight of first-year students, all lost, trying to find their classes, and I hope someone comes to their rescue. I sure hope they don’t have their first class in Cornett.

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