From Cali to Canada


High School Graduation

Hey there and welcome to My UVic Life.

I never had a clue about where I wanted to go to university. Being from the United States (San Diego, CA), the usual path is straight to university after high school. Understandably, a lot of my friends had their schools picked out since they were babies, but not me; all I knew was I wanted to go for my own adventure.

My dad’s side of the family hails from Vancouver so I had visited Canada throughout my life. I have Canadian citizenship in addition to my US citizenship. With my love of Canada I figured, hey, what better place for an adventure than a completely different country? So I came up to British Columbia, took a couple tours and BAM! I knew UVic was the place for me. Now, instead of writing a dozen college applications all I needed was one. Overjoyed at my acceptance, I started packing almost immediately. It was somewhere around March but I just couldn’t wait.

Move In Day

Move In Day

August FINALLY rolled around and my dad and I made the 1,400-mile road trip to Vancouver before crossing over to my new life in Victoria. I had no idea what to expect but immediately felt like I had found home.

Now that I am a UVic Life blogger I cannot wait to share all the adventures I have had and am going to have in order give a peek at what UVic means to me, and what UVic can mean to you.

Talk soon friends 😀



College Day in High School


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20 Responses

  1. Dave says:

    You look happy. UVic seems to be the perfect choice for you. Congratulations on being selected to blog for the University. Shine on. I will be reading your comments and posts as they trickle in. To reiterate the schools motto “Let there be light”

  2. Jeannie says:

    Congratulations Rebecca !!!!
    You did find the right college for you , hallelujah!!
    So happy to see you growing and succeeding!!
    Sending you some Cali Love,
    The Hume Family

  3. Kate says:

    Awesome first post Rebecca! Your personality really radiates out of your words; I can’t wait to read more! 😀

  4. Frank says:

    Congratulation Rebecca!! Looking forward to reading more!

  5. Jack Muschell says:

    Congrats Rebecca! Your zest for life makes everyone around you happy! Thanks for being you! Will be looking forward to your posts!

  6. Karen Nauyokas says:

    Awesome Possum, you’ve so got this. Can’t wait to follow! :0]

  7. Victoria says:

    Dude, I am also from San Diego. Haha it’s crazy. Such a long way from home. You’re going to hate the winters here. Haha we should talk x)

    • Rebecca says:

      No way! I am from Poway specifically if you’ve heard of it. I have loved Canada so far, I don’t mind the weather because at least there are seasons ha, if you see me around definitely say hi 😀 so rare to find another San Diegan.

  8. Ang says:

    This is so cool and want to wish you a huge congratulations on being picked as the UVic Blogger. Keep making us proud!

  9. Tristan says:

    Same! Also from SoCal (Irvine), Parents are both Canadian so I figured it would be better than paying $30,000 a year to go to school at home^^

    Glad you like it as well

    • Rebecca says:

      Same here, UVic was perfect for so many reasons haha 😀 Besides, California is the best place to visit. Going home is its own vacation.