Why You Should Go to UVic

IMG_2082Nature. Education. Community. Sunshine. These are why students love UVic.

But why should you go to UVic? Unfortunately, no one can tell you which school is best for you.

There is also no way you can know which school is best for you. The person you are now is not who you will be when you are finished your degree.

UVic is the perfect school because of the endless opportunities to discover who you are, and who you want to be.

The UVic Community

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Education at UVic

  • Endless opportunities to learn and take control of your education.
  • Support and help centers.
  • Available and down-to-earth professors (in my experience as a Biology student).
  • You get what you put into your education.
  • Research and co-op opportunities.

Nature around UVic

World class education doth not compare to the nature on Vancouver Island. The greatest February snowfalls are made of cherry blossoms.

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With forests, mountains, lakes and the ocean everywhere, you can make time for nature in your busy student life.


We also have a family of Ospreys that overlook our soccer players.

Recognize that you will grow and mature beyond academics. University offers incredible experiences and opportunities to endlessly get involved.

When I was applying to universities, I only considered the value of the education I would receive – and now at the end of my degree I have learned more from the experiences outside of the classroom.


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