YouTube Yoga for Stress Relief

Recently I have been deeply contemplating my undergraduate Biology degree. I will be graduating in the Spring 2016, after 9 terms of courses and 2 co-op terms. I have taken a wide variety of courses, such as: calculus, cell biology, organic chemistry, evolution of earth systems, political ecology, neurobiology, and fungi.

My degree has promoted an exorbitant amount of personal growth, but I don’t feel particularly smarter or more knowledgeable. There are not clear ways for me to assess my core learning and ability throughout the years; furthermore, I feel the structure of my education has shaped a successful short-term memory, but not much beyond that. Only time will tell.

This retrospection is ongoing and stressful (not to mention the stresses of studying) so I have turned to my friend YouTube to provide stress relief.

“Forget your troubles, come on, get happy.” Following this YouTube yoga tutorial was strange. The idea of focusing on your breathing and taking time from a busy schedule to simply relax was challenging but felt great. My balance, breathing and relaxation is awful and probably a good thing to work on.


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