CHD All Staff Training
October 2023 – Jeopardy the 13th!
YouTube Video
We just completed our CHD All Staff Training on the weekend and here is the most recent version of Jeopardy: Friday the Thirteenth Halloween Edition! Lots of prizes in the form of Mystery Bags and also some timely and hidden Hiero-GIF-ics too! Lots of fun and looking forward to the next one!

And to show you the very END first, i.e. the Director’s Cut at the end, like Marvel, is the thumbnail to the right! Full YouTube video of the entire PowerPoint slide as a movie is below it and in the title above! The actual slide deck does NOT transfer well to pdf format due to all the transitions, images, text magic and special effects! So if anyone wants to see the ACTUAL slide deck or wants to know how I do some of the effects, let me know! I am always making new ‘special effects’ with each new Jeopardy, to keep learning more about PowerPoint!
And I will leave you with a possible hint to at least one new category for February 2024 Jeopardy – Computer Dad Jokes!

And what would be a Bog Blog post without some new Star Trek promos! Oh, and I recently watched Foundation too and I was impressed! Plus a couple of non-SF shows I really REALLY LIKE!
I have kept the thumbnails (below) a previous post about “A Brief History of Time, Space & … JEOPARDY At The Computer Help Desk” but you can always go back one post and read more!
I …. encourage that!
& reading ALL previous
CALL Me Bog posts TOO!