Art Education Submissions

We invite UVic Art Education instructors, students, alumni, and community partners to submit requests to exhibit artwork, develop art education programming, engage in artist residencies, and hold class critiques and conversations in the space. To inquire about using the space for UVic Art Education-related activities, requests can be made through the online booking form. Please review the exhibition guidelines before submitting a request.

Submissions from Outside of Art Education

Up to three times per year (maximum of one per term), we invite diverse students, instructors, and off-campus practitioners working in fields outside of Art Education to submit proposals to exhibit art, arts-centered research, or other arts-focused programming. Acceptance of proposals is dependent upon availability of the space, alignment with the Art Education program’s philosophy, quality of submissions, feasibility, and variety in programming (please note: such exhibitions cannot be held in the space more than once). Proposals for these exhibitions are juried by Art Education faculty members. There are three deadlines per year (depending upon the availability of the space):

Fall Term: April 15
Spring Term: September 15
Summer Term: February 15

Proposal Guidelines (for submissions from outside of Art Education)

  • Review the exhibition guidelines before developing a proposal.
  • Written Component: A 1- to 2-page proposal that describes:
    • How you propose to use the space and the artwork that will be showcased and/or created in the gallery.
    • How this work connects with art education and the Art Education program’s philosophy. In what ways is this work an innovative contribution to this field?
    • Your experiences (and, if applicable, those of your collaborators) that have prepared you to successfully develop and implement this exhibition/programming/residency.
  • Visual Component: 10-20 high-quality images (min. 150 dpi; clear and crisp) of the work that will be in the space. This should be presented in a pdf document sent to If the file is too large to send via email, this can be sent via WeTransfer.
  • Ethics: If the work involves human participants and the collection of data (e.g., interviews, audio recordings, observation notes, photo/video documentation, etc.), and thus falls within the realm of social or arts-based research, you will need to provide proof of human research ethics approval.
  • Special Notes (e.g., associated events, equipment you would bring, etc.).
  • Completion of the online bookings form.