Backlist Global Corruption (2022) Cultivating Feminist Choices (2021) History of the Diana M. Priestly Law Library at the University of Victoria Libraries (2020) Why Write (2020) As If They Were the Enemy (2020) From Family to Philosophy (2019) Artists' Archives (2019) Narratives of Memory, Migration, and Xenophobia in the EU and Canada (2019) Technical Writing Essentials (2018) Knowing Home, Book 2 (2018) Web of Performance (2018) The Tree Trunk Can Be My Pillow (2017) The Malahat Review at Fifty: Canada's Iconic Literary jouranl (2017) Knowing Home, Book 1 (2016) The Alchemy of Astonishment (2016) [/et_pb_column] Greek and Latin Roots: Part 1 (2016) Greek and Latin Roots: Part 2 (2016) Complexities, Capacities, Communities (2016) Complexités, Capacités, Communautés (2016) Voices of Kakehashi in Multicultual Canada (2016) Fronts of Modernity (2016) The Transgender Archives (2nd Ed., 2016) Strengthening Community-University Research Partnerships (2015) UVic Athletics : A Tradition of Excellence : the McKinnon Years (2015) The Transgender Archives (2014) The Girls' Diary Project (2013) The Seghers Collection (2013) Assembling Understandings (2012) Canadian Public Policy and the Social Economy (2012) Community-University Research Partnerships (2011) Crime Prevention and Community Safety for Children and Youth in Canada (2011) The Lion and the Fox (2009) FollowFollow Sponsored by: