Past bloggers

Past bloggers


Name: Aaron

Program: Public Health & Social Policy

Hometown: Nelson, BC

All posts by Aaron

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: Credibility of the university. Availability of online BA programs other than open learning.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Make sure the real world experience is part of your educational goals. Experience colours the academic experience and the academic experience enriches real life.

Why UVic is so special to me: As a mature student, UVic is the perfect place for me to broaden my understanding of myself and my work.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I hang out in my home town Nelson BC 🙂

Favourite spot to study on campus: I study from home 🙂

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I live in Nelson. 🙂 I love the mountains, the cafes, the people, and the water.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will miss the challenge and the learning, especially from the teachers who brought supreme knowledge and experience into their courses.

Post-graduation plans: Post-graduate studies, and ideally something in health. We shall see! Right now, I am learning to apply my studies to work in two non-profit societies in Nelson, as volunteer and as director. Eventually I might like to start or run my own organization.



Name: Ali

Program: Recreation & Health Education

Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand but moved here from Edmonton, Alberta

All posts by Ali

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: After living in Edmonton, I was very excited to head back to the ocean and embrace the West Coast lifestyle. I loved the warm community feel of UVic, and the cobbled streets of downtown Victoria. I was also drawn in by the school’s reputation, and the amazing climbing facilities here.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: I don’t know anyone who hasn’t loved UVic! There is truly something here for everyone, and it’s not in the worst location, either.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic has truly become a home to me these past few years. I love that I can walk around campus and see so many friendly faces that I know, and that class sizes are small enough that you can get to know your classmates and professors. The community of students here at UVic is very special; I’ve met so many like-minded and wonderful people in my time here.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Peninsula Co-op Climbing Wall, or the fountain in the Quad.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The third floor of the library or the McKinnon lobby.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I love Victoria because it allows me to live the kind of lifestyle I always wanted to live. The beaches, outdoor spaces, and brunch places in Victoria are unbeatable. Living in Victoria has allowed me to do more exploring than I ever imagined, and led me to opportunities to work and live all over this beautiful island.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I love the opportunities that I’ve been able to have here as a student. The friends I’ve made while working on campus, being part of clubs, or in my classes are life-long friends. I am not eager to leave such a positive and learning-filled environment.

Post-graduation plans: After traveling, I hope to enter into a Master’s Degree in population health or health promotion. I’d like to work towards a career in helping make the healthy choice the easy choice for all people in our society.



Name: Amelia

Program: Theatre – Design

Hometown: Bühl, Germany, but I moved here from Kelowna, BC

All posts by Amelia

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic for the theatre program and the climate.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: It’s a Boreal West Coast Paradise! Seriously, the university is one of the friendliest, most down to earth and serene environments I’ve ever been in.

Why UVic is so special to me: It’s really all about the friends you make and, in my department, everybody’s friends with everybody, basically. Outside of academics, I participate in: Well, now I’m blogging for the university and there are a lot of opportunities in theatre outside of class.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I like to hide out in the 3rd floor mezzanine of the library – it’s cozy, peaceful and I’m surrounded by information and knowledge. I only go up there occasionally because I have a busy life – but I guess that preserves the specialness.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Again, the 3rd floor mezzanine – or I go home because I’m terrible for distractions.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The climate, the nature everywhere and the sort of “laid-back, things-will-be-alright” feeling of it all. And, of course, the waffle restaurants and board game cafés!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The community at the Phoenix (theatre department).

Post-graduation plans: I’m not specifically sure yet, but it will probably involve travel – and hopefully eventually my own dog.



Name: Andrea

Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico

Program: Political Science Major / French Minor

All posts by Andrea

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic for a variety of reasons, including: size, location and program opportunities.

UVic’s size is basically perfect – not too big nor too small. There are approximately 21,000 students in total. The advantages of a university of this size are endless – including the opportunities to get in touch with your professors and the many friends you’ll make and constantly bump into (so you’ll never feel like you’re alone, really). It’s less likely that you’ll get lost on a campus this size! Trust me; I’m a campus tour guide with no sense of direction, so if I find my way around here, everyone else will be fine.

The benefits of UVic’s location are self-explanatory for anyone who knows what Vancouver Island looks like; however, for international students who, like me, never had the chance to explore the island prior to coming here, you should know that Canada’s west coast has much better weather (not as cold / less rain than you’d think) and the scenery is spectacular, which makes attending 8:30 a.m. classes much more bearable!

Last, but definitely not least, UVic has a huge variety of programs. UVic is known to be an incredible comprehensive university which means that they will work around your interests as a student and not the other way around. In my case, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to study until I realized I liked 3 different subjects. Consequently, I am doing my major in Political Science, my minor in Latin American Studies and obtaining a language certificate in French. If this doesn’t sound comprehensive to you, then you’re a tough audience to impress!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: My best advice for prospective students is to think carefully about which university you want to attend. If UVic doesn’t sound like the perfect fit for you, that’s fine! It’s important –no, VITAL that you are sure you really like your university of choice, because you’ll be spending the next 4-6 years of your life there. Don’t choose your university solely based on its programs; instead, look at the extracurricular offerings, opportunities to travel abroad (for work or study), the weather and the campus size. In short, be sure that the university you choose for your studies makes you HAPPY AND EXCITED to be there (…and nervous – yes, like everyone else feels or felt at some point).

Why UVic is so special: I don’t even know where to start! In my personal experience, I was looking for a university that made me feel like a vital part of something bigger without taking away my authenticity. What I mean by that is: UVic makes me (and many others) feel like I stand out – because of my cultural background, my areas of study and my overall personality. UVic is composed of so many incredible individuals. The school does a phenomenal job of embracing diversity while making you feel like you’re part of the bigger picture.

Outside of academics, I participate in… as much as I can! There are over 200 clubs and course unions offered at UVic so you get to choose whatever interests you outside of your academic work! I’m really into photography, volunteering, travelling and politics so I was part of the photography club in my first and second year. I joined the volunteer club in my second year as well. Later, I discovered my passion for the United Nations so I joined MUN, which stands for Model United Nations and not only did I get to travel to New York for a UN conference, I met tons of amazing people along the way! I have 3 part-time jobs on campus and I started a work-study position in Student Recruitment and Global Engagement this term. If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m one of those people who likes to keep busy!

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Like many other people, I love to hang out by the Petch Fountain. It’s surrounded by trees and perfect for people watching; however, I find that I spend most of my time in the University Centre because I work in this building. It has the best food outlet, Mystic Market – AND COFFEE!

Favourite spot to study on campus: I really don’t want to give it away because it’s usually empty (one of the reasons why I love it) and when people find out about it, they’ll start coming! I’ll tell you anyway though – it’s a computer lab referred to as the “Call Facility.” I discovered this magnificent study spot during my second semester of first year and computer station 25 and I have been inseparable since then.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: First of all, it’s an island, which means it’s surrounded by water and I absolutely love that because there’s always a beach nearby! I come from a massive city, so I find Victoria quite small in comparison; however, whenever I feel like in a more city-like environment, Vancouver is a ferry ride away, so that makes my music-loving self extremely happy because there are always concerts in both Victoria (for smaller, more indie-like bands) and Vancouver (for bigger concerts).

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: All the people I’ve met throughout my degree! We’ll stay in touch but it’s not the same when you’re able to share a house with your best friends before they move on with their lives, or attending lectures that manages to stress you and interest you at the same time. I’ll miss the island itself because I don’t know where my future plans will take me. It’s possible I’ll have to move and leave my “West Coast / Island Life” behind!

Post-graduation plans: I’d like to travel. I’ve never been to Europe and most of my studies surround its history and scenery, so I’d like to see it with my own eyes instead of trying to imagine what my professors are talking about. Also, I’d need to pay for these trips – this means I need to get a job as well! In an ideal world, I’d like to work and travel.


Name: Andres

Program: Business

Hometown: San Andres Island, Colombia

All posts by Andres


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I always wanted to live in British Columbia! I don’t really know why, but the idea of moving to Canada always involved BC in one way or another!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Enjoy every minute, every hour and every day. Get involved, get to know people outside of your circle, ask questions, join clubs, be active. If there’s anything that has enriched my time at UVic besides the courses I’ve taken, it’s the incredible experiences that you can get if you genuinely get involved in projects outside of the classroom. We are as renowned as any other big university in Canada, but small enough to have access to all these incredible resources.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me because it has allowed me to achieve my potential. From the people I’ve met, to the experiences I’ve been able to have, everything I’ve encountered here has made me grow so much. In a very short period of time this University has taught me more about myself than I would have expected.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I usually never “hang out” in one spot on campus. I’m always walking around, going through buildings, and finding new interesting things inside and out of the ring. I think there is so much to see that I can’t stay static! But if you really need a time to stop and enjoy beautiful BC, Mystic Vale is my go to!

Favourite spot to study on campus: Library, third floor, quiet area. There is something about seeing everyone studying so hard that it’s quite motivating when you really need to stay focused.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The surroundings. We are so lucky to live in one of the most beautiful, unexplored, and untouched places in this world.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I know that once I graduate I’ll miss the sense of community that we have at UVic. There is something about this campus that makes you feel like you know everyone, even if you don’t. There is a strong feeling of belonging everywhere you go.

Post-graduation plans: Probably keep travelling and living in different countries! New projects, new ideas, and new experiences. Probably once I settle I’ll come back to this beautiful island that I’m now able to call home.


Name: Anna

Program: Applied Linguistics

Hometown: Velbert, Germany (exchange student)

All posts by Anna

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: Because Victoria is 7.962,38 km away from my home town and I always had the goal to do my study abroad far away! Finally, the great academic offerings and the amazing environment here convinced me that it is the right place for me.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: I just love every single course I’m taking. Even though it might get stressful from time to time, it is always interesting and worth it. I can actually feel that I’m learning and growing. I’m convinced that everyone can follow his or her interests here because of the broad offerings at UVic.

Why UVic is so special to me: I’m doing my study abroad here which really is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Other than that I’m just fascinated with how helpful and supportive everyone is. It seems like profs, staff and peers just want you to feel comfortable and have a good time.

Outside of academics, I participate in: Well, I’m part of this blogger program. And I’m going to start volunteering in a Language Revitalization Project soon! I started volunteering with the UVic Community Cabbage as well. This is a club at UVic concerned with food waste and food security questions. They offer a free lunch every Friday in front of the library which is made out of donated food that otherwise would have been thrown out.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I love to sit at the fountain in the sunshine but I guess I have to find a new place for the winter.

Favourite spot to study on campus: At the fountain or in the library but in general I’m more of a study-at-home person.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I like that Victoria is cozy and rather small but there’s still a lot going on in relation to its size! Furthermore, to have the ocean so close by and also a lot of other beautiful places in reach.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: It’s hard to say. Probably this open, friendly atmosphere and the ocean. And the extraordinarily well-equipped computer labs in the Fine Arts Building!

What my post-graduation plans involve. I’m not completely sure yet but I know that it should involve at least two things: people and talking.


Name: Arianna

Program: Visual Arts

Hometown: Delta, BC

All posts by Arianna

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I initially chose UVic because of its co-op program, but I would be amiss if I didn’t say the location had a bit of a role in my decision. I have quite a bit of family on the island, so I’ve always seen it as a second home.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: You’ll figure it all out eventually. University is about exploration, as cheesy as that sounds, and UVic gives you plenty of opportunity to explore. There are lots of clubs and organizations to join, and lots of little spots on campus and around town to find. You’ll be able to really take charge of your education and take classes that aren’t just needed to complete your degree, but that allow you to broaden your horizons and get a sense of what interests you.

Why UVic is so special to me: It’s the first time I’ve lived away from home, and I immediately felt welcome. The friends I’ve made and the experiences I’ve had so far will stick with me, and for that, UVic is pretty special to me.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Bibliocafé! It’s always nice to snag a table and just chat with a friend. My friends and I have spent a ridiculous amount of time just sitting there together and talking about the most random things. Also, there’s always a quiet hum of conversation in the air, and I just enjoy the whole vibe, honestly.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Also Bibliocafé, for pretty much the same reasons as above. Sitting with a friend as we both do our own respective work makes it easier for me to focus, personally. If I need a quieter place to study, though, one of the quiet floors in the library is my go-to place. Something about being surrounded by books and other people working makes me feel more motivated to work, too.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: It’s really pretty, for one. It’s amazing to be so surrounded by nature, but you’re also pretty close to downtown, which is just a bus ride away. Also, everything’s a bus ride away! I’m so used to being stuck in traffic forever when I just want groceries, so the fact that everything is relatively nearby is pretty awesome.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate:  The community. There’s a sense of camaraderie between everyone, knowing that we’re all experiencing similar things during our time here, and lots of little interactions have come out of that.

Post-graduation plans: I’m not quite sure at the moment, since I’m still trying to figure out what my pre-graduation plans are. Hopefully there will be some travelling, though.


Name: Asiyah

Program: Biochemistry & Microbiology

Hometown: Fourth Freeport, Grand Bahama, The Bahamas

All posts by Asiyah

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: Because I was looking for a community full with international students and looking for a new place to travel where I wouldn’t freeze!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is one of the most amazing environments where you get to make life long friends and experience more than you would have imagined.

Why UVic is so special to me: I have grown so much from being here and there are so many opportunities – I’m just to grateful to have such a great support group while I go through my own professional development.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: My favourite spot to hang out is at the Welcome Centre (even though I shouldn’t) because my friends work there. 🙂

Favourite spot to study on campus: Anywhere where my friends aren’t!

Favourite things about living in Victoria: My friends and… my friends! <3

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: My friends….

Post-graduation plans: Still haven’t decided!!! (Check back in in a few months)


Name: Avery

Program: Sociology

Hometown: Kelowna, British Columbia

All posts by Avery


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: UVic was my first choice for university not only because the school itself has so much to offer but because Victoria is one of my favourite places. Victoria is the perfect in between size for a city because it has lots to do without being overwhelming and too busy. Victoria also has a different vibe than the rest of British Columbia, which makes it very unique and beautiful.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic has so many fantastic opportunities and experiences to offer! There is every kind of club and society you can think of and if you somehow get bored on campus the Island is an amazing place to explore. Last year I would have told you I have been visiting the island since I was little and it has always brought back fond memories of hunting for creatures in tide pools. Now I have all those memories as well as the friends that I made in first year and am now living with.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The best place to go on campus to get away from all the stress is Finnerty Gardens on the outside of Ring Road. I often go here to pretend I don’t have papers to write and tests to study for. You also never know what kind of animals you might run into; that’s why I alway bring my camera.

Favourite spot to study on campus: On rainy days I tend to hide in my room with a good cup of tea and my textbooks (or NetFlix), but on sunny days I love sitting out in the sun on any patches of grass between the buildings. Or my friends and I tend to have late night study sessions in Clearihue during exam time.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: There is alway something to do while procrastinating, you could explore downtown, walk through the neighbourhoods and look at all the old houses, or you would find a beautiful trail or hike to explore. But no matter what you decide to do living in Victoria will always lead to extraordinary surprises.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will definitely miss the vibe of campus, there is something about walking from class to class and seeing everybody going about their business.

Post-graduation plans: You sound like my grandparents at Christmas, but in all honesty, I don’t really have a concrete plan as to what I am going to do after graduation.


Name: Ben

Program: English 

Hometown: Calgary, AB. Go Flames Go!

All posts by Ben


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic for its atmosphere, and academic reputation in my field of study.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic provides its student body with a great sense of community. I have learned that proximity is everything at university. We are strong at 20,000ish students, yet every building is a maximum 10 minute walk from each other (yes, you’ll have enough to get from your 10:20am class to your 11:30am), and we are fortunate enough be surrounded by such a unique and diverse landscape. Also, do not forget to bring your bike!

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me because it is my first university experience. First time being in a 300 person lecture hall, first time preparing for 50% finals and most notably, first time living away from home and managing everything that that entails. Besides from all the firsts, the learning environment and community is unmatchable anywhere else.

Outside of academics, I participate in: I was a Vikes Nation Ambassador in my first year, I volunteer for the Martlet, UVic Student Blogger Project, and intramural volleyball.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The best spot on campus to hang out is bar-none the Quad when it’s a beauty outside. Otherwise you can find me on the second floor of the library by the windows.

Favourite spot to study on campus: In a carrel on the second floor close to the windows on the north side. This area provides the right amount of silence without driving you crazy.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: My favourite thing about Victoria is how accessible everything is. You can be downtown in 20 minutes from campus, next thing you know you’re on the beach, and somehow you’re walking through a forest. What’s not to like about that?

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will miss the landscape and the people. Like I mentioned before, Victoria is the only place with the ocean, a city centre, and forest all within a 20 minute radius. I will not only miss the landscape, but the inclusive community at UVic will be hard to match anywhere else.


Name: Brett

Program: Software Engineering

Hometown: Calgary, Alberta

All posts by Brett

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
It’s close to sea level which helps with digestion.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Of all the universities I’ve attended this one checks all the boxes on my list. Good people, good classes, evil raccoons following me back to my room every night, great scholarship opportunities. I fully recommend.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me because my parents really wanted me to stay home in Calgary (and probably for the rest of my life) but I decided to come here anyway. It’s a symbol of independence for me.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: On the quad, doing pushups.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Life-hack: I bought a coffee at the library downstairs on the first day and then just keep bringing back the same cup day after day for a refill while I study there. If anyone from UVic is wondering why the budget isn’t balancing at the end of the year, it’s all me.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Everything is much closer so even if someone lives across the city you can be there in like 15 minutes tops. I’m going to be trick or treating an entire city come October.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Seeing people in class that you’ve met on the weekend and the little adrenaline rush you get when you sit down by them and are waiting to see if they remember you.

Post-graduation plans: Successful podcast, semi-successful web series, unsuccessful small business, and hopefully a wife and kids.



Name: Bryan

Program: Political Science & Sociology

Hometown: Comox Valley, BC

All posts by Bryan


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: Many of my friends from college were transferring to UVic and they had told me good things. UVic is in the provincial capital, which appealed me as I originally only wanted to pursue a Political Science degree.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: I would recommend UVic because of the great experiences I have had here, with fellow students, professors and the administrative staff.

Why UVic is so special: UVic is special to me because it is where I have been able to explore myself and meet many wonderful people.

Outside of academics, I participate in: I am currently a coordinator in the World University Services Canada (WUSC) committee at UVic – we run the Student Refugee Program. Also, I volunteer my time with Student Affairs in the Student Leader/Orientation Program.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I don’t have any one place that is my absolute favourite to hang out at UVic, I have several! The Bibliocafe, the Lounge in the Student Union Building, and the Mystic Market during the day, and then I occasionally visit Felicita’s Pub with some friends to relax.

Favourite spot to study on campus: My favourite places to study at UVic are the basement and 3rd floor of the library.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I love the overall culture of Victoria. It’s a very vibrant city. I love exploring it and seeing new sights.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Hanging out with friends and colleagues, both for course-related meetings and for just for having fun.

My post-graduation plans: After I finish my Bachelor’s degree I hope to attend graduate school and get a master’s degree in Political Science.


Name: Courtney

Program: Pre-Social Work

Hometown: Fort McMurray, Alberta

All posts by Courtney


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: Great Social Work program, and easiest for commuting.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is an amazing school that has been ranked one of the top 200 universities in the world and the highest ranked university without a medical school in Canada. We have an incredible co-op program and international program. It is a beautiful campus, full of friendly staff and students who are willing to help and make studying and life both more fun and easier.

Why UVic is so special to me: I have had a significant amount of personal growth while being a student at UVic. Some of my most challenging moments were experienced on campus, along with incredible memories. I stumbled into university while navigating big changes (life is funny like that) and UVic fell into my lap. I have fallen in love with my school and I’m excited to receive my education here.

Outside of academics, I participate in: Student blogging program and student leadership for the “Student-for-a-Day program.”

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I enjoy being near the Petch Fountain or the BiblioCafé to catch up with friends. Also, I love to visit Finnerty Gardens.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Library, or BiblioCafe.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I love the diversity of the city. I love the lakes and ocean and the beaches. There is beautiful scenery everywhere you go. There is always something to do in Victoria and oftentimes you can stumble upon it by simply walking around. I love the stark contrast between eclectic small-town buildings and artistry and the sleek and modern designs.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I think I will miss the campus and how it changes with the seasons. I will miss the people and friends that I’ve come to know.

My post-graduation plans: Personal – I want to raise a family. Career – I want to become an Emergency Response Unit (ERT) officer within the R.C.M.P.


Name: Divyanshu

Program: Electrical Engineering, specializing in Communications

Hometown: Kotdwara, Uttarakhand, India. It’s located in the northern part of India, overlooking the Himalayas.

All posts by Divyanshu

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I am not sure if I choose UVic, or if UVic choose me. I believe it was destiny that brought me here. My application was submitted on the last day of the extended deadline and I was accepted. It all came to me by surprise.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: I think it’s a world within itself. It’s culturally diverse and you literally meet people from all walks of life.

Why UVic is so special to me: A big part of my growing up came after I moved to university. I came to UVic when I was 16 and now when I look back I see myself as a completely different person (in a good way) and I give a lot of credit to the experiences I have had here.

Outside of academics, I participate in: I am an active member of the UVic Badminton club. We have around 150 clubs on campus, everyone ends up finding things they enjoy. Also, I worked as a Community Leader with UVic Residence Services and the experience was extremely enriching.

Have you participated in co-op? Yes, as an Engineering student, you are supposed to do four mandatory co-op terms, which is a part of your curriculum. Surprisingly enough all of my co-ops have been on campus. I guess the opportunities presented themselves at the right time and I kept climbing up the ladder. Now because of the co-ops, I have secured a full-time job.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: It’s too hard to narrow it down to one. I like the Student Union Building, the fountain outside the library, Residence, etc.

Favourite spot to study on campus: I don’t study on campus. I just can’t. I know everyone goes to the library to study but I always end up watching people more than my books. So I prefer to stay home and study, which is usually before the exam.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Most important the weather, the people, and the beautiful scenic locations. I always joke around with people that I am so fortunate to live in Victoria and it’s so pretty that the next time I plan to travel some place pretty, I will have a hard time finding a place.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Definitely the memories I have made. I look around campus and I see glimpses of fun I have had all around throughout time.

What my post-graduation plans involve. I will continue to work as an Educational Technology Specialist with Technology Integrated Learning and will have my doors open for any opportunities that come my way. 



Name: Dylan

Program: Computer Science

Hometown: Castlegar, BC

All posts by Dylan


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I heard great things about the co-op program (and found out they were true)!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Victoria is a beautiful city and, as mentioned, the co-op program is great.

Why UVic is so special: UVic is special to me because of how much I’ve changed while I’ve been here. I came in with some slight programming knowledge and, since then, have taken a ton of interesting courses and have worked at some awesome co-ops.

Outside of academics, I participate in: I am the Events Co-ordinator for the UVic Computer Science Course Union and one of the executives for the UVic Game Development Club.

Have you participated in co-op? I’ve completed 3 out of 4 of my co-op terms and they have all been excellent. It was a great way to gain real world experience and make connections that have been incredibly useful.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I’m usually found in the CSCU office, in Engineering Computer Science 331 (come visit and learn more about what we do!).

Favourite spot to study on campus. Third floor ECS.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Victoria is not only a beautiful city but also has a thriving tech industry (in fact, the technology sector in Victoria bypassed the tourism industry several years ago!).

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The community at UVic is amazing. It has been awesome attending campus events and checking out all of the various clubs we have!

My post-graduation plans: I’m going straight into the game industry, either in town where I’m already heavily involved in the industry or California or Europe, which would give me a chance to see some of the world.


Name: Elena

Program: Political Science

Hometown: St. John’s, Newfoundland / London, England / Aberdeen, Scotland

All posts by Elena

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: When I decided that I wanted to return to Canada for university I was certain that I wanted to extend my experiences beyond the east coast, where I’d grown up. I chose BC for the landscape, but I was sold on UVic’s ambition: a small school, accomplishing big things. I wanted to be a part of that community.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: I recommend the University of Victoria because here I’m thriving on the edge of my breaking point: academically and on an extracurricular basis.

Why UVic is so special to me: The university is special to me because while tradition has set the bar, there are no limits to the community’s ambition.

Outside of academics, I participate in: I’m a Vikes Nation Ambassador and a rookie with UVic Water Polo.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Weather permitting, the quad.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The McPherson Library has large steps carved out along floor to ceiling windows, creating small seating areas. Regardless of weather these are a go-to for me to complete reading assignments. However, if I’m on a late night crunch approaching a deadline I like setting up camp in a small classroom in the Clearihue building. It’s open 24 hrs, it’s quiet and you can spread your study materials all over the conference table.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: It’s the people that make the place for me.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’ll miss the course selection process. Having an array of knowledge ahead of me is an exciting and motivating process – I’ve found it hard to limit myself to taking five classes a semester. UVic has so much to offer.

My post-graduation plans: After completing my bachelors’ degree I’d like to work with the Canadian Forces full time prior to attending law school. Eventually I’d like to work in international law or politics. 


Name: Emily

Program: Recreation and Health Education

Hometown: Calgary, Alberta

All posts by Emily


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic because of its proximity to the ocean, environmental consciousness and small size.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is an amazing school with an unlimited amount of opportunity. It is full of vibrant, passionate people who are willing to collaborate and help anyone realize their goals and dreams.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me because it has such a strong sense of community. I have felt accepted, supported and connected to the strong culture here at UVic from day one.

Outside of academics, I participate in: I am part of the UVic Outdoor Club and am also involved with the Student Alternative Theatre Company. I can often be found attempting to slackline on the quad, or wandering the trails in Mystic Vale.

Have you participated in co-op? My program is a co-op program, and it has been an amazing opportunity for me. Co-op has allowed me to try jobs that I would never have thought related to my degree, and has helped me develop great career competencies and goals.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I love to sprawl out on the quad on a sunny day.

Favourite spot to study on campus: I love to cozy up with a mug of tea and a book in the Curriculum Library.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: You can bike to school 365 days a year! And the breakfast restaurants are off the wall.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will miss seeing familiar faces around campus, and the access to the incredibly diverse array of workshops, talks, and events that are available to students.

My post-graduation plans: I hope to travel for a while, and then pursue a career in outdoor education.


Name: Emma

Program: Linguistics

Hometown: Brandon, Manitoba

All posts by Emma


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree because I wanted to study Linguistics, and learn Japanese!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Be open to new experiences – whether it’s joining a club, or volunteering with the Global Community. There is something for everyone at UVic!

Why UVic is so special to me: I love UVic because I feel that I am part of an international community. It is so valuable to have the opportunity to meet and study with students from all over the world.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: My favourite spot to hang out on campus is Finnerty Gardens, because it is so serene and the flowers are beautiful.

Favourite spot to study on campus: I love studying on the third floor of the library because it feels a bit like being on the set of a movie when surrounded by all the books!

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Being in Victoria for school is wonderful! I feel so lucky to be able to walk by the ocean, hike in Mystic Vale, and have flowers bloom all year round. It really is the perfect climate!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will miss the beautiful campus and the kind-hearted professors at UVic. I will always treasure the invaluable memories I made during my first degree in Victoria!

Post-graduation plans:  After graduation, I hope to pursue a Master’s degree in Linguistics. I would also love to work with the government in Global Affairs.


Name: Emma

Program: Writing & Theatre

Hometown: Fort McMurray, Alberta

All posts by Emma

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: 
I chose UVic for its incredible Fine Arts programs, specifically the Writing program which is renowned for being one of the best in the country. And you can’t beat the location. I grew up in Alberta, and I still can’t get over being so close to the ocean all the time.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Buy waterproof shoes. If you want to look experienced, only look one way when crossing Ring Road. There are going to be a lot of opportunities coming at you from day one, and you should take as many as you can. Oh, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. UVic has resources available to help students in need.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is made special by all of the extraordinary friendships I’ve made here. Plus there are so many different kinds of trees!

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I pretty much live in the Phoenix Theatre. 

Favourite spot to study on campus: Maybe I’m basic, but my study strategy usually involves spreading my work out across one of the big tables in the BiblioCafe. The buzz of energy in the air there pushes me to get work done. 

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Beaches, brunch, and beer.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’ll miss the feeling of being immersed in my studies and spending every day pushing myself as an artist. I’ll also miss always being within 20 feet of a coffee shop.

My post-graduation plans: I’m spending the scraps of spare time I have trying to learn French with an eye to possibly moving to Montreal when I graduate. I struggle to even plan what I’ll be having for dinner each night, so life post-grad is difficult to imagine.


Name: Erin

Program: Sociology

Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta

All posts by Erin

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
I chose UVic because I wanted a change of pace. I was born and raised in Edmonton, though I had family on the lower mainland of BC, and I wanted to experience a lifestyle different from what I was used to. The UVic campus had the perfect size and atmosphere. Not too big or too small, and you can’t beat living near the ocean. Especially when you’re from the prairies.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Coming to UVic has been one of the best decisions of my life! The community vibe and the beautiful scenery foster the best educational and lifestyle experience I could have ever hoped for. Every day I find a new reason to be glad I chose UVic, whether it’s an interactive event, an interesting club or discovering a cool place to go on campus.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me because coming here was the first time I ever left home. Starting here this past September feels like starting a new independent chapter of my life. I firmly believe that the transition has been so fun and exciting because the UVic community has been so welcoming.

Outside of academics, I participate in: I go to as many UVSS and Vikes Nation events as I can. I also love participating in group fitness classes at CARSA. I also am part of the UVic chapter for Amnesty International.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Felicita’s in the SUB is my favorite place to hang out. It’s a really relaxed environment during the day with a great menu, and they have super fun weekly events at night like karaoke and trivia night. The Petch Fountain and the Quad are unbeatable. Even when they’re busy, sitting by the water or in the open green space is serene and relaxing.

Favourite spot to study on campus: When the weather’s nice, nothing beats laying out on the quad and getting some readings done. I’m also a fan of the Biblio Cafe in the McPherson library for a mixed social and academic environment. Plus easy access to food and coffee!

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The climate is at the top of my long list! Coming from dry and cold Alberta to beautiful and temperate Victoria is like entering a whole new world. The environment is lush and the air feels fresh and clean. I love being close to the water at any given location in the city. The vibe of downtown is really rad too. There’s a strong arts and culture scene that’s relaxed and fascinating to explore.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’ll really miss the sense of community and school pride. There’s a general sense of ‘we’re in this together’ no matter where you go on campus or what you’re doing. I’ll also miss how much UVic has become my home away from home. After spending my first year in residence and almost every day for four years on campus, it’s impossible to not feel at home.

Post-graduation plans: Ideally, I’ll be travelling. Hopefully, I can get a job in another country and get a jump on my career and my next adventure at the same time!


Name: Ethan

Program: Biochemistry & Microbiology

Hometown: White Rock, BC

All posts by Ethan

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:  I was originally going to pursue a major at UBC, given that it was closer to my hometown. However, upon my arrival, I was attracted by the classic UVic “circle.” It gives the student lifestyle a more “homey” feeling. During my freshmen year, the small proximity between classes and the beautiful green space naturally sealed my decision for UVic.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic:  Take this educational process one step at a time. The longer you study here, the easier it can be to get overwhelmed and drained by everything. Although it’s important to have an end goal in mind, it’s more important to understand the infinitesimal steps and habits that lead up to that goal. The discipline in everyday pursuits is critical. Eventually, when you do feel unmotivated or in the dumps, you can say to yourself “I’ll just take one more step,” and after that, the remaining steps in your journey will follow through.

Why UVic is so special to me: When I graduate from this place the thing that I will carry closest to my heart is my diverse friend group. I think that a part of why we’re here is to gain new perspectives through learning and social interactions. Having a wide network of friends that I both trust and reflect upon, has given me something I seldom acquire: insight through the lives of others around me.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The quad underneath a tree. Over the past year or so, this outdoor spot has been a central point for talking with friends. The kind of “talking” that doesn’t mention grades or assignments, but rather about our passions and possible philosophies. Even when I’m alone, this spot has often given me a chance to calm my head through reflection.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Cunningham main floor table area (before covid). It checks off everything I could ask for in a university study area. It’s quiet but also loud enough to socialize with people. On the side, there is almost a wall-to-wall glass panel that helps you stare at trees. And most importantly, it has both a microwave and an electric kettle for when the study hours turn to study days.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Hiking up mountains and trekking through natural trails. If you ever felt Wanderlust in your life, now is the time to capitalize upon those feelings 🙂

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate:  I’ll answer this question by reiterating a quote I heard from a New Zealand Hiking video on YouTube. “He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.” It translates to “What is the most important thing in the world? It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.”

Post-graduation plans: After finishing my undergrad, I’m hoping to take roughly a year off to travel and do some research-related work. In time, I want to enroll in UBC medical school and become a doctor.


Name: Grace

Program: English

Hometown: Gibsons, BC

All posts by Grace

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
I choose to go to UVic for a variety of reasons, but it was practicality that got me. I was going to go to SFU because they gave me more money than UVic, but I didn’t apply early enough for housing and didn’t get in. I didn’t want to deal with renting in Vancouver so soon, so I switched to UVic, with the lovely first-year guarantee they have for on campus housing.

I think for kids moving out of home for the first time, the support that living in residence provides is very important. Feeling comfortable and safe makes learning—academic and otherwise– much easier. In the wider picture, there are only a few big universities if you want to stay in BC, and for a small-towner afraid of Vancouver, Victoria is a good option. I’ve completely left out academic prestige in my reasoning, but of course that factored in.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: I would tell them that UVic, in most instances, is a welcoming place full of wonderful people. That might sound generic, but I think it’s true. I would also tell then to get a good raincoat.

Why UVic is so special to me: I value the friends I’ve made from all over North America and beyond that UVic has attracted.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: In September, sitting on the grass on the quad or by the fountain. The booths in Mystic Market in the evening, when it’s quiet, are a nice place to kill time or do homework. Mystic Vale is also a nice place to move your body after sitting in class.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Mystic Market.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Double decker buses! Ridiculous road name logic! (Just kidding, that’s my least favourite thing.) Nearby hikes!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’ll miss having a community who are all in the same boat. I’ll miss being intellectually stimulated.

My post-graduation plans: Well, it’s a long way off, but I want to travel all around BC and maybe come back to live in Victoria. 


Name: Hannah

Program: Environmental Studies

Hometown: Halifax, Nova Scotia

All posts by Hannah

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: 
I chose to travel over 5,000km to UVic from my hometown of Halifax, Nova Scotia in pursuit of new adventures, beautiful natural surroundings, and that unmistakable ‘West Coast vibe.’ The thought of attending UVic made me feel energized and inspired in a way that was simply unmatched by any of the other schools that I had considered. From hands-on learning opportunities, to a bike-friendly campus, to sandy beaches and old-growth forests only a bus ride away, everything about UVic just felt like the right place for me to learn, grow, and explore as an undergraduate student.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is a place of opportunity. Within your first few days on campus, you’ll likely feel overwhelmed by the plethora of exciting courses, unique clubs, and incredible outdoor spaces for you to discover. Take advantage of as many of these opportunities as possible because at UVic, learning isn’t confined within the four walls of your classrooms. By pushing your personal boundaries, sharing ideas, and pursuing your passions, you will truly get the most out of your education.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me because it’s a place where I feel like I can truly be my best self. At UVic, I have the opportunity to work hard, and pursue a meaningful education that is relevant, thought-provoking, and fuels my future ambitions. Every day, I am surrounded by so many intelligent, passionate people who inspire me to think big, and view the world from different perspectives. At this point in my life, I know that UVic is exactly where I need to be, and I am so thrilled to be here.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: For me, the Campus Community Garden is a very special place to retreat to after a long day of classes, when I’m just in the mood to hang out with some leafy friends, and dig around in the dirt. It’s lovely to be immersed in such a vibrant, edible landscape, and to connect with the many other students and community members who enjoy the garden as a place to grow and harvest sustainable food. Plus, I usually end up taking home an armload of fresh veggies and herbs to share with my roommates.

Favourite spot to study on campus: At my house! I live in the Cluster Sustainability LLC located just across from Mystic Vale at the far edge of campus, and am so fortunate to share my house with three lovely, inspiring roommates. I love to study in the comfort and serenity of my own home, where good food and warm tea are easily accessible, and the view from our front window features native trees and a variety of wildlife.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Victoria is a very progressive, eco-friendly city, with incredible access to the outdoors, and plenty of hip, local places to discover. I love that I can easily zip around town on my bike, or hop on the (very reliable) transit system to get wherever I need to be. Within a few minutes of the UVic campus, you can find yourself on a spectacular ocean beach (Cadboro Bay, Holydene, Clover Point), hiking up the side of a mountain (Mt. Doug, Mt. Tolmie), or strolling the downtown streets, with its many boutique shops and vegan cafes.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: When I eventually graduate, what I’ll miss most about UVic is just the hopeful, optimistic, and free-spirited reality of being a student. Despite the many deadlines and endless textbook chapters, there’s a beautiful sort of simplicity that comes along with the student lifestyle. Being in university is the time when it’s ok to not have a plan, and your mission every day is just to learn more about yourself, others, and the world around you. It’s a beautiful sort of existence, and one that should not be taken for granted.

Post-graduation plans: Officially, I’m interested in pursuing a career in urban planning and community development, with a focus on sustainability. At least that’s what I tell my parents’ friends whenever they ask, because it sounds impressive, right? In reality though, I’d love to become an entrepreneur and start my own permaculture farm/outdoor education centre somewhere in a beautiful natural location. I also hope to live in a tiny house, own a cat, and embark on a lot of epic outdoor adventures. Really, the possibilities are endless…


Name: Hayle

Program: Elementary Education

Hometown: Tahltan First Nations, Dease Lake, BC

All posts by Hayle

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:I chose UVic because of the moderate climate, beautiful beaches, it is the only university (that I found) that offered an undergraduate program in Elementary Education, and because of the central presence of First Peoples House.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: University can be stressful. Especially when you are far from your home communities. You MUST take care of your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health. As attractive as staying at home studying all the time may sound, your three other ways of being will suffer. Get out in the community! Join a club, volunteer, and explore Victoria. I encourage you all to take risks and put yourselves out there. No one ever grows by staying in their comfort zone!

Why UVic is so special to me: When I reflect on my life as a UVic student, I feel immense gratitude and joy. The communities on campus gave me a safe space to practice my culture, make lifelong friendships, and grow as a professional!

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I spend most of my time at the First Peoples House hosting events, studying, and visiting. Why? Because it is one of my culturally safe spaces on campus, and because I am a Campus Cousin.

Favourite spot to study on campus: My favourite place to study is definitely Munchie Bar in the Student Union Building. I go there for the deep relaxing colours, music, and most importantly the lattes!

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Food, hiking, swimming, coffee shops, and events! The list of things to do in this city is never ending. I am a small town human. Although Victoria is a city, it has a small town feeling. Lastly, I have lived in Victoria for over three years and I still find new places to explore!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will miss study dates with friends, my professors, the First Peoples House, and most importantly the positive and productive atmosphere that is found everywhere you go on campus!

Post-graduation plans: I hope to teach in elementary school for a few years, obtain my masters, become a principal and play a large role in the implementation of Indigenous Education in schools throughout Canada. How this will look, I am yet to find out.



Name: Heather

Program: Political Science

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Heather

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
Primarily, I chose UVic based on its location and reputation. UVic presented a high-ranking institution just down the road from where I went to high school, making the decision easy for my 17-year-old self.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic has been a fantastic experience for me, which makes me eager to share this experience with prospective students. I’ve loved the academic aspect, but I’ve appreciated my extra-curricular involvements on campus even more. Through these, I’ve been able to find a community and meet countless friends.

Why UVic is so special: UVic is a mid-sized institution with a world-class reputation and that is what makes it unique. We’re small enough for a strong sense of community, yet large enough that we host world-renowned researchers studying the most important questions of our time.

Outside of academics, I participate in: Aside from being a member of the student blogger team, I’m currently a part of the Global Community Conversation Partners program. While full-time work has made extra-curricular commitments difficult to maintain, I was heavily involved with the Model United Nations (MUN) Club and the Undergraduates of Political Science Course Union. Also, I volunteered with UVic Orientation before I started my paid position with the office.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: While not necessarily a “hangout”, I love heading to the UVic dog park or walking the Alumni Chip Trail in my free time.

Favourite spot to study on campus: McPherson Library, third floor, very back, in the comfy chairs beside the windows.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: As cliché as it is, Victoria’s climate is definitely my favourite aspect of the city. Spending much of my childhood in Alberta and Ontario has made me appreciate the fairer weather!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The people. I’m used to saying hi to people everywhere I go, and it’s so uplifting to see familiar faces all around campus (although it’s something I regret when I’m on my twelfth hour of studying and in my sweats).

My post-graduation plans: While my post-graduate plans change nearly every week, I’m currently hoping to pursue a law degree after finishing my undergrad.


Name: Isabel

Program: Linguistics

Hometown: Calgary, Alberta

All posts by Isabel

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I like to think that the universe chose UVic for me! Although I started my degree at another university, the west coast called to me. Victoria was the perfect place for me, so I up and moved! When it was time for me to go back to school, UVic just happened to have the perfect program for me – linguistics.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Don’t worry about finishing your degree in four years. One of the things I love about UVic is that there are so many things to explore, and so many ways to learn. From physics to gender studies, and co-op to field schools, take the opportunity to explore! And if it takes you a little longer, don’t sweat it – it just means you get more amazing stories to tell!

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic has given me the opportunity to explore so many different things, from doing my own research as an undergraduate student, to creating teaching resources. I’ve been able to learn so much more about myself as a student, and as a person. The cozy, friendly atmosphere has really allowed me to grow and become the person I am today.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The Welcome Centre! It’s just so…welcoming! The people there can answer any question you have about UVic, and there are super comfy couches to hang out on.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The Linguistics seminar room, aka the Ling Lounge! Great place to study with friends, plus they have a kettle right there, so I can indulge my tea obsession.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The friendly people. The weather. The wildlife. My friends!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Going to school in such a cozy atmosphere! Seriously, walking around UVic is like walking through the park. It’s green, it’s friendly, and there’s always something fun going on.

Post-graduation plans: I already graduated! I finished my degree this past June, and decided to keep taking classes and be part of a research team as a non-degree student. I’m preparing to apply to graduate school, but in the meantime, I just couldn’t leave UVic!


Name: Izabella

Program: English & Philosophy

Hometown: Calgary, Alberta

All posts by Izabella


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I fell in love with the beautiful campus and the open-minded attitude of students and faculty. I had also heard wonderful things about UVic’s faculty of humanities.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: There is something for everyone at UVic and in Victoria. Give yourself time and be kind to yourself, especially the first few weeks, because you are bound to find a club, group of friends, or a place in the surrounding community, where you’ll feel welcome.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is the place where I truly grew up. It was the place where I made the transition from adolescence to early adulthood. I spent a lot of time forming strong friendships and connecting with faculty members, all of who helped me become a stronger and more confident individual. It’s also the place where I began to realize my passions.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: My favourite spot to hang out on campus is definitely Finnerty Gardens. It is quiet, peaceful, lush and green, all year round. It’s the perfect place to read, call loved ones, or just to sit with your thoughts for a bit.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The little study nooks around Clearihue are hidden gems. You can wander around the building and find little ledges and desks near windows, so you can bask in the sunlight and work efficiently in a nice quiet space.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Victoria brings together city life with the natural beauty of the Canadian West Coast. I love that no matter where I am in the city, there is almost always a park, garden, or beach within walking distance. It’s great to explore these places with friends, or to enjoy them on your own.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’ll miss so much about UVic when I graduate. I’ll miss running into friends I haven’t seen in a while on campus. I’ll also really miss attending lectures with my favourite professors, and even studying in the library. It’s going to feel like leaving home all over again.

Post-graduation plans: I hope to pursue a post-graduate degree in law, eventually specializing in Human Rights or Environmental Law. Or, I would like to pursue a graduate degree in English Literature and maybe even become a professor one day.


Name: Jacob

Program: Chemistry

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Jacob


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: It was close to home, and I know that UVic is ranked highly both nationally and internationally.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is a fantastic school. It’s fantastic in regards to the fact that when you look for new and exciting activities to be a part of, you never know what you may stumble on! When you come to UVic, you don’t just learn material in the classroom, you learn about yourself and what makes you excited.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic has really helped guide me to who I am. By putting myself out there and getting more involved, I realized that I loved to be around people, and that I loved to try new things! It has also given me a huge passion to what I’m studying, which is chemistry!

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Mystic market. It’s an environment where you can socialize and talk to your friends.

Favourite spot to study on campus: My favourite spot is probably the basement of the library. It’s such a fantastic place to study, as you can look out the giant windows when it’s raining and cozy up to your laptop.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: All the activities and adventures which are waiting! I love being able to go out on the weekend for a hike on the Juan de Fuca trail, and explore for a day! It also has fantastic camping spots. There’s just so much to do, it’s difficult to become bored.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Probably the campus. The people are friendly, and it’s got a community-type feel to it. Overall, it’s a fantastic place to just hangout or study, with amazing things to do.

Post-graduation plans: I am hoping to attend dental school after graduation!



Name: James

Program: Biochemistry/Microbiology

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by James


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: Location and affordability.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: It’s a great environment for learning. The city is beautiful and there are many opportunities for outdoor activities. The student and administrative community are supportive. UVic can give you the best possible situation to achieve mental, physical and academic success.

Why UVic is so special to me: I’m comfortable here. Entering the campus after winter holidays, a wave of relief washed over me. It feels like home.

Outside of academics, I participate in: I’ve participated in clubs, intramurals and numerous volunteer programs. Clubs and intramurals are a great way to stay active and meet new friends. Volunteering allowed me to give back and opened doors for new opportunities – like writing this blog.

Have you participated in co-op? If so what did you do and what was it like for you? No, I’ve not participated in the co-op program, but everyone involved that I’ve talked to has nothing but good things to say. Co-op is a huge benefit for future education and employment and I would recommend it.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I like getting wraps from Mac’s! When it’s nice, I enjoy sitting outside by the fountain or near the skate ramp outside Mac’s.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The first floor of the library or if it’s after hours in a room in Clearihue.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Everything! I especially like the forests and the beaches, but I also enjoy the city. The relaxed lifestyle and outdoor activities really appeal to me.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The people! The friends, administration, and instructors have given me the support and motivation to be successful. I have learned a plethora about academics and life. I can never truly thank everyone who I’ve had the pleasure of learning from and learning with these undergraduate years enough.

My post-graduation plans: Medical school in Canada hopefully! I’m at the point where Canadian medical school is close enough to reach out and grab. Jay-Z said it best, “The only one who can stop me is me.”


Name: Jigyasa

Program: Software Engineering

Hometown: New Delhi, India

All posts by Jigyasa


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: UVic is one of the best-rated universities when it comes to giving opportunities to its students, be it the co-op programs, club involvement, seminars, or field trips. The probability of success increases when you fill out a pros and cons list very easily.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: If you want to have a memorable university experience with lots of support and opportunities, UVic is the place for you.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic gave me an amazing opportunity to work in my field of interest before I had to commit to it. It widened my scope. It introduced me to some of the most influential people in my life. It has molded me into becoming the person I’m proud of!

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: There are a few:
1. ECS: stereotypical engineering nerd spot where everyone is supportive and is struggling at the same time. You make bonds stronger than covalent bond!(chem jokes :))
2. Bibliocafe: Who doesn’t like coffee, a view of the fountain, and a great space to study! Although I’m excited to try out the Starbucks too!
3. Mystic Vale: Tired after a long day? Go walk around Mystic Vale and destress.
4. MacLaurin Building: You get to play instruments in the music building if they’re not occupied! And, there is great art all around the place. You can also study there because it is usually quiet (except for the occasional instruments, which is kinda soothing) and is a great hidden spot.

Favourite spot to study on campus: ECS: Maybe it’s stereotypical, maybe it works for me. ECS (Engineering & Computer Science Building) is filled with students like you and me, working on the same courses. Efficiency increases by a lot when multiple people study together (seriously study though).

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The weather, nature, the clean air, the beautiful wildlife! What’s not to love!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: How I will not be able to just hang out with my friends during study breaks. Or sit in the quad between classes. Or have the kind of support I get from everyone around me when I’m a mess.

Post-graduation plans: I plan on either graduating and working in my field of interest, while also working with UNICEF, or working on my Master’s degree if I have a specialization in mind.


Name: Jean

Program: Social Sciences (exchange student)

Hometown: Brazil

All posts by Jean

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: As an exchange student, I chose UVic because it’s located in Canada and in a really nice, relatively small city.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: The campus is big and beautiful, people are so kind and welcoming. Also, UVic has the best professors.

Why UVic is so special to me: Because it’s part of a wonderful experience that is studying abroad.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Felicita’s.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The library.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The city is very secure, well organized and beautiful! The weather is very mild.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The whole exchange experience. The beautiful campus as well.

What my post-graduation plans involve. Research on Journalism or Tech.


Name: Jen

Program: English

Hometown: Mayerthorpe, Alberta

All posts by Jen


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I’m actually a transfer student from the University of Alberta and the reason why I transferred to UVic was the co-op program. I wanted to get hands-on experience as a professional communicator before I graduated so that when I entered the workforce I didn’t have to start out at an entry-level position.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: The main thing I would stress is how important it is to get to know your profs, attend ALL your classes (even when you don’t feel like it), and make time in your schedule to get involved on campus. So many of my opportunities have come from professors and faculty members at UVic and if it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have the experiences (or opportunities!) that I’ve enjoyed while at UVic.

Why UVic is so special to me: I’m not from Victoria, but growing up my family would visit every Spring to escape the Alberta winters. Ever since I was a kid, I would always want to come to the UVic area to walk around Mystic Vale, visit Cadboro Bay, and bike along Beach Drive. I’ve always thought of Victoria as somewhere out of a fairy tale, so when it came to choosing where I wanted to pursue my dreams, Victoria was a natural choice.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The library. Hands down. I’m not by default a social creature but I’ve always loved libraries (particularly McPherson). If I have time to kill, I’m at the library exploring the shelves and special collections.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Honestly, wherever I can find a plugin. They’re more precious than gold.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Where to start!? First and foremost, the outdoor activities. I love that I am a short bus ride away from hiking trails, kayaking, rollerblading trails, lakes, rivers, and – of course – the ocean. Also, the food and restaurants are spectacular.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The learning environment. I love to learn new things and it will be difficult to leave somewhere where the whole purpose of its existence is education and discovering new things.

Post-graduation plans: Either working somewhere in Victoria in professional communications or attending UBC for their Masters in Digital Media. Probably both.


Name: Jess

Program: Political Science Major / Public Admin Minor

Hometown: Vancouver/Victoria, BC

All posts by Jess

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic for a number of reasons, but I’ll narrow it down to the top three. First of all, the athletic department is very committed to helping their athletes reach the goals they have set out for themselves both on and off the field. Secondly, academically, UVic is a highly respectable school with many interesting classes and program choices. Thirdly, I grew up in Victoria, moving away for high school and coming back to this wonderful city was appealing and having family on the Island helped!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is a unique school. You can’t beat the location, just steps away from the ocean in any direction. There is always something to do, not to mention it’s a gorgeous city and campus.

The school is “just right”. I’m always shocked to hear how many students go to UVic (just under 21,000), yet there’s always a friendly face or someone you know everywhere you go. It’s big enough to have some breathing space, but small enough to feel a certain closeness. Everyone is always ready to help you if you’re ever in need as well!

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic has had some close ties with my family for a number of years – my grandfather was a professor in the School of Law as well as the dean for a period of time. Although I never imagined myself attending as a kid, after my very first campus tour I ended up falling in love with the people, the campus, the classes, the rugby team and the endless possibilities. I haven’t looked back!

Outside of academics, I participate in: Most of my time is spent on the field, in the gym or on the track. Being a varsity athlete is essentially like holding down a part time job! I can also be found sitting behind the Membership Services Desk at CARSA a few times a week as well.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: My favourite place to hang out on campus would be the CARSA (although often times out of necessity), or Mystic Market, I enjoy being in louder environments when I study and I’m always sure to find someone I know lurking!

Favourite spot to study on campus: By far, Munchie Bar, they’ve got the best coffee on campus.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: There are so many things to list here I could write an essay! I love all the secret hidden beaches, viewpoints on top of Gonzales Hill, Beacon Hill Park, the Bubble Tea place downtown, downtown in general, especially around Chinatown and Johnson Street (there are some pretty neat cafes and restaurants), Sooke Potholes and some great rugby on weekends.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I originally said that graduation was too far away, but now it’s not, so I think I’ll stick in the present moment and enjoy it.

My post-graduation plans: It changes on the daily because there are so many things I’d love to do, law or business perhaps – who knows! One thing for sure is I’d love to travel, and go to a Rugby World Cup representing Canada at some point.


Name: Jessica

Program: Writing

Hometown: Calgary, Alberta

All posts by Jessica


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic for my degree because it has the best Writing program in the country.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: The campus is beautiful, friendly, and small enough that you won’t get lost.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic has helped me to grow as a person and come to a new understanding of who I am and how I identify.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The library.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The library.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: It’s warm, unlike Calgary. All the people are really friendly and it’s easy to find things to do.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The food.

What my post-graduation plans involve. Hopefully publishing novels and making enough money off of that to live my life. If not, I’d love to work in a publishing house as an editor.



Name: Jill

Program: English Major / Professional Writing Minor

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Jill

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I’ve always been fascinated by UVic. Everyone used to talk about this university that was organized in a big circle; I thought that was great!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is a small town university so you’ll meet people really quickly and working alongside classmates in such a small-town environment is great. You’ll always have friends.

Why UVic is so special: UVic is special to me because it’s been the place I’ve known for the last four years of my life. I’ve grown up here and learned how to figure things out on my own. This school is where I learned how to be independent.

Outside of academics, I participate in: I’ve been involved with the English Students Association, The Albatross Undergraduate Paper and have participated in Work Study with the english department and the communications and marketing department.

Have you participated in co-op? If so, what did you do and what was it like for you? Last summer I had the opportunity to participate in a co-op with Parks Canada where I developed a self-guided trail app called Explora – I got to boat out to all the Gulf Islands every day. It was awesome!

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I’m a big fan of the Bibliocafe for hanging out, or Mystic Market…those waffle fries…

Favourite spot to study on campus: My favourite place to study is the back of the library in the music section, there’s a great view of Ring Road that makes for good people-watching.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Victoria’s got a really sweet small town vibe but it’s also a decent-sized city with lots of things to do downtown like visit the museum and eat at some great little restaurants.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’ll miss meeting new people and learning from professors who I’ve grown to know and like throughout my time at UVic.

My post-graduation plans: Find a job in the communications sector…hopefully!


Name: Jo

Program: Writing major, French minor

Hometown: Guelph, ON

All posts by Jo


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic because of the amazing writing program. The ability to be mentored by great writers is amazing. I also came for Victoria itself. It’s such a beautiful city. There’s so much to do downtown and in nature. It’s the best of both worlds.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: There are so many opportunities UVic has to offer. Whether it’s program specific, clubs, international or workplace opportunities you can explore so many different things and really get a sense of what you love to do.

Why UVic is so special to me: The people make it special. I have met all of my closest friends here and I know I’ll meet many more through the rest of my degree. I knew as soon as I moved here that UVic would be my home.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: It depends on the time of year. In the warmer whether I would definitely have to say the quad. Especially in the spring, so many students lay out picnic blankets and hang out or play different games in the open space. In the winter I’d say the Student Union Building. There’s always something interesting going on there and there’s lots of places to chill or get stuff done.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Since my first year I’ve loved studying in Bibliocafe. I’m weird in the sense that I hate silence when I’m trying to study. In Biblio there’s lots of background noise and it’s just a nice cafe kind of environment.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The mountains and the ocean. I’m from landlocked Ontario so coming to Victoria was the second time I’ve ever seen the ocean. It’s just so beautiful. Plus, I love hiking and swimming (even though the water’s freezing all year round).

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’ll miss the people. In university you build up such a strong network of people, but once you graduate you probably won’t be all in the same place. I’ll miss getting to see my friends everyday even though I know we’ll keep in touch.

Post-graduation plans: I’m really not sure at this point. I’d love to travel and do some freelance magazine writing or work in communications at a not for profit.


Name: Joanne

Program: English

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Joanne


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic partly because I live here. English was not my first choice. I originally started in a Sports and Lifetime Fitness BA at Camosun College, with the intent of doing a Post Degree Teaching Certificate. The pre-requisites for this led me to English, which turned out to be my true passion. I ended up transferring from Camosun to UVic.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is a friendly school with a great programs. The campus is lovely, and fairly contained, with everything a student needs to survive available. There are all sorts of food services, events of all kinds, clubs, and social movements to be involved in, not to mention help with all things student!

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me because, when I started all this degree stuff, I really didn’t believe that I had what it would take. UVic and all the great people here, both staff and students have helped me along a path of self-discovery and fulfilment. I have discovered a community that I love, an environment that makes me feel comfortable with who I am, and a passion for humanism.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: My favourite spot to hang out on campus has to be the library first, and the University Centre second.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The library.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I like being near the ocean.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The friendly atmosphere of the campus, and of course the people.

Post-graduation plans: I plan to go on to an MA in Romantic and Victorian Literature in the UK, with plans to pursue a Phd after that.


Name: Josh

Program: Writing

Hometown: Coquitlam, BC

All posts by Josh


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: Initially, I chose UVic because of its renowned track and cross country program, and I saw it as a chance to enhance my running abilities. However, once I came to UVic, I was taken aback by their Writing program. Writing 100 was my favourite class in first year, and it opened my eyes to so many different writing platforms where I could pursue my writing career. I really only wanted to pursue Journalism type writing, yet that class opened my eyes to the world of Creative Non-Fiction and Screenwriting, two subjects I’m currently taking courses in! And of course, who wouldn’t want to say they have the chance to live and pursue their passions in the oasis of Victoria?

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: You will feel right at home at UVic. Sitting on my Res bed, after the tears of my parents leaving on the first day of move in last year, I was terrified. Especially the fact of not knowing anyone in a new city, but my fears were quickly changed. I realized everyone that is here wants to be here, unlike some people in high school that are forced to go, and the people on campus are so easy to get along with! The friends you make during your time at UVic, without a doubt in my mind, will be lifelong friends you care for during your life.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is so special to me because it is where I, effectively, turned into an adult. In Victoria I learned how to be an adult, and live independently from the comforts of home. I learned how to balance school with social gatherings, shop for groceries, and defiantly the hardest, how to cook for myself. Essentially, UVic let me learn how to survive in the ‘real world.’

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Being a varsity athlete, CARSA is my favourite place to hang out on campus. The gym is such an encouraging place, surrounded my people who are working hard to improve their physical self is so inspiring. I would encourage anyone, varsity athlete or not, to stop by CARSA and enjoy meditation-like feeling of forgetting school work to improve your own mental and physical well-being.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The second floor of the library by far is my favourite spot to study on campus. I prefer to sit in the hallway with all the tables, and listen to the quiet chatter surrounding me. Personally, I can’t study in complete silence, and enjoy having noise in the background to help me work more efficiently. Also, it’s a great spot to meet up with friends and coordinate group studies with all the tables in the hallway.

Favourite things about living in Victoria:  The running trails. It’s so breathtaking to go on a run in Victoria, from the Alumni Chip Trail around campus, to Beacon Hill Park downtown, it’s so easy for all my worries in life to be forgotten about while I enjoy the scenic Victoria trails. The weather year-round is amazing (besides the snow-maggedon of last year), ideal temperatures all year makes me never want to leave!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I love learning, and enjoy listening to professors share their knowledge during lectures. So, I would say I will miss listening and picking my profs’ brains when I graduate. It is so refreshing to hear new tips passed on by professionals in a field you want to enter, and soaking up all that knowledge during undergrad I find extremely important.

What my post-graduation plans involve. As of now, I aspire to be a news journalist wherever I can find work. Growing up I dreamt of being on TSN every morning reporting the sports highlights, or writing a daily sports column in the paper. Having the opportunity to call myself part of the media, and have my own ‘media pass’ to events is a thought that rushes through my body in pure excitement. During undergrad I’ve learned that the Journalism industry is slowly fading, but I know with hard work and determination I will get to my goal of sharing the news daily.


Name: Kaitlyn

Program: Creative Non-Fiction Writing Major / Professional Writing Minor

Hometown: Kamloops, BC

All posts by Kaitlyn

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: Not only does UVic have a great writing program, it also provides so much inspiration for my writing such as the landscape as well as the wonderful people here.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is a place where artists can explore new avenues of creativity–Nothing is off limits!

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic holds a place in my heart because it’s such an accepting community. People from all walks of life come together to make our big family here at UVic.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The Martlet (UVic’s student newspaper).

Favourite spot to study on campus: The Education lounge in MacLaurin. It’s surrounded by windows, plus there’s a microwave to heat lunch leftovers.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Some of my favourite things about Victoria are the art community, the many great coffee shops, and the hundreds of hiking trails. Also the ocean! Please take time to physically see the ocean once a month if you live here (at least).

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’ll miss the space to explore and take risks with my writing and know that can only affect my writing career by way of improvement. In short, I can make great leaps and know my peers here will catch me and hoist me back up. UVic has provided a great space for students to create without fear. Also, the cinnamon buns are pretty good too.

What my post-graduation plans involve. When I graduate, I’ll be moving to Edmonton, Alberta to experience all the landscapes Canada has to offer. I plan to work in communications and do literary work on the side.


Name: Kane

Program: Secondary Education Post-Degree Professional Program 

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Kane

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: 
I chose the education program here at UVic because I was already familiar with the campus and my family is from here. I’m really comfortable with the idea of being at UVic — it has everything that you need for a quality degree right here surrounded by water.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: You made a great decision to come to UVic for university! I may be a little biased because I’m from here, but I think that UVic strikes a balance between bigger cities like Vancouver and smaller ones like Nanaimo. It’s a perfect launching pad to enjoy the west coast and explore the nature around you.

Why UVic is so special to me: I love the location here on the southern tip of the island surrounded by nature and beaches. The First People’s House is also a special place for me.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Finnerty’s and wherever my classes are (usually MacLaurin building these days).

Favourite spot to study on campus: Definitely the library!

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The beaches and nature we’re surrounded by.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: My friends and teachers, bus pass and health care.

Post-graduation plans: I’m going to be a secondary teacher. I’ll teach classes such as First Nations Studies, Social Studies and Japanese.


Name: Kate

Program: Chemistry for the Medical Sciences

Hometown: Salmon Arm, BC

All posts by Kate

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
I chose UVic because it spoke to me as a place where I would be more than just a number, a place where I would have more experiences than I could dream of, a place where I would be supported in my endeavours, and a place where I could be pushed to achieve my greatest potential. It has been all of this and more.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: I could list hundreds of reasons why I recommend UVic, but one in particular stands out above all else: the people at UVic care – genuinely. They care about your education as much as they care about your health. No community has ever made me feel as safe, as valued, or as supported as UVic’s community has.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is so special to me because I’ve invested everything I have in my experiences here. I think that when you open yourself up to something in such a way, it’s impossible for it not to grab hold of your heart.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Any place with food or enough hot water to keep the tea flowing.

Favourite spot to study on campus: To keep things interesting I change study places too frequently to say. That being said, I always find the 3rd floor of the library to be a reliable place to study.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I love how there’s always something going on; it’s impossible to be bored!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I can’t even think about that without tearing up. I’ll miss everything. UVic isn’t just a place: it’s a community; it’s a lifestyle; it’s a part of me.

My post-graduation plans: I plan to apply to medical schools to ultimately (hopefully) have some career in obstetrics. 


Name: Kevin

Program: Microbiology

Hometown: Vancouver, BC

All posts by Kevin


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic for two reasons: (1) west coast = best coast and (2) I wanted to get away from the crazy busy lifestyle I was living in Vancouver without detaching too far from my roots, friends and family. UVic is the perfect place: far away but close enough! After being a student at both UBC and Langara, I think I found my perfect fit!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: I think UVic is a fantastic place for anyone wishing to pursue further education. As one of Canada’s top-ranked comprehensive universities, this school has something for everyone.

UVic isn’t only academically focused however – our lifestyle and culture revolves around active and healthy living with so many opportunities in so many different areas on campus. We host unique events like glow in the dark dodgeball and the yoga rave + there are a ton of super cool features here like the world’s most powerful microscope. UVic is the best place to be!

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic became special to me when I signed up to work with the Vikes Nation Ambassador program. I instantly became a face for UVic and now I work in the department bringing new and exciting events to our students. Not only this, the bonds that I’ve made with people here are sure to last an eternity. Everyone just gets me and I wouldn’t trade my life here for anything!

Outside of academics, I participate in: I am a Vikes Nation Ambassador, intramural captain (and team member), run club executive and campus tour guide. I also sit on a couple academic student committees and take part in a few clubs on campus, including slackline, kayak and climbing! Oh boy!

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Ohhh, this is a tough question! There are so many nice places to hang out on campus. On a nice day, I love chilling in the “Quad” (a favourite central area on campus) maybe throwing around a Frisbee or taking a nap. On those rainy days though, I am a fan of getting a nice cup of coffee and hanging out in either Finnerty Express Café or laying down on the lovely couches at the Welcome Centre.

Favourite spot to study on campus: I’m the type of person that’s always on the go and I don’t look to a favourite study place on campus. In fact, I usually plan out my study spots in convenient areas, by which I mean – I can usually plop down and study anywhere that is close to my next class!

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I absolutely dig the culture and vibe in Victoria. It’s a nice slow-paced feeling that allows you to take in the sights and not feeling rushed or pushed. Mount Finlayson is definitely one of my favourite hikes in the city. Besides that, I thoroughly enjoy downtown Victoria by the harbour and area pubs and restaurants when I need a stress release. I’m a bit of a country music fan and, for that, I’m really glad that Victoria has country music options too. The Ogden Point Breakwater is super-awesome to visit, especially during a storm! There are so many awesome spots here – I’m going to stop myself before I get too excited.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will likely miss everyone that I’ve met. The people make the place and this experience would not have been anything if it hadn’t been for the remarkable people that have shaped my life here.

My post-graduation plans: After I graduate, I hope to apply to medical schools; however, we all know that not everyone gets in so I’ve got some back-up plans! I have dreams of working in research labs to find new medicines and a cure for Crohn’s and Colitis. I also want to travel and experience the world before settling down and officially starting a career.


Name: Kieran

Program: Science

Hometown: Tsawwassen,BC

All posts by Kieran

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: 
The environment and the natural surroundings drew me to UVic. But what gave me the confidence to go for my degree was the options for pursuing my goals in my future career with a degree I enjoy earning!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is one of the most beautiful campuses you’ll find in Canada and maybe even the world (I’ve never been off the continent). The idea that you can study is a place that’s busy but also peaceful is phenomenal.

Why UVic is so special to me: It’s where I really found what I love to study and what I want to do with my life!

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Mystic Market is my favourite spot to hang out on campus because there’s food, there is always some seating, and it’s central to campus in a way I can go home or back to class with ease.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The ECS (Engineering & Computer Science) Building is the greatest to just grind through a program or an assignment solo, also it’s not as crowded as the library and you can have food!

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Water, sun, rain, snow, fog, clouds, sometimes all in one day! Keeps the beautiful outdoors interesting!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will miss the chicken bacon wraps from Cadboro.

Post-graduation plans: Doing big things with the knowledge I hope to continue to expand.


Name: Kimiya

Program: Visual Arts and Computer Science

Hometown: Semnan, Iran

All posts by Kimiya

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: The combined program sounded really interesting; I think UVic is one of the only universities that offers combines programs like this.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: If you’re unsure about what program you want to study and what career path you want to take, don’t worry. You’re not alone! There are resources and people who’ll always do their best to help you figure things out.

Why UVic is so special to me: Its environment-friendly values, which is really important specially during these times when every little action can make a big difference.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The library! There are so many interesting things in there: the silent piano, countless shelves of books, and my favorite spot, the couches right next to the window on the second floor.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Engineering/Computer Science Building (ECS). I spent a lot of doing homework in there when I first started off at UVic, so it still continues to be my go-to place for studying.

Favourite things about living in Victoria:  Nature, The Parliament Buildings, hiking trails.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Being a student; I love waking up every morning knowing I’m going to learn something new.

What my post-graduation plans involve. Definitely some sort of creativity and artistic work and hopefully lots of travelling.


Name: Kristy

Program: Recreation & Health Education

Hometown: Sidney, BC

All posts by Kristy


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I had the chance to visit the beautiful campus in high school and fell in love. I also grew up looking up to the UVic Vikes so when I had the chance to become one I couldn’t believe that I was lucky enough to wear the Vikes jersey. 

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: The smaller student body allows you to feel like you are truly valued as a student. Through my athletics I have had a chance to view many other University campuses and I can say that UVic is by far the most beautiful!

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me because I grew up on the Island. I have a strong feeling of hometown pride when I think about the prestigious University which I attend.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I like to hang out in the McKinnon building because it is the home of the EPHE department. I feel as though the department is a family and the welcoming environment allows for peaceful studying or socializing.

Favourite spot to study on campus: I like to study in a coffee shop environment as I like to have a lot of stimulus around me. Finnerty Express is my favourite place as it is close to McKinnon where a majority of my classes are, and CARSA, where I work and play basketball.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I believe Victoria is one of the most beautiful cities in Canada. I have to opportunity to visit many different cities through basketball and I can say I don’t plan on leaving Victoria anytime soon. The culture, nature, and brunch scene have been influential in moulding my personality.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: As hard as student life is at times, I love the experience of it. I will miss the frequent socialization and how much personal growth occurs seemingly everyday. The communities I have immersed myself in have supported me in countless ways throughout my educational journey. I will miss the networks of people that have both challenged and assisted me and those memories will never be forgotten.

My post-graduation plans: I plan to try and play basketball professionally overseas after I graduate. I want to travel the world, and I can’t see myself stopping basketball anytime soon. After I finish my career I aspire to move back to Victoria and potentially start a small business training female youth basketball players.


Name: Kyle

Program: Chemistry

Hometown: Abbotsford,BC

All posts by Kyle


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic because of my attraction to the lifestyle in Victoria. Compared to my hometown of Abbotsford, Victoria moves at a more relaxed pace, the people are friendly and have time for one another.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: The most appealing aspect of UVic is its size and location. UVic is neither very large nor as small as a community college. I think it is the perfect size to provide a personal and unique university experience which helps you grow and mature as a person. The smaller size helps create a stronger student voice and life, which is important when living in a new community. Plus, being a five minute walk from the beach doesn’t hurt either!

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me because it is the first time I have really lived away from home and it received me with open arms.

Outside of academics, I participate in: I am a member of the Orientation Leadership Committee and I help the student recruitment program. I also participate in the residence intramural programs, the UVic Pre-Med Club and the UVic blogging team!

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I enjoy hanging out at the various lounges in my residence (Ring Road).

Favourite spot to study on campus: My favourite place to study is in the small classroom in the basement of McPherson Library.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I love the awesome weather and the friendly people.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The most excellent sweet potato fries of Caps Bistro.

My post-graduation plans: Medical school.


Name: Leat

Program: Business

Hometown: Taipei, Taiwan

All posts by Leat


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: Mild climate, great adaptive and unique business program, strong co-operative education opportunities.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: It’s a unique, holistic environment surrounded by nature and trees, and also has a interesting nice culture. It’s a unique learning experience, and a very supportive community.

Why UVic is so special to me: It’s my first university and community in Canada. It’s given me the opportunity to grow personally and professionally, and I’ve made countless friends.

Outside of academics, I participate in:

  • Society for Students with Disability – assisting with events and outreach
  • UVic Sustainability project and green team
  • University of Victoria Student Society
  • marketing and coordination of monthly Business 4 Green advisory group meetings

Have you participated in co-op? If so, what did you do and what was it like for you? I have had four co-op work terms, and they were all different and all in Victoria. I was a summer coordinator at the Gustavson business school for their summer study-abroad program, worked at CIBC, and for an independent financial advisor under Manulife Securities.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The student union building, the quad/fountain and the campus community garden.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The student union building or library.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The mild weather and smaller friendly city.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The flow of so many events, advocacy, excitement, and having a flexible schedule as a student.

My post-graduation plans: Finding a job that will really make an impact in driving out world to a sustainable state, and engaging youth in the action.


Name: Levi

Program: Geography

Hometown: 100 Mile House, BC

All posts by Levi

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
I chose UVic because my wife goes here, but I like to think I would’ve chosen it based on its west coast values and amazing good looks… the school that is.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is a place where the world is very literally at your fingertips. The things going on here are the most up to date and advanced that exist today. It’s pretty inspiring.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic showed me that just because I didn’t know exactly “what I wanted to do with my life” it didn’t mean that I was completely lost. Involving myself in courses that interested me jump started my studies and got me excited for what I was learning.

Outside of academics, I participate in: I am involved in the Urban Development Club as well as a volunteer at the theatre department. If I had more time in my life I would try out volunteering for the CFUV radio station.

Favourite spot to study on campus: I really like the courtyard out front of the library building. Nice views, cool fountains, and usually something going on. As it is my first year I don’t know the “must find” study spots but what I have found is that the chairs in the Phoenix are almost always free.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: It’s a bit like if the TV show Portlandia were a school. I like the idealist world of young people all gathered together to make the world a better place. Being on campus makes you feel like you are a part of something bigger than yourself, which you are, and it makes you proud. Also it’s a ridiculously good looking student population… you’ve been warned.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will probably miss the direction that school gives you, that never ending list of to-dos that makes time fly by. That and the responsibility of “adulting” in the real world.

My post-graduation plans: After graduation I would love to be involved in sustainability or urban planning. I want to make things work better, and talk about it if I can. My ultimate “Levi Fist Punches The Sky” victory moment would be to host my own show about environmental issues. 


Name: Lilian

Program: Psychology

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Lilian


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: UVic is close to home and I was already familiar with what is being offered.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is a perfect “just right” university in many aspects including size, friendliness of students and faculty, balance of nature and buildings. There are many hidden spots in the university that are waiting to be found!

Why UVic is so special to me: I’ve been near the campus for a long time and a lot of my friends also go to UVic so it’ll always be a memory of my youth.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Probably in front of the Library because you can enjoy the outdoors and see a lot of the campus while also getting work done.

Favourite spot to study on campus: In the Library because it has these amazing cubicles that have just enough space for all your notes, laptop, food to be and it is usually extremely quiet.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Having the ocean and mountains in such close proximity.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Having so many resources and supportive people to rely on.

My post-graduation plans: Not sure yet but I definitely want to work abroad.



Name: Lindsay

Program: Business

Hometown: White Rock, BC

All posts by Lindsay


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: Residence.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: There is a strong sense of community on campus. I have been able to meet such a great network of people.

Outside of academics, I participate in:

  • Captain of recreational soccer team intramurals
  • CanAssist “Just for Kicks” soccer program – playing soccer with kids who have disabilities.
  • VP of Student Engagement for Commerce Student Society.
  • In first and second year, Tennis Club and Snow Club

Have you taken part in co-op? Yes. Currently on my third placement. My first was as a Human Resources and Marketing Assistant at Tutela Technologies – a great opportunity to work in a start-up environment. The second was as a marketing events representative for Western Canada for Goodlife Fitness – a wonderful experience, travelling across Canada and marketing at events.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Wherever friends are.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Welcome Centre

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The beaches and amazing hiking spots.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The people.

My post-graduation plans: Plans do change but, at the moment, law school to be a human rights lawyer as an advocate for people with disabilities.


Name: Lindsey

Program: Theatre major, Italian & Hispanic Studies minor

Hometown: Homer, Alaska

All posts by Lindsey

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic for its beautiful surroundings, vibrant arts community, and its theatre program!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: It’s all about what you put in! UVic is a big campus, and it’s easy to coast through without making connections. You have the freedom to be who you want to be here, and not get stuck in a social box like in a smaller school. Go out and explore!

Why UVic is so special to me: The faculty and professors have always been willing to help me, mentor me, and stay in touch after class is over.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Biblio Cafe.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Again, Biblio Cafe.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The theatre!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The food bank and the strong progressive student body.

Post-graduation plans: Travel!


Name: Lisbeth

Program: Joint Degree Program, Canadian Common Law & Indigenous Legal Orders

Hometown: Toronto, ON

All posts by Lisbeth

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: The JD/JID program.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: You are welcome here.

Why UVic is so special to me: Campus culture, values, knowledge from non-traditional sources.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: On the common lawns behind the University Centre. The fountain, large lawns, shaded by large trees and totems, is grounding and welcoming.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The law library. The space reminds me that I am doing valuable work without making me feel intimidated.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: This is a walkable small city filled with fantastic food, unique architecture, winding alleys and a welcoming culture.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I don’t know yet, I am just getting started. But I already know that I like being part of UVic.

Post-graduation plans: Working for my people towards the goals of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.



Name: Malcolm

Program: Biology

Hometown: Union Bay, BC

All posts by Malcolm


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I like Vancouver Island.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: It is in a great city.

Why UVic is so special: The friends and experiences I have had here.

Outside of academics, I participate in: Rock climbing!

Have you taken part in co-op? Yes, read my blog post.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Library, 2nd floor.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The people.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The people.


Name: Marissa

Program: Psychology

Hometown: Abbotsford, BC

All posts by Marissa


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: UVic always felt very welcoming. I’ve enjoyed the campus feel and the environment since the first tour I took in my grade eleven year. When UVic came to my high school for a presentation, I scored a meeting with an advisor. I told her I was interested in art therapy as a career and she knew exactly what I was talking about. I felt supported and engaged since the first encounter I had with university staff.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Take every new opportunity that comes your way! Try everything you can!

Why UVic is so special to me: At UVic I’ve met amazing friends and been able to explore my interests in a supportive environment. I will always cherish the moments I’ve spent trying new things.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: On a sunny day, blanket on the Quad and reading a book. The atmosphere is fantastic and you’ll usually find people playing music or ultimate. On a rainy day, cozied up in the library near a widow to watch the rain.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Bibliocafé for sure. Good food and teas and the perfect environment for studying. It’s also a great place to meet up friends for a catch up or study buddy.

Favourite things about living in Victoria:  First, the many, many thrift stores with fun stuff. Also, great food from everywhere on Earth. There’s always a new restaurant to try. Definitely the harbour, it’s beautiful at dusk with the lights on.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’ll miss the endless opportunities to get involved.

What my post-graduation plans involve. Post-graduation from UVic, I hope to go on to my masters in art therapy. After the two year program there, I look forward to helping others overcome their hardships through visual arts. And get a kitten.


Name: Maya

Program: Political Science

Hometown: Sidney, BC

All posts by Maya


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree because I love Vancouver Island. I’ve grown up here and love the nature and to adventure with my friends in it’s surroundings. I was interested in the Social Sciences at UVic and wanted to explore them.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic’s campus is rad and stunning. I love walking through campus with its beautiful trees and squirrels. If you are an Orange Pekoe lover like me, get your tea from the UVic Bookstore cafe because it’s a good deal, and try a Sandwich from Mac’s.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me for many reasons. It is beautiful and has a campus where I can feel calm even on stressful days. I love going on walks through Mystic Vale and Finnerty Gardens. I’m really enjoying the experience of finding what I’m interested in, learning about it and working hard for my degree. UVic has also helped me meet some really special people who have made last year awesome and fun.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I love in the morning going to UVic bookstore cafe and enjoying a morning tea and Kit Kat. I also enjoy, when I have time, sitting with friends at Mac’s and going for a walk around campus.

Favourite spot to study on campus: I find I am most productive when I study in the library, but before classes I really like studying in David Turpin because it has really nice light in there.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Victoria is awesome for photography. I just love all the beaches and forests I can explore here! I also love many of the food places and cafes that I can go to with friends. Although I’ve lived here all my life, it really never gets old!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I think I’ll miss the campus, learning so many new things, my routine and my friends the most.

Post-graduation plans: I’d love to get a good job that supports me, but also fuels my interests in the world, Development and dynamic activity. I would also love to do some travelling and explore more of the world.


Name: Meghan

Program: Geography & Professional Communication

Hometown: Burnaby, BC

All posts by Meghan

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
I chose UVic because I wanted the experience of living away from home during university, and UVic was far enough away that I could live in Victoria, but not so far that I couldn’t go home for a weekend. The campus was also way too beautiful to resist!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic has given me the best university experience, not only in class but outside as well! The profs are great, the student life is fantastic, and there are so many opportunities to take advantage of here!

Why UVic is so special to me:UVic is where I’ve met my best friends, grown as a person, and learned so much about myself and my interests. This university has set me up to achieve so many of my goals and taken me places I would’ve never expected to find myself.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I like to hang out on the benches by the Petch fountain, especially in the warmer months, to people-watch, enjoy the sunshine, and chat with friends I run into as they stroll by.

Favourite spot to study on campus: My “favourite study spot is in the library by a window, either on the third floor if I really need to focus, or on the first floor looking out onto greenery. During exam season, however, I like to bunker down in a seminar room in Clerihue with friends and really get some work done.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The craft beer, brunch places, the endless beaches, and the overall easygoing vibe! The city is cozy and welcoming and has something for everyone.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’ll miss being in an environment where I’m constantly learning and surrounded by passionate people.

My post-graduation plans: My post-graduation plans currently involve working in the communications branch of an environmental or urban development non-profit in Vancouver, then pursuing a Master’s degree in International Development at the University of Amsterdam.


Name: Michaela

Program: Biology

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Michaela

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: As a mature student coming back to school after a number of years, I wanted to change my focus. My earlier education was predominantly arts based so I was missing some basic science and math classes. I was hesitant to come back to school after a significant break, but after taking several courses at Camosun, a local community college, the transition to UVic was the natural next step.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: When I started at UVic, if felt like a large school, especially transferring from a community college. This can be overwhelming but it can also be great if you personalize the experience! Find ways to create a smaller community of like-minded people who have similar interests. Luckily, this is possible at bigger schools because there are diverse offerings, even during strange times (like now).

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me because I feel welcome, even with a number of years between myself and most of my classmates. I have found it easy to make connections in my classes. I love how outdoor and and environmentally oriented UVic is.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I have a couple favourite places on campus. First, I love the McPherson Library: directly in front of the library are several large tulip trees (Liriodendron tulipifera). They have uniquely shaped leaves that turn yellow and gold in autumn. My other favourite place is Finnerty Gardens — while it is slightly under seven acres in size, the diversity of plants is astounding — there are over 4,000 species of shrubs and trees which I love to visit throughout the year as the garden is always open.

Favourite spot to study on campus:  My favourite spot to study on campus is the McPherson Library — I love that there are a lot of different areas (both strictly quiet, and areas that you can make noise when studying in groups) available to students. I really enjoy going up to the top floor…..and then up some more! There are funny staircases that go up through the stacks to a lofted area, I feel as if I’m tucked away from the world and it always seems warm up there (great on chilly fall days!)

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I have a few favourite things about living in Victoria, but I particularly like the proximity to the outdoors. I have lived here most of my life and I’m still finding new hiking areas to explore…and can do so for most of the year.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Having been in and out of school for so long now, I will simply miss the structure of being in school! I love having opportunity to find out what truly interests me, and work at deepening and broadening that interest, through education.

Post-graduation plans:  I am interested in plants and biology — especially how plants relate to humans in the arena of human health and disease. Although I’m not totally clear what will come of this, I know I’d like to be doing research in these areas. I also am a fairly avid fibre artist and would like to perhaps continue my education in an artistic realm as well.


Name: Michaela

Program: Law. I also did my undergraduate degree at UVic in Greek & Roman Studies.

Hometown: Duncan, BC

All posts by Michaela

Why I chose UVic: As a kid I spent most of my summers attending summer sports camps at UVic, so I became familiar with the campus and really loved it. Also my family and I moved to Victoria in 2007, so it’s nice to study at a University where I can be close to my family and friends.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: The co-op program really sets UVic apart from other universities. UVic Law is the only law school in Canada that offers this program!

Why UVic is so special to me: I feel like I’ve found my place here at UVic. In the first year (of my undergrad) I felt pretty isolated and anonymous — it was a big shock coming from a small high school to a university with over 20,000 students. By volunteering with Student Recruitment and becoming involved with my course union, I was able to lose that sense of anonymity and feel like I was making an impact in the university community. Becoming involved in extracurriculars helped me make friends, and also get some experience for my resume! I think this was incredibly valuable when I was applying to law school.

Outside of academics, I participate in: So many! I became involved with Student Recruitment in the spring of my first year, when I signed up as a volunteer for Experience UVic. After that I volunteered for the New Student Welcome three years in a row as an Orientation Leader, and helped with things like Jump Start Tours.

In my third year I was recruited to be a Campus Tour Guide, which I’m still doing and I love it. It’s a cool way to meet people from all over the country (and the world), and tell them about what makes UVic so awesome. In my fourth year I became involved in the Greek & Roman Studies Course Union as the Events Co-ordinator, and helped plan things like movie nights and end of semester celebrations. This was a great way to get to know people in my department.

Now that I’m in law school, I am still involved in lots of extracurriculars. I was elected as one of the two 1L Reps on the Law Students Society (LSS), and I am the secretary for the Indigenous Law Students Association.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The student lounge in the Fraser building is where I hang out with fellow law students but when I need a break from the “law bubble”, I will usually hang out in the First People’s House or Mystic Market.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The law library is basically my home for the next three years.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: There are so many things I love about Victoria. I love being near the ocean, and having access to tons of incredible spots for hikes and nature walks. I love that you can still get the city feel when you go downtown, but it’s easy to escape urban life and find forests, mountains and beaches. Also the summers are fantastic, and the winters barely feel like winter.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’ll miss the beautiful campus, but also the sense of community I found by getting involved in volunteering and extracurriculars.

What my post-graduation plans involve. I don’t know where my law career will take me, but in the long run I hope to end up practicing law in Victoria.



Name: Miranda

Program: Double Major in Environmental Studies and Sociology with a Minor in Business

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Miranda

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I originally chose UVic because I was unsure what I wanted to do at university and I planned to stay close to home. I stayed at UVic because of the sense of community and the Environmental Studies program. If I could make the choice again, I would choose UVic!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: We are a medium-sized university: not too small, not too big. There are so many ways to get involved outside of classes: volunteer opportunities, research, working on campus and athletics. It is a beautiful campus surrounded by trees and green space.

Why UVic is so special: I will graduate with special memories and friendships that I have developed over the past 6 years and I’ve taken classes that have changed the way that I see the world. These are the two things that stand out for me right away.

Outside of academics, I participate in: I’ve joined several clubs in supporting and leadership roles in the area of environmental sustainability and coordinated over 10 student club events. My favourite event has been the Round Table, held once a semester and dedicated to helping students take action on environmental issues on campus (I highly recommend it for any student interested in sustainability).

For athletics, I joined an intramural soccer team called Swift Kick in the Grass last year and I participated in the Badminton Club. I am by no means an athlete but really enjoyed it as a casual way to stay active and meet new people.

Also, I recently joined the Swing Club on campus. It is so fun! I have a dance background and am excited to be trying out this style of partner dancing.

Have you taken part in co-op? Yes, I completed the co-op program through Environmental Studies. It was a great experience because I was able to get a better sense of what I wanted to do with my career, earn money for tuition and gain valuable work experience.

For my first term, I worked at Interior Health in Kelowna as a Sustainability Intern. I worked on collecting and compiling energy data for the buildings. This was was my first experience living away from home. Because I didn’t know very many people in town, I attended a few events on my own such as Green Drinks Kelowna.

For my second co-op term, I took on the role of Manager at the Moss Street Market in Victoria. This was the steepest learning curve of all my co-ops as I had to manage venders, volunteers and staff. People came to me for direction and support. I worked closely with the board by attending their meetings and providing my perspective on certain issues.

For my third co-op term, I worked as a Sustainability Intern at the Office of Campus Planning and Sustainability. I helped with a wide range of events and initiatives. The highlight was producing a video series profiling UVic alumni with green careers. I met many inspiring individuals and gained interviewing and video editing skills. You can check out the series here.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: My favourite place to hang out or see friends is the BiblioCafe. It has a busy coffee shop environment with a campus view of trees and the fountain. Students learn quickly – there is a bit of an art to getting a table as it is a popular spot!

Favourite spot to study on campus: My favourite spot is the Upper Lounge in the Student Union Building because it’s usually fairly quiet and has lots of natural light. I can always focus on my work, but it’s also a great spot to meet for group projects or study with a friend.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I love the coffee culture. There are so many cafes and everyone is always going for coffee. I love being close to the beach because I go for runs along the water. One of my favourite things is the mild weather because I can garden, bike and go for runs year round!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will really miss my classes. I had so many great professors and I’m really going to miss engaging in class discussions and working on challenging environmental and social issues.

My post-graduation plans: In the short term, I’m applying to the Explore program. It is a program for Canadian students to learn French for 5 weeks. I will find out in April whether I’m accepted – wish me luck! Also, I will be attending a conference called Social Media Camp, as I’m really interested in learning more about the world of social media and the role it plays in the non-profit sector.

In the long term, I will be looking for work in the environmental non-profit sector in Canada. I would love to stay in BC, ideally in Victoria or Vancouver, but I also want to do my best to be open to other opportunities that come my way.


Name: Moira

Program: Political Science

Hometown: Abbotsford, BC

All posts by Moira


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: A few reasons 🙂 First of all, because it’s close enough and far enough away. I’m from the Lower Mainland, and the island gives me that perfect balance between feeling independent and still being able to go home easily.

Secondly, because I love B.C. We seriously have everything in this province. Mountains, forests, lakes, ocean… You name it, we probably have it.

Thirdly, because I had heard so many wonderful things about UVic from past and current students. These stories, about professors who went the extra mile or a cool club or event on campus, were what truly got me excited about coming.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Talk to people. Whether that’s your professors, people in your classes, or your neighbour in residence, having a network of people you can reach out to when you need help with something or just want to talk is so important.

Why UVic is so special to me: The campus is beautiful, the university cares for its students, and there are so many opportunities to get involved both on campus and abroad. There is an amazing sense of community here, which is very important to me. I believe that university is about so much more than academics; the life skills you learn in and out of the classroom are crucial to future success.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Mystic Market, because what’s a good hang out spot if you aren’t close to food?

Favourite spot to study on campus: The Law Library. It’s quiet, and if you find a good spot you can have a view of the forest while studying.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: 

  • coffee shops
  • gorgeous beaches
  • the sun (it usually shines for at least a few minutes every day)
  • biking
  • cute houses
  • great restaurants
  • the ocean
  • Spring

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The community. There is a special type of bond between students when we’re going through midterms, papers and final exams together.

My post-graduation plans: Finding a career that allows me to travel as much as possible (or have enough vacation time to travel as much as possible).


Name: Morgan

Program: Social work

Hometown: Medicine Hat, Alberta

All posts by Morgan

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: 
I genuinely adored the atmosphere of Victoria, and even more so the more community based area of UVic when I came to look at the campus. I do believe that the location aided in my choice of post-secondary school, but hearing about different programs available alongside esteemed reviews of classes, I was truly convinced that this was the school to come to.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Relax. I have noticed that even in the few weeks of this current school year, I’ve managed to get myself into a frantic panic where my mind is in 10 places at once. Last year I had a hard time finding the balance between class, homework, and my social life, but I cannot stress enough how important it is to socialize and be involved in the UVic community. Rather it be to have emotional support, or something to do in your spare time, getting out of your dorm room, or just putting the books down to watch Netflix for an hour is actually really vital to take note of.

Why UVic is so special to me: My first year I managed to hit some pretty intense personal lows in my mental health. I learned that moving away from home, learning my independence, and knowing no one on the island alongside my preexisting health issues posed a difficult predicament. Luckily though, I was at UVic. I was able to get in touch with counsellors, I was a part of the Eating Disorders Clinic on campus, and continue to use that resource through my recovery, and lastly my professors were more caring and loving than anticipated. I received so much compassion and leniency in my absence from classes, and one of my professors actually remains in contact with me to check up on how I’m doing. All in all, UVic has become a safe place for me, alongside becoming a home away from home.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Mystic Vale!! This was by far the coolest find (if you can even call it that) on campus. As someone who enjoys the outdoors but sometimes lacks the motivation to go on a hike or an adventure, having what I call an “enchanted forest” behind campus is pretty amazing. I found going for runs, sitting and admiring the scenery, reading, and sometimes just hanging out with people in that area became a very special time for me.

Favourite spot to study on campus: This one is kind of tricky, seeing as I’m very much so a homebody. Last year, I primarily studied in my room as I was on the Ring Road quiet floor, and occasionally the quiet floors of the library if I found my room too difficult to concentrate in. This year, so far, I’ve been going to Biblio in the morning as usually I can actually manage to grab a table. Sitting with coffee whilst doing my readings or writing a journal entry in this space is relatively peaceful and also serene with the surrounding windows giving you a view of campus and those on it. (It’s also a pretty cool spot to people watch.)

Favourite things about living in Victoria: It’s on an island. Simple as that. I adore the ocean and I adore greenery, but Victoria honestly has more to offer than this which is incredibly exciting. Alongside being by the water, I am also still in a city. Downtown is amazing, and as I’m sure a lot of students know, it’s a common area to explore if you don’t know it too well. So, the mix between the island living and the vividness of city elements, this is truly the perfect place to live right now for me.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will probably miss being surrounded by other students who are wanting to be there, and are wanting to learn all the time. It is so nice to choose your own classes and to ultimately get free reign over what I want to take with my fellow classmates who are also engaged and truly wanting to be in the class. Learning is a lifelong thing, so it’s really empowering to be at a point in my life where my job is to learn, and I truly think I will miss only having that as a main priority.

What my post-graduation plans involve: As a lot of students would say, “I have no idea.” I’ve honestly realized so many different options as to what I could do after school, and so many different career paths that it’s really hard to narrow anything down at this point. I do aspire to be a travel writer one day, as both travelling and writing have been such a vital part of my life for such a long time. All in all though, it’s really a gamble as to what I want to do.


Name: Naomi

Program: Theatre & Writing

Hometown: Calgary, Alberta

All posts by Naomi

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree because of the fantastic Writing program here. It is one of the best programs in the country, and I continue to enjoy the small class sizes (my smallest class had eleven people!) and the engaging class discussions. We receive constant feedback on our writing, and are encouraged to develop our own writing practices and routines.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: I would tell a prospective student that university is not only about classes – it is also about discovering who you are and trying new things. UVic is a great place to do this, as there are over 200 clubs on campus. Each club is dedicated to something different; the environment, recreation, religion – and, if you don’t see the club you want, I would really encourage you to start your own! I have met some fantastic human beings and found supportive community by participating in groups such as Meditation Club and the UVic Salsa Team.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is so special to me because the Residence community has become my home. When I first moved out, I never thought I would feel connected to a place other than my house in Calgary. But, after two years living on campus, I feel settled and content. In particular, I have found belonging within the on-campus community of Community Leaders. This year will be my third living in residence, and each year, I meet more people and see more friendly faces. I feel so lucky to live and learn in Residence, where I get to facilitate connections and help others develop their own sense of belonging.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: My favourite spot to hang out on campus is Finnerty Gardens. I love the twisting paths and peaceful bodies of water. I always enjoy walking here with friends, looking at the many different types of plants and trees. Although it is sometimes spooky, I enjoy visiting the gardens at night and trusting my feet to follow the paths. The squirrels, however are not always happy to have visitors late at night – I once had an acorn thrown at my head!

Favourite spot to study on campus: My favourite spot to study on campus is Mac’s, the sandwich and salad station located in the MacLaurin building. I try to stay on the Fine Arts side of campus all day, so Mac’s is very conveniently located for me. I love studying here during my lunch breaks, and will often grab a soup or custom-made sandwich to munch on while I work.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The ocean touches the city, radiating rhythm and calm into the streets. Seals swim and play near the shoreline, their whiskered snouts delightfully curious. The double decker buses transport me wherever I need to go. I sit in the top upper corner, watching the green trees race by, feeling the rollercoaster roll of the hills. The quiet strength of a night-time bike ride. There is no one on the street but me, the air cool and crisp in my lungs. This city drifts off to sleep early, and glistens with night-time string lights.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: When I graduate, the thing I will miss most about UVic is the friends I have made here. Although it will be possible to keep in contact post-graduation, I worry that we will lose touch once the structure of university has ended. I will also miss my classes. I am very lucky to be studying subjects that I love and am passionate about. I consistently go to class excited to learn and show my work. Losing this formal structure will be challenging for me as I discover what it means to be a writer outside of an academic setting.

What my post-graduation plans involve: After I graduate, I plan to return to Calgary to spend time with my family. I see myself working part-time in the theatre, hopefully as a costume designer, and part-time as a writer. I plan to write for the screen and the stage. What this strange, artsy life looks like in practice, I am still unsure. I see myself with an apartment with bright, open windows, a garden overflowing with flowers, a cat in my arms.


Name: Paige

Program: Microbiology & Environmental Studies 

Hometown: Comox, BC

All posts by Paige

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic because of the high quality education, absolutely beautiful campus, and I get to live one of the best places on Earth, Vancouver Island!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: You’ll do a lot of growing up while you are at UVic. Pursuing a higher education is challenging, inspiring, and humbling. You will meet people who will change your life and study subjects that will change who you are. I encourage you to let yourself be changed.

There are so many ways to find your niche at UVic; clubs, co-op, study groups, honours, directed studies. What they don’t tell you in high school is that to be successful here you can’t just do the work, get good grades, and expect to be great. Sure, do those things, but don’t let it get in the way of finding that thing you care about so much that you have no option but to become great for it. This could be the place you find out who you are and who you are meant to be. Oh and what people say is true, UVic has great parties 🙂

Why UVic is so special to me: I have discovered who I can be here. I never dreamed I would become a scientist, entrepreneur, activist, and artist – attending UVic has opened all these doors in me for which I am forever grateful. I love my degree program, what I have learned, and who I have become through my time at here, it has been transformational.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Under a tree eating lunch (any tree will do), or posing as an Art student in the Arts Lab – they have the best computer labs! (Don’t tell them I told you this.)

Favourite spot to study on campus: The new Digital Media and Scholarship Commons in the third floor library is 100% awesome. Not only is it a chill study area, they also have 3D printers, a VR studio, workshops on Arduinos, Data Visualization, Internet of Things and more, and the staff are super people. 10/10

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The weather, the coastline, the many little pockets of bedrock that pop out of the ground making nature areas un-build-on-able, Summit Park, the incredible number of breakfast restaurants, and the good vibes.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The community and strong environmental/social awareness. I’m not sure where life will take me, but I know that the social/environmental consciousness of UVic professors, administration, and students is something special.

I feel lucky to have been educated here – especially the Environmental Studies part of my degree. Truly the nicest, most caring faculty dealing out the hardest lessons.

Post-graduation plans: After I graduate I will be focusing on launching my startup – Nyoka. I am the creator of the Nyoka Light Wand – the world’s first eco-friendly glow stick that is healing for the planet. It is powered with bioluminescence, fully compostable, and contains soil-healing agents that help restore the micro/mycobiome 😀  Check it out in detail at


Name: Petranella

Program: Writing

Hometown: Richmond, BC

All posts by Petranella


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: After deciding that writing was what I really wanted to do, I chose UVic because I missed BC after being in Ontario for a while, and I’d heard a lot of good things about the writing program. The gorgeous campus didn’t hurt, either.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is a very inclusive school, with lots of opportunities to join in on campus life, but it’s not claustrophobic either — even if huge events aren’t your thing, you never feel left out. The students are friendly, the campus is lovely, and it’s a great place to learn and to find your own path. Plus, we have a great bookstore and there’s like a dozen different places to get coffee on the way to class.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is the first university/college I’ve been to that immediately felt like home to me. It feels like the start of something good, basically. I know I’ll be happy here, and for me, that’s a pretty big deal. Not to mention, I used to have to go camping to see any deer. And now they’re all over the place, so that’s amazing.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Bean There, honestly. I’m a sucker for puns.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Also Bean There. Still a sucker for puns. And coffee.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The deer!! It’s amazing to me!! I’ll be taking the bus to school and there’s a deer just chilling in someone’s front yard eating their begonias! Wow!! I also love downtown and all the old buildings and cool bookstores, and the harbour brings back a lot of memories of sailing here with my family when I was a kid.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: My classes, because I’m a nerd and I love to be in school. But definitely the campus as well. I’m not sure if it’s just because I previously went to a college where every single thing had to be as sheltered from the snow as possible and every building was connected to every other building with a corridor, but I really love the beautiful, tree-filled open spaces at UVic, and I know I’ll miss them.

Post-graduation plans: I’d say “get a job that pays my rent in Vancouver” but that’s really dreaming a little too big. I’d love to work somewhere where I can bring together my love of writing with my love of art. I also plan to learn how to play electric guitar, which has been on the to-do list for a good ten years now.



Name: Rabjot

Program: Software Engineering

Hometown: Ludhiana, India

All posts by Rabjot


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: After completing high school back in India, I wanted to move abroad to do my bachelors in engineering. I looked up all the universities and research about my program and opportunities provided by universities.

UVic has a great co-op program for engineering students. I was a fan of UVic the moment I saw the campus with a beach a 10-minute walk away and I could feel the good vibes 7000 miles away. Even life outside campus is wonderful with great view points, beautiful beaches and so much to explore on the island. The more I read about Victoria and UVic the more eager I was to come to Canada and be a part of this wonderful experience.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: As an international student who started his journey with UVic in a new country around new people from different cultures and origins, I’ve had a lovely time. Everyone is really helpful and it’s a great environment to be a part of. UVic has great exchange programs especially for Business majors and a lot of co-op opportunities which is great regardless which career path we are on. It took me a few days to know the campus and adjust to the big lecture halls and seminars. But once we get to know the campus and the people around us, it gets even better.

Why UVic is so special to me: Other than the understanding of my program, I have learned important life skills from UVic. I can see the improvement in my personality over the past few years. This experience is very vital whether we are attempting to get a good job or trying to organize things at home. I am more aware of the society, politics and economics of the community now. I met a few of my best friends in UVic. I have great memories to look back; those times will always be special to me and UVic is a big part of them.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I love to enjoy my coffee in front of the McPherson Library at the fountain. Even during the busy hours it gives me a calm feeling.

Favourite spot to study on campus: I prefer a really quiet place to study where I don’t get distracted by anything. I like studying on the 3rd or 4th floor of McPherson Library.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I am a very outdoorsy person and Victoria is a great place for that. There are several hikes around Victoria and some of them are super close to UVic e.g. Mt Tolmie, Mt Douglas. Also, there are great viewpoints like Ogden Point, Downtown Harbour, Dallas Rd., and the list goes on.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Over the past few years UVic has become a big part of my life where I spend almost all day on campus, attending classes, studying and even working. I will miss the whole campus life experience, meeting up with friends, where everyone is close and it feels like home.

What my post-graduation plans involve. I have a few things in mind but haven’t finalized on what I will be perusing after my graduation. I will definitely take some time off and travel Europe for few months. I am planning on doing my master’s after but I will work for few years before and try to get some field experience.



Name: Rachel

Program: History Major/ Journalism Minor

Hometown: St. Albert, Alberta

All posts by Rachel

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
I chose UVic for the fantastic athletic program and facilities they have here! I’m also drawn to the ocean.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: The campus is such a special community – when I moved here in my first year, I was instantly greeted by a group of friends and was able to find people with similar interests and passions as me. The scenery and weather are great as well. I love being able to go to school equipped with a light jacket in the middle of the winter and having access to the beach is a perk!

Why UVic is so special to me: I love being able to represent the Vikes when I race: I feel so much pride running with a V on my singlet. The Vikes Nation community is really amazing. There are even more exciting things to come with the building of the new CARSA facility.

Outside of academics, I participate in: I run on the track team and, this year, I became involved with the UVic Right To Play club who put on fundraisers to raise money for the global organization who use sport and play to foster development and empowerment.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: I love getting coffee and sitting at the Munchie Bar in the Student Union Building – best coffee on campus!! I also spend a lot of time in the McKinnon building.

Favourite spot to study on campus: I love studying in the Law Library…even though I’m not a law student. It is such a beautiful building and a very peaceful place.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I love the ocean air! Going for a run or walk in this city is so therapeutic. I like how bike-friendly Victoria is and how quick it is to get around since it is relatively small. The city has a small-town feel while still having a city atmosphere when you go downtown.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will miss running on the varsity team. Also, I’ll miss having a team behind me to push me in school, in running and for giving me such a wonderful group of friends!

My post-graduation plans: I’m going to run professionally as long as I can and, in between, I’ll go back to school to get my master’s degree. After that I’d like to work in public relations or management and give back to the sport that gave me so much.



Name: Rachel

Program: English Major / Journalism Minor

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Rachel

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
Honestly, the main reason I chose UVic is because I’m from Victoria. My parents, grandparents, sister and friends all live here. It just didn’t make sense to me to go anywhere else. Victoria is so beautiful, I didn’t want to leave.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: My first year at UVic was a huge transition period for me. I started in Social Sciences but decided I really had no interest in any of the programs within that faculty. However, UVic had so many elective classes I could take first year, which really helped me narrow down my interests. I found I loved my English courses, and decided to switch faculties. The student advisors were so helpful during this transition that come second year, I didn’t feel behind at all. So I guess what I’d tell new students at UVic — or any university — is that it’s okay if you don’t know exactly what you want to do. University is a place for self-discovery; you don’t have to have it all figured out.

Why UVic is so special to me: My favourite thing about UVic has to be my professors. My English professors are so passionate about the material they teach, that it’s hard not to be engaged. Even classes I thought would be totally boring end up being really motivating and inspiring.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Definitely Finnerty’s — or anywhere where there’s coffee, really.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Third floor of the library in the back right-hand corner, in the really comfy old chairs.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Victoria has a really small town vibe, and all the local businesses are really amazing to explore.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I think I’ll miss going to class knowing that I’ll come out feeling energized and inspired. Also, I’ll miss the beautiful leaves covering the quad as soon as fall hits.

What my post-graduation plans involve. I’m not really sure. Something amazing. I definitely want to go to grad school, but I’m not sure after that. I know I want to work with people, for sure. I love elderly people, so maybe something to do with geriatrics. No matter what, I just want to help people.


Name: Rebecca

Program: Gender Studies / Hispanic & Italian Studies

Hometown: San Diego, California, USA

All posts by Rebecca

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
UVic provided the feeling of acceptance as an undeclared student that I knew I could make an experience out of, major or not. The beauty all around, variety of courses, recognition of individuals, and freedom to explore made me certain this was where I wanted my next adventure to take place. Plus, a whole new country to explore!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is a place of possibilities. As someone who was excited but without a direction I felt confident in my choice and with the freedom to explore I found my major within a year and a career path within two!  

Why UVic is so special to me: I have learned so much about myself over the past 5 years that I never realized before. This space allows you to make choices about who you want to be and provides opportunities to see where life can take you. You will discover so much if you take the time to look.    

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: In my first few years I loved my dorm! Add little pieces of yourself to it and you can really make it a home. Now that I live off-campus I love hanging out in the Gender Studies Reading Room. It’s a fun and quiet hangout space for our department and close to classes. Also snacks!

Favourite spot to study on campus: When I am not studying in my apartment I like to find a quiet spot in the library, maybe along the wall of windows in a comfy chair or on the third floor where it’s silent. I find I learn best when teaching the material to a friend or classmate, too.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The seasons and the community. Coming from California, where it is a hot desert most of the time, being able to enjoy the seasons and live in such a beautiful place has been a gift. Oh, and did I mention the food?

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will miss being in the student lifestyle, learning every day, going to class, seeing my friends on campus and I will miss the groups I have become a part of. Hopefully I can continue the involvement when I am working on campus.

My post-graduation plans: I plan to work within UVic in an office position and hopefully work my way into recruiting, advising, and/or admissions. I also want to save up to get a van and travel the USA to see all the wackiest spots!



Name: Ricky

Program: Psychology

Hometown: Nuu-chah-nulth, Hupacasath First Nation, Port Alberni, BC

All posts by Ricky

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
It was a university that I would visit in high school for track and field competitions and I fell in love with the campus.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is a brilliant university that offers an ample amount of opportunity to be involved in ways that challenge us to grow and plenty of ways to feel connected to campus communities. We support research and student life and we are a community that encourages diversity, sustainability and healthy living. UVic offers a great balance between research and teaching and we offer great co-op and exchange programs.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic has become special to me through my experiences. Over the past few years here I have learned so much about myself and the world around me! I’ve had experiences that have been incredibly fun, challenging, inspiring and rewarding and all of these experiences are what makes UVic special to me.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: First Peoples House.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Various places, anywhere with natural lighting and space.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Victoria is a beautiful city with so much to offer: a great variety of food options from grocery stores to restaurants and opportunities for outdoor adventures in nature: by the water, in the forest or hiking up a mountain with great weather on your side (normally).

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will miss the enjoyment and luxury of exploration and the freedom of curiosity in the pursuit of varied types of education. The campus and people are beautiful; I will miss that too 🙂

My post-graduation plans: I’m passionate about health, growth, education and empowering a positive difference. A few ideas I have right now are: 1) Work within indigenous health relations 2) Work with students and the student recruitment process 3) In the future, implement a health centre that focuses on proactive and holistic health education.


Name: Riley

Program: Commerce

Hometown: Calgary, AB

All posts by Riley

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: The world of business is applicable to any job in society. Because of this, it was important to me to have the opportunity to explore some of my interests in addition to learning core business skills. Gustavson School of Business allows students to take a vast array of different electives during the first two years to help each student to develop as a person. I was able to make the most of this opportunity by learning computer programming. The culture and support from peers and faculty also made UVic an appealing choice.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: I would tell prospective students that UVic has many places for them to fit in, make friends, and allows them to focus their education on what they are most interested in. I would also tell them that UVic’s exchange program allows them to travel and study around the world. Therefore, they should look it up, get information, and pack their suitcases as soon as they can!

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is so special to me because it is the place that I became independent, and realized that taking initiative in my life will be a positive contributor in my success. For example, I wanted to play soccer intramurals in first year and decided I would make a team. I played beach soccer with a group of other new students during orientation, and now we are all good friends and are playing for our third year together. UVic easily fosters fun and welcoming communities.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Whenever I am not in class, I can be found in the Digital Scholarship Commons. It is on the 3rd floor of the library, always has space for group work, you can talk, and it has a really nice view of the trees. Definitely the best spot in the library.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Please refer to the above question. I tend to work best and most enjoyably in a small group, so the group work and talking ability of the Digital Scholarship Commons is unparalleled.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Victoria has a lot nicer weather than Calgary, and is a lot warmer year-round. Because of this, I can walk to school every day, which is good for my mind and my health. Victoria also is a relatively small city and is easy to get around. Having the ocean nearby at all times is also one of my favourite things about the summer in Victoria.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Whenever you are involved with something, there are people who you are close to and will keep in contact with for years to come. However, there are also the people that you enjoy seeing all the time but probably won’t keep up with after the involvement ends. I will miss all the awesome people that I interact with but I likely won’t maintain communication with after I graduate.

My post-graduation plans: My post-graduation plans currently involve getting some kind of additional education. Maybe a CPA, MBA, or CFA.


Name: Robin

Program: General Sciences

Hometown: Canmore, Alberta

All posts by Robin

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: 
Because it is in a beautiful location and it has great programs for Environmental Conservation and sustainability!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: It doesn’t rain all the time here!

Why UVic is so special to me: I have met so many people with similar thoughts and beliefs but very different backgrounds. This coming together and sharing of ideas, thoughts and experiences is amazing.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Near the fountain because it’s so beautiful.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Group study rooms in the library! It’s awesome for a study session with a buddy.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: I’m close to the ocean and the bike trails and the running trails! And the warmer climate is also very nice.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I am not sure yet!

Post-graduation plans: It’s a bit early in my degree to tell… probably traveling and Environmental Conservation!


Name: Sage

Program: Psychology

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Sage

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:  The beautiful campus! 

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: Professors are kind, scenery is gorgeous and coffee is strong!

Why UVic is so special to me: I grew up in Victoria and it was always my goal to attend as a student one day!

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: In Biblio Cafe because I love the banana bread!

Favourite spot to study on campus: Third floor in the library because it is quiet and I can focus.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Sunsets at Dallas road.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The way the trees look in the fall.

My post-graduation plans: Pursuing a Master’s degree in counselling or psychology!


Name: Salma

Program: Applied Linguistics & Certificate in Spanish

Hometown: Surrey, BC

All posts by Salma

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
It felt like a chance to have some independence from my family while still staying close to home. I love the ocean and the forest and wanted to stay near the coast. I enjoyed the idea of a smaller university that allowed my class sizes to be less overwhelming and fostered a sense of community.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: There are a lot of incredible events, interesting clubs, and opportunities out there but they won’t just land in your lap. If something interests you find like-minded peers or an already established club or organization where you can pursue those interests. Build a community at school because it will become essential in times of stress and anxiety.

Why UVic is so special to me: I’ve made connections with people at UVic that I now can’t imagine my life without. I also was able to feel at home and comfortable in these spaces.  

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: It’s a tie between Finnerty Gardens and the Munchie Bar. I love taking walks around the garden and it can be really helpful when I need to de-stress. It’s also a lovely place to take friends and family who come to visit. The Munchie Bar has become one of my favourite spots because I spend a lot of my time there. The atmosphere is lively but still quieter than the rest of the Student Union Building so it’s an ideal place to study. Plus, I love the smell of coffee.

Favourite spot to study on campus: When I’m in the midst of midterms and I really need to crack down on my studying I tend to head to the basement or third floor of the library. A truly silent space is key to my focus.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Even though we all like to complain about how much it rains, Victoria has really mild weather compares to my hometown and the rest of the province/country. It’s also really easy to explore beautiful scenes of nature.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’ll miss being able to make friends so easily. It still takes effort to create long-lasting relationships but it’s incredibly easy to meet new people. Every time I start a new class, join a club, or work on campus I meet new people and can then pursue new friendships.

My post-graduation plans:My goal is to continue living in Victoria and to work at an Immigrant Welcome Centre or Learning Centre for Immigrants. I want to teach English to immigrants or refugees who have come to Canada seeking more opportunities for themselves and their families.


Name: Sam

Program: Geography & Political Science

Hometown: Comox, BC

All posts by Sam

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:  I wanted to stay on the island but move somewhere bigger than my hometown. UVic’s geography program was also a big pull factor.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic and Greater Victoria in general has so many great recreation opportunities to get outdoors! Get to know the area and explore as much as you can, because there’s so much out there.

Why UVic is so special to me: The people and connections I’ve made here, and also what I’ve learned about myself. I’ve met so many incredible, passionate, and kind people at UVic that have helped me grow into who I am as a person and have made my time here so special so far.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus:  The SUB, it’s always a fun place to be! There’s food, good study and lounge spots, Cinecenta, and there’s often fun events going on. 

Favourite spot to study on campus: The education lounge in the MacLaurin building! The bean bag chairs are so comfy and I love all the windows.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Being able to bike everywhere so easily and being so close to the ocean. I love spending time outside so being so close to nature makes all the difference for me!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate:The community, my friends and professors, and the beautiful campus.

My post-graduation plans: My future plans seem to change almost every day, but as of now the goal is to work in international affairs/foreign policy.



Name: Sarah

Program: Creative Writing / Medieval Studies

Hometown: Cowichan Bay, BC

All posts by Sarah

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic because I knew that it had a great creative writing program. It was far enough away from my hometown to give me some independence but close enough that I can still see my family whenever I want!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: I recommend UVic because it has such a vast array of programs and a diverse group of students. The campus is absolutely beautiful and there is always something to see or be a part of.

Why UVic is so special to me: Moving to UVic was the first time that I lived away from my home and family. That makes it a very special place for me. It is where I first had to learn how to do everything on my own and make all of my own decisions, which is both exciting and a little scary.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: As corny as it may sound, my favourite place to hang out on campus is with my friends in the lounges of our building. It really feels like our home and it is just so comfortable. We order food, watch sports games, have movie nights, study and basically live our entire lives in these rooms.

Favourite spot to study on campus: If I am not studying in the lounge of my residence building, I will most likely be in the library. There are so many quiet places to work that you never have to worry about finding a place to sit.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: It is hard to pinpoint my favourite thing about Victoria because it is such a unique city; however, I will say that I absolutely love Fan Tan Alley in Chinatown – it is the narrowest street in Canada. About half way down the street is The Turntable, the best record store on Vancouver Island and a place I visit frequently.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Honestly, I think I will miss everything about UVic. I can’t imagine being anywhere else but if I have to pick one thing I will miss, it’s the friends I have made in residence. When you are with the same people 24/7, it’s kind of hard not to get close to them and I am 100% certain that the day we have to move out will be one of my saddest days. These people have become my family and I can’t imagine living without them!

My post-graduation plans: After I graduate, I hope to attend the Vancouver Film School for a year to further my studies in screenwriting. After that, my goal is to write a few good movies!


Name: Sarah

Hometown: London, Ontario

All posts by Sarah



Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic for my undergrad degree because it is a fantastic university academically and is situated in the most beautiful of places – Vancouver Island!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is an amazing school! It encompasses the best of both the academic and social worlds. Academically, you will find that this school is staffed with extremely knowledgeable professors who work genuinely hard to ensure your success. Socially, UVic offers a wide variety of clubs and extra-curricular activities that make it easy to meet like-minded people. If you’re not sold yet, come check out the campus! The natural beauty is hard to deny.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me because it captures all the ideals of a small campus. The learning environment is personal because class sizes are generally small. My professors all know me by name and genuinely want to cater to my individual needs and abilities.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Felicita’s or Finnerty Express!

Favourite spot to study on campus: Outside! Anywhere! All the time! The Quad and Finnerty Gardens are my go to’s. If it’s raining, then I’ll grab a spot at Finnerty Express.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The nature! Are you sensing a theme here? Victoria has so beautifully incorporated the beauty of Vancouver Island throughout the city. Mount Tolmie and Mount Doug are easily accessible places for a quick hike and/or sunset viewing. If going up isn’t your thing, then going down to the beach is no hard task with the seemingly endless beaches around Victoria. Camping and more hiking areas are only a quick drive away in the outskirts of the city. This really is the place of endless adventure!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’ll miss the profs, the classes, the nature, campus in fall, Puppy Days, the clubs, seeing people juggling or slack-lining in the quad… The list goes on and on! I’ve seriously considered becoming a professor just so that I never have to leave this wonderful university.

My post-graduation plans: If my scheme to become a professor fails, I would like to go into translation/interpretation. Traveling the world has always been a dream of mine, and I would love to incorporate a job with my languages (English, French, Spanish, and German).


Name: Shae-Linn

Program: Computer Science & Statistics

Hometown: Victoria, BC

All posts by Shae-Linn


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose to study at UVic because I had the option to study multiple disciplines on a beautiful campus and earn a double major, I loved hearing about the great co-op opportunities available, and I had already been offered an internship position in Victoria.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is the place to be if you’re looking for a university that values community connections, mental health, and environmental sustainability. There’s lots to do on campus and around town which makes it easier to balance the university workload. And if you’re looking for an adventure… you’ve found your dream school on the west coast (best coast!).

Why UVic is so special to me: I think UVic tries to make sure everyone feels valued and welcome – which is pretty impressive considering how many people there are on campus! That’s why UVic is so special to me: There are people that want to meet and share ideas, there are places to go if I need help with my homework or if I want to go for a walk, and there’s DOGS and fun activities and helpful resources available to me. It’s a real community – a supportive and inclusive community.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Hmmm… That’s a hard question! I love rock climbing so going to CARSA is awesome but my favourite place to be on campus is probably the Bob Wright Centre for a few reasons: 1) Nostalgia… my first lecture was there! 2) There’s a microwave to heat up my lunch and 3) Looking at the night sky when the huge Astronomy dome opens up is exhilarating and I learn something new every time I go to an Astronomy open house.

Favourite spot to study on campus: I can’t say because it would give away my secret nook on campus… but it’s my favourite spot because it has a great view of the hustle and bustle yet it’s super quiet to study.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: My favourite things about living in Victoria include the weather, the endless amount of things to do and see, and that people are really nice. For example, Victorians say “thank you” to the bus drivers and drivers will proactively stop for pedestrians crossing the road… they also honk a lot less than in other cities I’ve lived in!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I don’t think I’ve been at UVic long enough to know concretely what I’ll miss the most yet but I know I’ll miss access to the library and the discounted concert tickets at the Farquhar!

My post-graduation plans: Currently my plan involves working somewhere at the intersection of data analysis, risk management, and cyber-security… and I’d like to travel the world while I work! We’ll see how my plan evolves though.


Name: Sneh

Program: Economics

Hometown: New Delhi, India

All posts by Sneh

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
Because UVic is not just a school, it is a brilliant place to explore yourself. It has a value of more than a community and higher than a place of study. It is a learning place, and I aspire to learn at every step.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: We do not choose you, you choose us, and we value you and your decision. UVic is a home away from home and we are always excited to add a new member to our wonderful family.

Why UVic is so special to me: Because UVic has helped me find myself, and is still helping me grow. I am more me than I ever was. And, that is my ultimate belief: to be myself.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: The Cluster Quad! It is beautiful and full of life at all hours of all days.

Favourite spot to study on campus: Library and the quad when it’s sunny.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: PEOPLE and UVIC!

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: Everything! It’s priceless to be a part of such community.

My post-graduation plans: Master’s in Business Economics after I work for a few years.


Name: Sophie

Program: Writing

Hometown: Nanaimo, BC 

All posts by Sophie

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree because I wanted this extraordinary environment to become my home away from home. The community here is so intriguing and exciting so I thought that it would be an awesome place to learn and grow as a person.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic:  Really put effort into studying, first year here will be exciting and lively and fun but don’t forget why you are here. That being said still have some fun, don’t be afraid try new things.

Why UVic is so special to me:  UVic is special to me because it has brought so many experiences into my life I wouldn’t have had if I wasn’t here. I have met so many great people and have tried many new things because of being here surrounded by other UVic students.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus:  My favourite spot last year while living on campus was the cluster quad because there were two trees close enough together for me to hang my hammock up. I couldn’t find many trees that worked as perfect as the two in the cluster quad.

Favourite spot to study on campus:  My favourite spot to study on campus is the library because the group rooms are perfect to use by yourself or with a few friends where you won’t be distracted by the outside world.

Favourite things about living in Victoria:  One of my favourite things about living in Victoria is the trees. You will be driving down the road completely encased by these beautiful oak trees or other kinds and yet it is still a city. It really can enrich this town.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate:  I’ll miss how UVic is really a little community. You really gain a sense of belonging here and I will miss the key family element of UVic.

Post-graduation plans:  I’m still figuring out what I’ll be doing for the rest of my life. My base plan is to go into some field regarding youth, whether that be paediatrics, youth counselling or perhaps family law or law of some sort.



Name: Talen

Program: Biology (specializing in marine biology)

Hometown: Victoria, BC (although I’m half Australian)

All posts by Talen


Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: Because of the stunning campus and I had heard of the ground-breaking work in oceanic projects.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: You get the most for your money – excellent academics, perfect size city/campus and relatively low-cost tuition.

Why UVic is so special to me: Glow-in-the-dark dodgeball, bad coffee breaks and all the other little things that make up the giant community inside our not-too-giant campus

Outside of academics, I participate in: I was in triathlon club last year (which I loved), but this year I am involved in the Best Buddies Club, UVic Leadership, and the UVic Cross Country/Track Junior Varsity Team.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Mystic Market or Felicita’s (campus pub).

Favourite spot to study on campus: The vast, secretive corners of the McPherson Library.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Sea otters, dense forests and the breakwater ship port are all high up on the list.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: How close everything is to you, and the sense of community we have.

My post-graduation plans: I plan to taste a food from every country, learn how to say more than just “pizza” in Italian, and ideally work in marine mammal research + conservation.


Name: Teresa

Program: English & Professional Communication

Hometown: Vancouver, BC

All posts by Teresa

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree because, to me, it felt like the right place in my heart. Out of all of the other schools, UVic seemed the best place for me because it is such a dynamic community. It is not a huge university or an exclusively small school; It is just right! It also runs in the family– my sisters, Michelle and Jennifer, also went to UVic.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is a school with many opportunities to be involved in. Whether it is through volunteering, participating in community initiatives, workshops, or research, your voice will be heard.

Why UVic is so special to me: Since coming to UVic, my life has radically changed for the better. In short, I’ve grown into a well-rounded individual. I feel as if UVic has allowed me to bring myself to a higher standard of thought, of understanding, and of community. I also have established an intimate family of friends and peers that I wouldn’t give up for the world.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: My favourite spot to hang out on campus changes every year. If it’s a beautiful day, I like to sit by the fountain or the Quad. If it’s a sombre day, I like to sit in the Clearihue courtyard and chat with friends. Both locations are great for a vibrant ambiance and perfect spots to meet with friends.

Favourite spot to study on campus: I like to study in Clearihue on the top floors and look out the windows into the Quad. I also like to study in the library in the evenings or on the weekends when it is extra quiet.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: My favourite thing about living in Victoria is the immense beauty and history that is intertwined in this city. I never cease to be struck in complete awe wherever in Victoria that I happen to be.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will miss the excitement of having the beginning of my adult life ahead of me. Not to say that that will end the moment I graduate, but the beginnings of an emotional journey will end. I will miss having amazing lectures that challenge my worldview, and writing papers about Milton and Donne all night. I will miss being with my friends in lectures and having crazy adventures at night. I will miss being a part of the academic world; I will miss participating in this environment and how it has shaped me.

My post-graduation plans: So far, my post-graduation plans involve me staying in Victoria for a little while longer and hopefully landing a job in my field. I’d love to work in a publishing company or anything media and writing related. I also plan to live on my own and create a home for myself. Beyond that, I do not know what the future holds for me but I know that it will all be okay in the end.


Name: Trev

Program: Microbiology (Honours)

Hometown: Victoria

All posts by Trev

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
UVic was close to home, and I’d heard great things about its biochemistry/microbiology program!

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: The research, teaching, and extracurriculars here are top-notch.

Why UVic is so special to me: I can’t think of another university that has a more supportive and approachable faculty. UVic’s allowed me to pursue my passions in science, supporting me every step of the way.

Outside of academics, I participate in: Since first year, I’ve been involved in UVic’s Global Medical Brigades club, with whom I’ve participated in several medical humanitarian missions to Central America.

I’m also the co-president of UVic’s Biochemistry/Microbiology Society, with whom I’ve been involved with since third year. I’m the VP of Academics and the main organic chemistry/biochemistry tutor for UVic: Students Offering Support, where I’ve volunteered since second year. I’m also a tour leader for UVic New Student Orientation, which I’ve been doing since second year.

I was an undergraduate researcher in Dr. Fraser Hof’s lab from first year until the end of third year, and completed my honours project with him during fourth year. This year, I’m an undergraduate research student in Peter Constabel’s lab, where I’m conducting research on an enzyme that plays a role in plant defense against herbivores.

I’ve also been playing the guitar for 13 years and have been tutoring independently for 5 years. Past clubs I’ve been involved in at UVic include: Shinerama, Youth Against Cancer, and UVic Rotary.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Definitely the Bob Wright lobby!

Favourite spot to study on campus: Either in the lab or empty rooms in Clearihue.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Victoria has a very laid-back atmosphere, and yet there’s always something for a student to do, whether it be the museum or checking out a comedy show.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The people I’ve met throughout my journey: friends, lab-mates, and faculty, have all played such an important role in making my time at UVic so memorable.

My post-graduation plans: I’m still unsure! I’ve always been interested in teaching, and wouldn’t mind teaching biochemistry at the university level. I’m also intrigued by the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in the areas of molecular therapeutics and antibiotics. I’ll have to wait and see where I end up!


Name: Will

Program: Elementary Education

Hometown: I was born in Lille, France and came to UVic from Calgary

All posts by Will

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
I mean, why not UVic!! It’s in one of the most beautiful cities in Canada. UVic is well known for having some of the best programs in Sciences, Engineering, Arts and Education. There’s something comforting about UVic that I haven’t quite put my finger on yet.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: UVic is great. I really can’t describe the atmosphere here; you have to really be here to experience it. One thing about UVic I can tell you is there’s no university like it. From the students to the faculty, the school spirit is incredible. There are so many diverse people from Canada and all over the world that come to this great place.

Why UVic is so special to me: UVic is special to me in numerous ways. First I love the campus. It’s absolutely beautiful. Second, I am passionate about my degree and adore the students I share my classes with. Lastly, the school atmosphere is invigorating. It makes me proud to be a UVic student and a Vike!

Outside of academics, I participate in: Due to my busy schedule it’s hard to do extra curricular activities at UVic. But I try. I like to attend performances put on by UVic’s Phoenix Theatre. I work out and meet new people at the CARSA gym and swim with a local triathlon team at the McKinnon pool twice a week.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: When it’s beautiful outside I take to the sun by a neighbouring tree or walk around campus with friends. When it’s cold out I like to be at Mystic Market or any quiet library.

Favourite spot to study on campus: There are two places I like to study on campus: at the many libraries (it actually doesn’t matter which one), and at Mac’s if I can ever find a seat.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The fact that Victoria is on an island is pretty amazing. I love the ocean. The downtown core is amazing for entertainment and some of the best food in western Canada. Victoria is a unique city. You have to find out its hidden treasures and quirky bits to realize it’s totally awesome.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I’m going to miss my teachers, the campus and all the cool events that UVic holds every year.

My post-graduation plans: To become a French immersion elementary school teacher here in Victoria, buy a house, and have 3 children (okay maybe 2)!


Name: William

Program: Political Science & Spanish

Hometown: Palo Alto, California

All posts by William

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree: 
It was the perfect mix of a school with plenty of students/opportunities and a small campus environment.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: There are an endless amount of opportunities for students of all interests and backgrounds.

Why UVic is so special to me: I’ve learned so much about myself and the world from the people I have met here and through the classes I have taken.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Felicita’s! Thursday night karaoke is always a good time.

Favourite spot to study on campus: The Welcome Centre lounge. It is central to everything yet it isn’t very busy and the couches are comfortable.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: Having the beach, the city, and mountains within such close proximity of each other. Also, half-off burgers after 9PM at Bin4.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: I will miss the friends I have made and the free bus pass.

Post-graduation plans: Still trying to figure that out… but I am looking at working in political journalism or communications.



Name: Yamila

Program: Biology

Hometown: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

All posts by Yamila

Why I chose UVic for my undergraduate degree:
The UVic life chose me! Being so far away in the Dominican Republic I had no idea of the “real” UVic experience but it all worked out perfectly. Great academic environment, community and beautiful B.C.

What I would tell prospective students about UVic: There are countless opportunities EVERYWHERE! From volunteering to learning about different cultures, you will find yourself outside of your comfort zone but it will be worth it.

Why UVic is so special to me: It has helped me grow spiritually, academically and professionally. I have spent my best (and hardest) years at UVic. After leaving home everything was so new to me yet I received the support and push that I needed from the community (friends, professors and staff). I have been exposed to different mentalities, cultures and lifestyles. This experience has changed the way I see the world, and I will be forever grateful.

Favourite spot to hang out on campus: Mystic Vale. After a short walk on campus I find myself in a quiet and beautiful spot where I can clear my thoughts and be present in the moment.

Favourite spot to study on campus: A study room at the First Peoples house. The house itself is very peaceful and perfect for studying with low stress. The community is welcoming, filled with love.

Favourite things about living in Victoria: The community is very engaged with important topics such as reducing waste, being more mindful when buying things, donations, random acts of kindness etc. There is a collective energy that makes me feel we can really make the world a better place, that small actions matter and that kindness goes a long way.

What I’ll miss the most about UVic when I graduate: The beautiful days where people are just resting on the grass at the Quad (UVic quadrangle in front of the library), playing frisbee, listening to someone playing the guitar and overall relaxing, enjoying life.

My post-graduation plans: My plan is to find a job in the field of Biology (something challenging, that requires me to be creative and a leader!). I also want to continue supporting the community by continuing volunteering with UVic’s International Student Services, student orientations and probably do some science shows along the way. I also want to continue learning! I will sign up for more courses outside of UVic, learn a new language and expand my photography knowledge.