Camping In The Mountains

img_1268The summer is the perfect time to take some time off from the various commitments that come with being an adult.

During the week I managed to take off work last summer, my parents and I drove from Kelowna to Revelstoke to camp among the mountains, because there are very few things in this world better than sleeping on the ground under the stars and lighting your dinner on fire.

Fire really does add a new level of excitement to what would have been a boring dinner. All of a sudden you are in charge of the fate of this marshmallow. Will you lightly toast it or stuff it into the very depths of the fire only to draw back a flaming orb of molten sugar? Who knows?

img_1787editNot only does camping allow you to use fire and sticks to make dinner, it gives you the opportunity to connect with nature and the beauty it has to offer. The beautiful mountains, lakes, streams, waterfalls, the bugs that have arisen from beneath earth’s crust, and cute fluffy animals.

Even though you are further developing your unrelenting hatred of all bugs, the views supplied by nature almost make up for the hundred or so bug bites you have collected from being stationary for longer than .35 seconds.

img_1454editAs sarcastic as I may be, I can honestly say I love camping and spending time with my parents. We always find interesting places to explore, and they don’t mind me demanding that they pull the car over because there is something pretty that I want to photograph (this happens very often).

My dad will even suffer through the Revelstoke Mountain Coaster because I really wanted to go on it, or we will decide to take the ferry over to Nakusp for the day because there are nice views and the best little chocolate shop you will ever go to.

My parents will also watch in fear as I do dumb things to get a certain angle or vantage point for a photograph. This includes climbing down slippery rocks to get closer to the incredibly aggressive pool underneath the waterfall, walking across a log balancing precariously on rocks to get to the other side of a stream, only to then grab devils club because I slip (PSA: this is not recommended by the Board of Health).

They put up with all my shenanigans and sarcastic comments and I really do appreciate them and the fact that they will still take me on holiday despite the trouble I cause and the fear I instill in them when I disappear while taking photos.

All in all, the trip to Revelstoke was fruitful in photographs and memories.


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2 Responses

  1. Ali says:

    Such gorgeous photos!!

  2. Avery says:

    Thank you so much! I’m glad I get to show everyone my photos instead of just hoarding them on my laptop like I usually do 🙂