How I got married to Engineering #classof2016

As promised after my engagement to Engineering, aka my Iron Ring ceremony (check out the blog post), I knew I was going to write one for my graduation, June 13, 2016, the day when the journey came to an end. The day that marks the beginning of a new era. Four years and eight months of hard work, all-night study sessions, last-minute cover letter writing for Co-op job postings, and many more incredible moments were finally offering me the final fruit.

13490633_10208826747521645_2907695485209985096_oThe day was incredibly special. My parents flew all the way from India to be a part of my convocation ceremony. It was their first time in Canada, and they were really proud of me. They absolutely loved the ceremony. To my surprise, I didn’t think it was long. I really enjoyed being in that auditorium with my fellow graduates.

I think everyone should attend their convocation ceremony. It’s only going to happen once in your life, and usually, I don’t see myself any differently now that I have a degree, but for some strange reason the moment when you are all dressed up, and you have your regalia on and the tassel is dangling from your hat, it makes you feel accomplished. It really does. Plus it is nice to be surrounded by your family and friends.

13442689_10208732622168570_7532845966332725621_oI was given an opportunity to take over UVic’s Snapchat (@uvic.snaps) for the day, which was yet another highlight. It was a lot of fun to share my convocation experience with other people. If you guys missed it or want to see it again, check it out; it’s on the UVic’s Youtube channel.

I was also given an opportunity to appear in a Times Colonist (Victoria’s daily newspaper) advertisement as the face of the graduating class, which came out during the week of convocation. I was ecstatic.13433075_10208747223173586_8999113500257203261_o I had a proper photo shoot done with a professional photographer.

On June 15, Wednesday morning, it was pouring rain. I get up in the morning, check my phone and to my surprise, I see a tweet from my boss, which was about the Times Colonist ad. I rush to the nearest grocery store and finally, after a bit of looking around, see the news stand.

I hastily flipped through the pages of the newspaper and was utterly shocked to see the size of the advertisement. It was literally the whole page. I don’t recall buying a newspaper in the past 6 years, but I guess I compensated that by buying six copies.

I don’t think I have ever felt that famous in my life. I was getting phone calls and messages from everyone, even from people that I haven’t spoken to in years. Again, mum and dad were proud. They took a few copies back with them to India.

I will forever be grateful to the University of Victoria for giving me all these wonderful opportunities not just now but all along the way. I am a graduate now. Looking forward to what’s next in store for me.

13403754_10208737475929911_2616188465731613619_oThe tassel will now forever rest on the left-hand side.

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