Emergency breakfast!

Do you ever have those days when you hit snooze one too many times and have to run out the door without breakfast? Story of my life. So fellow non-morning people, please read on. I have traveled the food blogosphere and found 3 homemade breakfast options that are easy, healthy and travel friendly. Now I can make one big batch, stick it in the fridge or freezer and I’m all set. This is a great way to avoid buying a sugary pastry before dashing to class.

Now on to the recipes. Enjoy!

1. Hard Boiled Eggs

Recipe: Hilah Cooking has a brilliant video on how to cook the perfect boiled egg. Check out Hilah’s video here.

Tip: I make 4 eggs every couple of days so I always have a few in the fridge. I recommend leaving the shells intact until the day you plan to eat them. You can use them to make egg salad sandwiches or add them to leafy salads for lunch.

hard boiled eggs

2. Granola Bar Cookies

Recipe: Angela from Oh She Glows has a great recipe titled Healthy Hearty Granola Bars. I just made them into cookie shapes! Check out Angela’s recipe here.

Recipe Tweaks: After some trial and error, I’ve made a few alterations to make the recipe more student-friendly:

  • I form the dough into small cookie-shaped mounds instead of granola bar shapes
  • I add cocoa powder or dark chocolate chips to make them a bit chocolatey
  • I use raisins or dried cranberries instead of dried cherries
  • I chop up almonds instead of buying sliced almonds
  • I don’t add hemp hearts as they can be a bit pricey and are better to eat raw anyway
  • I skip the individual parchment paper wraps to reduce packaging and cost

Granola bar cookies

3. Chocolate Truffles

Recipe: As a chocolate lover, I just had to add this last recipe. Despite the title, these are a healthy alternative to typical chocolate truffles. Kassie from CloudyApples has a great video recipe. Check it out here.

Recipe Tweaks: I usually make the base of the truffle without the strawberry creme to save time, but I may pursue the full recipe for a potluck this weekend!

chocolate truffles

My sister tells me I can’t call these my “emergency breakfasts” if I eat them every day. Oh well.

Happy Breakfasting,


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7 Responses

  1. cathie says:

    Those granola bar cookies look and sound awesome. I’m going to try making some!

  2. Dylan says:

    Awesome recipes Miranda! I’m definitely in the same boat for the mornings and these look like a great way to make sure I still get something to eat!

    • Miranda says:

      Thanks Dylan!! Yes they are a great way to ensure there is time for breakfast on rushed mornings.