A Friday in My Life as a Third-Year Student

One of the things that stressed me out the most before entering University was not being able to grasp what day to day life would look like – how am I supposed to work, study, socialize, balance family commitments, and take care of myself with only 24 hours in the day?

So, for all the prospective UVic students out there, I thought I’d share what a busy day in my life looks like as a third-year English and Professional Communications student at UVic who works part time for a non-profit organization called Think Local First.

It’s important to note that not every day in my life looks as packed as this, nor should it. There are definitely times when I need to lay in my bed and watch garbage TV. But there are also times when it feels good to fill my days with commitments and productivity.

So, without further ado, here is a crazy yet somewhat realistic Friday in my life: 

6:00am – I almost never wake up this early, but I had to do some filming for my job before school and my commute to UVic every day is about 40 minutes during morning traffic. It was a beautiful, sunny day in Langford!

7:30am – Part of my job right now is building content for the Buy Local Pledge, a campaign that encourages Greater Victorians to commit to buying from local businesses in 2022. I went to my mom and my sister’s work to take videos of them pledging!

9:30am – First class of the day is English 451, Contemporary Canadian Fiction. We discussed post-humanism and the anthropocene in Rachel Cusk’s Transit. I won’t lie, I did not know what those words meant before this class.

10:30am – Usually my next class would be English 391, Feminist Science Fiction, but we don’t have class on Fridays. I go on a hunt for pumpkin scones and end up in the Fine Arts building.

11:30am – In English 360 (Shakespeare on Film) today it’s a tiny class. We discuss Kurosawa’s adaptation of Macbeth, Throne of Blood.

12:30pm – It’s time for the best class of the day, English 418, Print Media Genres and Techniques for Professional Communication. It may not sound like the most exciting class, but to me, it’s right up my alley! We worked on our media releases and had one on one check-in chats with the amazing Richard Pickard.

1:30pm – I go to the bookstore in search of a notebook for my sister and pen refills for my mom. I also left the Starbucks line because I was impatient.

2:00pm – I get to the CARSA parkade and realize I never paid for parking this morning. I swear I have a parking pass, but I took a different car today and didn’t even think about how my pass wouldn’t transfer over. Thankfully, UVic karma was looking out for me and I didn’t get a ticket.

3:00pm – I take my puppy, Rigby, for a walk at Royal Bay Beach. Gloomier skies than this morning!

6:00pm – I eat sushi, edit some video content for work, and get ready to host some friends at my house.

7:00pm – My friends come over and we have a birthday celebration!

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