My Opinion on Romanticising Life

In the world of quarantining and wearing a face mask to step out of the house, I, like many others, succumbed to the social media app TikTok.

Among the dances and the funny videos, I found an ice cream/cake decor artist who posted wonderful videos of them having fun at their workplace and creating art every day. However, I was shocked to see them apologize for romanticizing their life too much for the likes of people sitting behind a screen.

The artist said, “I’m sorry for making out my life to be so fun while there are so many bad things happening in the world,” and THAT TRIGGERED ME!

Why is it that a person is not allowed to enjoy their life and actually love what they do? Do jobs have to be grumpy and sad? Isn’t the point of growing up making your own decisions and choose your own path?

As someone who has previously hated what I had to do, reforming my life to my terms, and now loving every minute of it, I think it’s completely normal for someone to showcase their beautiful profession on their platforms and not feel guilty.

Yes, there are many sad things happening in the world. Yes, we are all getting accustomed to these changes. But what better time to test your choices? Do you work just to get paid or do you genuinely enjoy what you do? If you love your work, why not flaunt it a little and spread positivity?

As university students, it is crucial for us to make thought-out decisions and carve out our futures to make sure we love every second of our work. Make sure you give yourself an opportunity to romanticize your life!

Signing out, Jay <3

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1 Response

  1. Annika says:

    You brought up a very good point. In my opinion, finding happiness and having fun in a career is crucial for a stable, positive well-being. If we get one chance at life might as well take the opportunities to be fulfilled and content with ourselves and our decisions. I really appreciate this post. Great job! 🙂