Four Ways to Combat the Job-Search Dread

I have spent a fantastic five years at UVic, and now that I’m in my final semester, I have slowly and reluctantly begun the post-graduation job search. Now, applying for jobs is something I hate. It fills me with anxiety and dread at the thought of having to drop off my resume, or go in for interviews, or spend so much time and effort on applications only to not hear anything back.

Going through the co-op program definitely has eased some of the job search and application dread, yet I still find myself pondering different options for the months after April. Here are some tips that I’ve found helpful in my job search in the past and will be using extensively in my post-grad job search in the coming months!

1. Dedicate time and effort into the job search.

Finding a position can sometimes be hard, and a great way to set yourself up for success is to carve out large chunks of time and devote them to searching for jobs, writing cover letters, and applying for jobs.

The application process can be difficult, and it often feels like you have a full-time unpaid job simply trying to get the job. Give yourself time to apply so it doesn’t get too overwhelming on top of all your other assignments.

2. Update your LinkedIn settings.

LinkedIn has a great feature that lets employers know you’re actively seeking a position. To turn on the “Seeking Recruitment” feature, simply go to your LinkedIn page and click the drop-down menu under your profile photo at the top right. From there, navigate to “Settings & Privacy” and click “Job seeking preferences” on the left-hand column. Here, you can let recruiters know you’re open to opportunities and fill in a bit more information about the types of jobs you’re looking for.

Edit your job seeking preferences on LinkedIn to allow the jobs to find you!

And if you don’t have a LinkedIn page—MAKE ONE! It’s basically your resume on a website, and many people, myself included, have been contacted by recruiters who are looking for someone like you to fill a position.

3. Use all your resources!

Similar to creating a great LinkedIn presence, you should use all the resources available to you. Apply for the co-op program. Join a job-search Facebook group.

Browse online job sites like Glassdoor, Indeed, or Monster. And don’t forget about Learning In Motion! You have access to this great resource even after you graduate—the web portal doesn’t just post co-op positions, but lots of full-time jobs and great volunteering opportunities as well.

And if you’re struggling to find a position, let family and friends know and ask if they know of positions open! Many—if not most—of positions can be found through the grapevine and through personal connections. Don’t forget to reach out to personal and professional connections.

4. Think about your options.

Should you defer graduating to get a bit more research or co-op experience? Should you apply for an internship? Should you apply to grad school? Should you travel? There’s no rule saying you need to find a position directly after you graduate.

Maybe you’d like to relax a bit between university and finding your career, and that’s okay! Look into all the different options you have available and see what would be right for you. And if getting hired straight out of university is something you want, that’s fine too! It’s all about what feels right for you and what is going to make you the happiest.

It seems to be the dreaded task of all university students, whether you’re trying to find a position just for the summer or applying for jobs post-graduation. Take this as an opportunity to look into all the amazing career options you may have! It might take a bit of time, but you’ll be glad you really put effort into finding just the right job for you. So, best of luck! Don’t forget to leave any more tips you might have for the job search in the comments below!

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